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The Snow Patrol Thread


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btw, Virginie, i'm gonna say it again + steal Aurelie's line: c'mon over! join us in the Dark Side...we have cookies. & Tim Tams also. ;)

That's right sister! :D


Bought a tix for the new London gig on saturday. I'm seating (WHY announce a date when I'm away with no internet?!! :bomb:) But I'm "near" the stage so.... :awesome:

Can't wait to see the boys again and finally meet (properly) Kimmi :)

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^^ THIS!!! :D



btw, Virginie, i'm gonna say it again + steal Aurelie's line: c'mon over! join us in the Dark Side...we have cookies. & Tim Tams also. ;)

haha I know you have all the good things, & you already know my answer I'm sure! ;-)


That's right sister! :D

Bought a tix for the new London gig on saturday. I'm seating (WHY announce a date when I'm away with no internet?!! :bomb:) But I'm "near" the stage so.... :awesome:

Can't wait to see the boys again and finally meet (properly) Kimmi :)

I've never been to the O2, that's exciting! ^^

finally, a proper meet-up! :)

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I've never been to the O2, that's exciting! ^^

finally, a proper meet-up! :)

Me neither. Booked my hotel nearby this morning. I don't know when I'll able to say hello to you girls in the queue, I'm planning a raid at Forever 21 in the morning and I'd like to squeeze a short visit to the V&A during lunch break...I'll probably pass by my hotel to leave my shopping bags before the gig, so I'll be at the venue just around an hour or two before the opening of the doors I think...

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That's right sister! :D


Bought a tix for the new London gig on saturday. I'm seating (WHY announce a date when I'm away with no internet?!! :bomb:) But I'm "near" the stage so.... :awesome:

Can't wait to see the boys again and finally meet (properly) Kimmi :)

can't wait too...to see the lads again + properly meet you this time! you're gonna love the new album's songs live! :D :dance:





haha I know you have all the good things, & you already know my answer I'm sure! ;-)

ahahahaha...yeah! that spare has your name practically printed on it already...& to quote another Star Wars line...or 2... (cos it's a very SP thing... ;p): it is your destiny! :sneaky:

join me (& Aurelie) & together, we will rule the galaxy as Polar Teddies! :P


Me neither. Booked my hotel nearby this morning. I don't know when I'll able to say hello to you girls in the queue, I'm planning a raid at Forever 21 in the morning and I'd like to squeeze a short visit to the V&A during lunch break...I'll probably pass by my hotel to leave my shopping bags before the gig, so I'll be at the venue just around an hour or two before the opening of the doors I think...

i was there once for Boyzone (yeah yeah...i'm a fan of them. so there. :P) last February actually (oh, wait! this is my "it is your destiny" moment! :stunned: ) & it's a massive venue. but it's also quite a self sufficient indoor venue...if only cos it's kinda in the middle of nowhere in relation to the rest of London...there's restaurants, a Starbucks (very important for me ;)), & priority/perks for O2 customers *ahem*likeme*ahem*...& more importantly: queuing is indoors. or covered anyway at least.

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join me (& Aurelie) & together, we will rule the galaxy as Polar Teddies! :P





i was there once for Boyzone (yeah yeah...i'm a fan of them. so there. :P) last February actually (oh, wait! this is my "it is your destiny" moment! :stunned: ) & it's a massive venue. but it's also quite a self sufficient indoor venue...if only cos it's kinda in the middle of nowhere in relation to the rest of London...there's restaurants, a Starbucks (very important for me ;)), & priority/perks for O2 customers *ahem*likeme*ahem*...& more importantly: queuing is indoors. or covered anyway at least.

A Starbucks means chocolate muffins :awesome: I will love this place I'm sure :rolleyes:

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BTW, I've just heard Fallen Empires and...... I really love it!

My favorite are New York, The President and The Symphony (best Snow Patrol song ever, IMO). I wish they tried something more risky but it's still a great album.

I like it more than Eyes Open now :wacky:

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Lightbody was mobbed by fans at a recent free show in Belfast City Centre


How Snow Patrol's Gary Lightbody beat writers' block


Hitting upon the perfect title for a rock album is an age-old struggle.


For every memorable moniker - Never Mind The Bollocks or Definitely Maybe - there are a dozen clunky, embarrassing misfires.


George Michael's Listen Without Prejudice Vol 1 could be considered pompous (and where, exactly, is volume two?) while Leonard Cohen's 10 New Songs wins a prize for lack of inspiration.


REO Speedwagon deliberately called a record You Can Tune A Piano But You Can't Tuna Fish.


Canadian rocker Bryan Adams had a lucky escape in 1981. Stung by public indifference to his debut album, he intended to call the follow-up Bryan Adams Hasn't Heard Of You Either before his record label intervened.


Snow Patrol have always had a knack for album titles - Final Straw and Eyes Open are succinct, memorable and hold the key to the records' lyrics.


But frontman Gary Lightbody faced a dilemma when titling the band's sixth long-player. "The working title, right from the beginning, was Where We Make Our Home," he says. "But something wasn't right. No-one could remember it."


After weeks of indecision, he settled on a new, "more obtuse, but more striking" title: Fallen Empires. The album is not, however, a diatribe about American colonialism or the dissolution of the Commonwealth. The empires of the title, Lightbody explains, "are the empires of your childhood or the empire of your back garden".


