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You had him featuring in 'Extras' around that time too which was some of the funniest things he did. He admits to being more open now but the celebrity lifestyle / Hollywood has influenced him I think. He needs to spend more time around Simon Pegg and Ricky Gervais ;)

So very true ! Can't turn back the clock though, sadly.

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So very true ! Can't turn back the clock though, sadly.


Yeah, I'm not saying he got entirely carried away by Hollywood/GP/fortune/celeb lifestyle but you really can sense he is not the old spontaneous awkward Chris anymore...

Overall, I think the marriage to someone superficial like GP was not good for him.

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since news is slow these days.. throw back time. i wonder if we'll ever get less-guarded, this side of chris ever! sadly, probably not.




THAT was THE most entertaining exchange between Simon and Chris I have heard.(I love Simon Pegg, as well) To be honest, I have only seen one other exchange and it was pretty entertaining. I forgot what show it was but for most of the interview Chris was balled up on the couch laughing so hard he could barely say a word.

No wonder Simon is a Godfather to one of Chris's kids. Anyone who makes me laugh that hard needs to be permanent fixture in my life.


Chris really knows his sh[emoji231]p sh[emoji90]t. Wonder if, while sitting on that hillside, he thought to himself "This sucks. I'm going to be a rock star so I will never have do this again."

Thanks for sharing that

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What's if Coldplay had man-buns and beards?


What's if Coldplay had man-buns

had man-buns



MAN-buns make it sound like it's not the hair you're talking about :charming:




anyways, I think it'd make them look totally hipster, but if they would want to look like that, why the frick not.

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MAN-buns make it sound like it's not the hair you're talking about :charming:


Hahahahaha how did I miss that? I should have written "Muns & beards"


anyways, I think it'd make them look totally hipster, but if they would want to look like that, why the frick not.


damn guy looks hot with that, jonny not so much


I LOVE a good looking mun & beard combo.

So I decided to combine my two favorite things...

Will looks totally hipster for sure.

I wonder if they had this look, would it affect their sound? And would they still be called Coldplay?

Or... Playsters... coldplaysters?

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