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The Snow Patrol Thread


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Irish stations play so much pop and dance stuff but you'd be surprised at what they also over play. I went through a time of hating intervention by Arcade Fire because it was overplayed sooo much.

You don't know how much I would give to hear Arcade Fire on the radio just ONCE. I don't believe I've ever heard them played outside satellite radio, and we don't subscribe to satellite anymore.


This is why I only listen to my iPod in my car now. :laugh3:

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Irish stations play so much pop and dance stuff but you'd be surprised at what they also over play. I went through a time of hating intervention by Arcade Fire because it was overplayed sooo much.

Snow Patrol being northern Irish (and therefore somewhat Irish) they will be played a lot.


96FM are the worst for it i think. I think since nearly every day after Michael Jackson died they've played one of his songs. The Snow Patrol song i hear them play the most is the mash-up of chasing cars and every breathe you take. So glad i'm able to listen to BBC radio 1 on my itouch or on the internet :)

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^ That mash up is always on D: I liked it at first, but come on play their actual music!


i have a Lonely Planet guide book of Ireland (ROI + N. Ireland) that mentions U2 with full admiration (not that i'm complaining...i love U2 too) but totally slates Snow Patrol. :dozey:


What? That's weird especially because it included information about N.I too.

Actually when I went to Belfast, they had an small exhibition about famous Northern Irish people. Gary was noted and there was a picture of him on the wall.


You don't know how much I would give to hear Arcade Fire on the radio just ONCE. I don't believe I've ever heard them played outside satellite radio, and we don't subscribe to satellite anymore.


This is why I only listen to my iPod in my car now. :laugh3:


They also played We used to wait a lot too when it came out, like it got as much airplay as your average pop song.

Though saying that, you get about one song you like in every 5 or so songs ...if you are lucky. So I don't take chances and I bring my ipod, haha.

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me too but to be honest i've only ever heard chasing cars, spitting games, take back the cities and open your eyes on the radio. Except for chasing cars i've only heard the others once :/ it's a shame that people seem to only know them for chasing cars and run, they don't know what they're missing out on

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by the way, what's the name of the fan site? setthefiretothethirdbar.com?


you're almost there...it's called thethirdbar.com


What? That's weird especially because it included information about N.I too.

Actually when I went to Belfast, they had an small exhibition about famous Northern Irish people. Gary was noted and there was a picture of him on the wall.

well, it's easier (to me anyway) that it's just 1 guide book for the entire island. even if politically it's 2 countries.


this was what's written about SP in it (after about 1 & 1/2 pages' run down of the modern Irish music scene):


Finally, and only because we have to, we mention Snow Patrol, Ireland's biggest selling act after U2, even if their particular brand of mortgage rock should have white lines painted right down the middle of it.


& that wall sounds interesting...i imagine it's like Belfast's version of the Rock & Roll Wall Of Fame in Dublin? heh

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& that wall sounds interesting...i imagine it's like Belfast's version of the Rock & Roll Wall Of Fame in Dublin? heh

Except in WOF in Dublin, SP is not on it and U2 take almost half of it :lol: (plus, the U2 photo is very old...cracked me up when I saw it! I was with a friend who didn't even recognised them hahaha)

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Except in WOF in Dublin, SP is not on it and U2 take almost half of it :lol: (plus, the U2 photo is very old...cracked me up when I saw it! I was with a friend who didn't even recognised them hahaha)

haha...yeah. it's so old that The Edge still had hair back then! :lol:


& i did consider that it'd be great that SP's on that wall in Dublin, but then they don't qualify for it...3 N. Irishmen & 2 Scots anyway.


So if they're gonna be in the UK and Ireland around January and February, the album must be coming out sometime in the fall/winter, right? :dance:

definitely will be released before this year's over. :D


Q magazine put it down as expected in autumn 2011.

& Virginie, Aurelie, myself think that Gary seemed to have said it might be out sometime in Nov during 1 of the 3 radio interviews he did on the day each played the new song for the 1st time. 'cept we could've also sworn he said Sep in another. :inquisitive:

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definitely will be released before this year's over. :D


Q magazine put it down as expected in autumn 2011.

& Virginie, Aurelie, myself think that Gary seemed to have said it might be out sometime in Nov during 1 of the 3 radio interviews he did on the day each played the new song for the 1st time. 'cept we could've also sworn he said Sep in another. :inquisitive:


Didn't he say in one of his tumblr blogs Autumn? to be honest if you look at previous releases or basically AHMS, i'd say it'll be the end of October. Remember Take Back The Cities was first played around this time and then released August/September and then the album came out on October 27th.

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I personally still believe it's definitely an autumn release based on their album's release pattern, as you've said. it's just a matter of when exactly this time. did hear another interview Gary did for a Danish radio station on ying56's FB that also mentions November again. but also adds that there'll be a 2nd single released before the album.

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I personally still believe it's definitely an autumn release based on their album's release pattern, as you've said. it's just a matter of when exactly this time. did hear another interview Gary did for a Danish radio station on ying56's FB that also mentions November again. but also adds that there'll be a 2nd single released before the album.


Indeed. he said the same thing in different interviews, album will be release in the beginning of November. Let's see when is another single will be released, so far no date set yet. According his latest tumblr post, he is soon to post the single release date, the tour and the album status in SP.com forum! I think we shall be little patient :D

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Gary posted on tumblr about the movie 'another earth'. ^^[


Indeed. he said the same thing in different interviews, album will be release in the beginning of November. Let's see when is another single will be released, so far no date set yet. According his latest tumblr post, he is soon to post the single release date, the tour and the album status in SP.com forum! I think we shall be little patient :D


For the first single Called out in the dark, the release date is 4th September. It's what is written under the video of the song on their YT channel. So I guess a 2nd single around october and album at the debut of november fit...?!:thinking:

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