"A lot of this record is about my childhood, about growing up in Ireland. You make your own tiny empires around you, then they gradually fall away and lead to the new experiences, the new lives that you live."


The lyrics are shot through with nostalgia for playgrounds and summer holidays - a departure from Lightbody's usual topics of fractured relationships and domestic turmoil. He says recording in America inspired the lyrics: "When you feel far away from home it makes you look properly at the world - instead of just your own little world."


The singer first moved to the US to make an album with his side-project Tired Pony, a supergroup with REM guitarist Peter Buck. He maintains that putting Snow Patrol to one side for three years didn't cause any resentment within the band. "In a way, any side project is like cheating on your girlfriend," he says. "But we started this band together and we are inextricably linked until our deaths. I do side projects because I can't go a full year between albums. The rest of the guys are married but I'm restless and, my goodness, I'd drive them mad if I couldn't go off and do other records."


For someone with a continuous drive to create music, Lightbody was shocked to find himself suffering a crippling bout of writer's block last year. "Oh God, I never want to go through that again," he grimaces. "You've done the thing that you do every day of your life for 16 years and suddenly it's removed from you. I just couldn't write a single word. I was terrified. I couldn't pick up my laptop, my notepad, or anything, for fear that I was going to sit there and stagnate. I was actually catatonic for most of it."


There was no real breakthrough, he says, just the support of his friends and bandmates. "The best advice I got, and this sounds ridiculous, was 'writers write'. "Avoiding writing is the worst possible thing to do - but that's what I was doing. I was too frightened to even pick a pen up. So writers write: Even though it sounds so prosaic, it's absolutely true. You do it until it works, and that's what I did."


Lightbody's creative crisis delayed the album by more than three months and, as a consequence, it's coming out just two weeks after Coldplay's Mylo Xyloto. The two bands are often lumped together, united by their tendency towards touchy-feely manballads. But Snow Patrol seem strangely immune to the bitter venom that some spit at their counterparts.


Maybe it's because they are more modest in their ambitions. Where Coldplay strive for some unattainable alchemy of critical approval and mass appeal, Snow Patrol just get on with making music. Lightbody is also more relaxed and affable around the press than Chris Martin - who can be self-conscious and brittle. Appearing at the recent MTV Awards in Belfast, for example, Lightbody joked that he would be "all over Justin Bieber like a rash".


He went on to state that Teddy Bears' Picnic was the greatest song ever written in Northern Ireland (he wasn't being entirely facetious - the lyrics were penned by an Ulsterman called Jimmy Kennedy). His easy-going attitude to success - a mixture of gratitude and stunned disbelief - is informed by the band's long struggle for success. "We went through 10 years of not selling any records," he says. "We used to be happy if 12 people turned up to our gigs. So it never ceases to thrill me when people come to our shows and know the words. It's very hard to choke back the tears at times."


There is a definite sense that the band can't quite believe they're releasing their sixth album. And although it's too early to start work on a seventh, Lightbody is already thinking about potential names. "Richard Coburn, who is the drummer in Belle and Sebastian and the second drummer in Snow Patrol, has a great album title, which I'm very fond of," he says.


"So the next one could be called The Great Indoors."



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the supposedly, from what I have read, already have it recorded...?




This is from an article on NME which was also about Gary's writers block;


"In September, Lightbody revealed that although the band had barely finished work on 'Fallen Empires', they had already written its follow-up. He also said that his bout of writer's block had helped him craft better songs"

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I'm not a fan of the album as a whole (as of yet!)...but there are some really good songs on there!



And I already loved Fallen Empires and I like The President.



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Got the album a few days ago and have been listening to it since. However, I can't decide whether it's my favourite album at the moment right now or not (I'm listening to Florence + The Machine and Coldplay as well).


Is it just me or is there quite a number of slow songs on this album?

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I've completely forgotten about Mylo at the moment...it's all Snow Patrol. I love it, the new album is great, today I listened to Songs For Polarbears after a while, GREAT!


every song has something I like.


New York is one of my favorite new songs


Definitely! I'm like Mylo WHO? :P

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Posted 11/17/2011 |

Due to the huge response we saw over the weekend for the 30 second clip of the alternative 'This Isn’t Everything You Are' video, we have decided to make the full version available to watch online below.


The track is taken from 'Fallen Empires' – Snow Patrol’s new album that has been named "Album of the Week" by Amazon.co.uk and is available to download in the UK for just £3.99 for this week only by clicking here


The album is also available to buy in the UK and across Europe from iTunes, 7digital, HMV.com play.com, bol.com and the SP.com store.







Hope you like it! I LOVE IT!

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From the Children in Need



full set of photos from backstage and on stage at http://bit.ly/tUDYYk http://pic.twitter.com/vnvlStTQ



new band members



quick photo from soundcheck earlier



Backstage at Children in Need Rocks Manchester, photos from the sound check up at http://bit.ly/rpjOCH



The guys from Snow Patrol dropped by to show their spots! Please help by giving whatever you can. (from @BBCCiN)

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i've taken to referring to this alternate video as the "Gary fan service version". i could sit & stare at his face all day, but as a music video i prefer the original video.


BUT if i'm ever in the mood to sit & stare away at nothing/nobody except Gary.............................. :sneaky:

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