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@Malcom: SP has a "gift" for writing song that rings a bell.... Maybe because Gary's songwriting is based on his personnal life, that's why it's sound so 'true' and you can identify yourself. His writing is 'simple' but just straight to the point. Your story is very touching and it's cool SP can get you through it :)



New post from gL!!! There is a girl singing on the following songs: I’ll Never Let Go, Those Distant Bells, West Of Here, The Garden Rules and Fallen Empires.


:stunned: I would have never thought they have finished that much songs! I love the titles <3 (the garden rules is still there with it's title XD)

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Lovely new post on tumblr. :D

They are moving to studio. :D :D :D


yes, yes, YEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!! And they're gonna do a deluxe edition! I LOVE those!! It's so cool to see them making it, I love they do that for every album!


and now we can add "eagles" to gL love's zoo :lol:

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ah, trust good ol' Gary to have a knack of posting something on Tumblr that'll cheer me up at the right time! :D


was still reeling from yesterday's heartbreak when i saw his post this morning...lovely picture of the sea & sunshine + the news of a deluxe edition of the next album which he swears "we’ll put so much awesome stuff in there it’ll make it deluxe". awesomeness! :dance: :dance: :dance:

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Gniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! New tumblr post, gL talks studio, U2 tour and...GAME OF THRONES!!!!! I'm currently reading the books (L-O-V-I-N-G IT) and the tv show is just amazing, and I'm glad gary loves it too!! (plus, it was shot partly in Ireland (belfast) so...




gL, can I love you even more? I don't think so!

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haha...go read Raymond E. Feist's Magician books too! he's like the godfather of the fantasy genre (aside from Tolkien) & i'm really hoping somebody gets round to making those 2 books or perhaps his Empire trilogy books into a series/movie like Game Of Thrones or LotR. actually, you might like the Empire trilogy more. there's more politics going on in those books than Magician, which is more about 2 servant boys coming of age and their (quite amazing) destinies.


have been hankering for Gary to write about a movie/series he's perhaps been watching recently. am really happy he happened to post about Game Of Thrones of all shows!


btw, i'm hating the Lannisters more & more...aside from the dwarf one. :p




oh...& he seems to have moved on from animals to food items...golden burrito of deliciousness! *lol*

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haha...go read Raymond E. Feist's Magician books too! he's like the godfather of the fantasy genre (aside from Tolkien) & i'm really hoping somebody gets round to making those 2 books or perhaps his Empire trilogy books into a series/movie like Game Of Thrones or LotR. actually, you might like the Empire trilogy more. there's more politics going on in those books than Magician, which is more about 2 servant boys coming of age and their (quite amazing) destinies.


have been hankering for Gary to write about a movie/series he's perhaps been watching recently. am really happy he happened to post about Game Of Thrones of all shows!


btw, i'm hating the Lannisters more & more...aside from the dwarf one. :p

I'll check the author you mentionned.

+1 on the Lannisters but some of them are not all evil. I'm currently on book 3 and I'm actually beginning to reaaally like one Lannister that I use to hate...Like every character in GoT, nobody is all black or white.

To continue this conversation (even if anybody seems to watch the show here) http://www.coldplaying.com/forum/showthread.php?t=76232



oh...& he seems to have moved on from animals to food items...golden burrito of deliciousness! *lol*

Yeah, I've seen that!! LOVE the gL farewell quotes! And touring with U2 again means we're gonna have live videos again! Hope they'll play at least one new song?! *fingers crossed*

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Yeah, I've seen that!! LOVE the gL farewell quotes! And touring with U2 again means we're gonna have live videos again! Hope they'll play at least one new song?! *fingers crossed*


hope so too! tho behind the scenes photos from Gary while on the 360 tour are always welcome! hehe

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is there any news on the new album? last i heard jonny said it'll be between April and July but that was last summer. I know they've moved into a studio now but any release news or anything?


nope. nothing new so far. release date still up in the air. i'm guessing maybe an autumn release again.

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nope. nothing new so far. release date still up in the air. i'm guessing maybe an autumn release again.


i have feeling they will release in the end of the year too. Waiting is painful :dozey:

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I'm sure Gary's probably happy for Man United's Premier League title win today. :D




really looking forward to seeing the other Gary in about 2wks time!!! :D

& at the Theatre of Dreams too!!! :dance:



Barca!!! You're next!!! :sneaky:

...once Fergie figures out how to solve a problem like Messi. :inquisitive:



but back on topic...wish this Gary'd post some of those sneak peaks at the U2 tour already. (impatient)

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I'm waiting on a release of the reworked tour show from london



i have feeling they will release in the end of the year too. Waiting is painful :dozey:




Short new update from the U2 tour and...


much love and just love. no penguins. ok some penguins. some.gL



I have missed the penguins :lol:

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I just love his goodbyes. Always something with animals! And I looove penguins! They are sooo classy all the time but also cool, like why be a bird and fly dude when you can walk.


Okay sorry for that, I'm sick, I'm on antibiotics so I dont think clearly.

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ptldVwOnTc&feature=related]YouTube - Snow patrol Mexico 2011 Shut your eyes[/ame]



HAVE YOU SEEN THIS????? First minute is crucial!!!!! My mood right now is something similar to ASfvSKLdbkfviysdsčdjsćeptgihjaowe48r9wq3rugawefjsdbjgkljsiegfhakr!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

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Hi guys! coming over here to sympathize... it's been too long since we've heard about the album! :p Hope we'll have some soon news about a release date, but I'm with Kimmi and I'm guessing an autumn realease now ;)


I have missed the penguins :lol:

Me too! Bless him for "the return of the penguins" :wacky:


And I looove penguins! They are sooo classy all the time but also cool, like why be a bird and fly dude when you can walk.

You just made my night! :lol:


YouTube - Snow patrol Mexico 2011 Shut your eyes[/url]

that is priceless! XD

I found another version of the vid where you can see better on the big screen ; -)



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that is priceless! XD

I found another version of the vid where you can see better on the big screen ; -)



:lol: :laugh3: :lol: this made my day!!! I'VE MISSED YOU GARY AND YOUR SILLYNESS!

Now I know that beso means kiss :D

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Hi guys! coming over here to sympathize... it's been too long since we've heard about the album! :p Hope we'll have some soon news about a release date, but I'm with Kimmi and I'm guessing an autumn realease now ;)



Me too! Bless him for "the return of the penguins" :wacky:



You just made my night! :lol:



that is priceless! XD

I found another version of the vid where you can see better on the big screen ; -)




This video had just made my day!!!!:laugh3::laugh3: i miss gary :P

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my heart skipped a beat twice watching this...try & guess which part(s). *ahem* XD


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbdbng3gcT8]Snow Patrol - Con la camisa de Javier "El Chicharito" Hernandez - Gira U2 360°[/ame]


& Gary L with that Chicharito kit on is my new phone wallpaper.... :P

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