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Post piccies of the sexy Mr Berryman..


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So, is it true?

Pregnant? Oh, no, you're kidding, Ab!!!

When somebody knows who's the lucky woman, tell us, please!


Ab's not telling but I'm inclined to believe her :\


here is some of Guy's lovely Viva "WHOAHS" from my show!!




Liz can you really hear Guy better live, cuz i can't hear him :cry:... unless i'm totally deaf and not hearing him on the YT vid, all I hear are the dulcet tones of Mr Champion, who btw is a monster on the drum/bell combo :stunned:

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Sorry Berrygirls I didn't get many good pics of Guy. Hard for me to leave Jonny to watch him. However I did get this one of him having a rest during The Hardest Part.



thanks Angie! :kiss: i understand.....its hard for me to get good shots of Jonny and Will too sometimes when im on Guy's side....:\


but thanks! love this pic!!

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Ab's not telling but I'm inclined to believe her :\




Liz can you really hear Guy better live, cuz i can't hear him :cry:... unless i'm totally deaf and not hearing him on the YT vid, all I hear are the dulcet tones of Mr Champion, who btw is a monster on the drum/bell combo :stunned:


awww again a Lizzy FAIL! :disappointed:


sorry u cant hear him, yeah i heard him live really well! :D:D:D and yes! :stunned: Will is a beast of a drummer! :stunned:

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Sorry Berrygirls I didn't get many good pics of Guy. Hard for me to leave Jonny to watch him. However I did get this one of him having a rest during The Hardest Part.



Aww how cute does he look? pondering...:thinking::thinking:


ahhh another pic saved :lol:


EDIT-- NO NO Lizzy failure, just my old ass deaf ears :ears: not being able to hear him over Will... everytime I hear Viva live I always assume it's just Will so surprise for me to know that it's both Will and Guy

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Oooh now I get to do the countdown dance for Lauren :dance::dance:


ah squee! countdown dance! how do you do a countdown dance?



Yaaaa can't wait to see some piccies!! :dance:



Whohoo!! :nice: I'm excited for you! First one eh?! No words Lauren, no words to describe how awesome it is. You'll be left wanting more I guarantee it ;)


haha yah the completed piccies will have to wait. because we made them, but one of my friends who is going is a fantastic artist and she drew a huge picture of chris on her shirt (and it's amazingly good) and so the other 3 of us asked her to draw Guy on our shirts (just a little picture. it's going to be on the left sleeve of my shirt).

so my one of my friend took pics of the shirts (they're finished besides the picture not being drawn on yet) so i'll post those later when my friend gets them up on facebook. but anyways, i dont have the shirt with me because the girl took the shirts home with her so she can draw on them.


Guy:...naughty, naughty bottle! Am I going to have to teach you the same lesson as I did that drum? :laugh3:




i think it's good that Guy is so good looking, otherwise he'd be just another bass player


at first i thought your were being rude (or at least i hope you weren't :uhoh:)

but now i think i get what you mean. you mean, not that he would be just some mediocre bass player but that because he is hot, he gets more attention and then people will notice that he's actually a fantasic player and that he's not just some plain old bass dude. am i correct?

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ah squee! countdown dance! how do you do a countdown dance?





haha yah the completed piccies will have to wait. because we made them, but one of my friends who is going is a fantastic artist and she drew a huge picture of chris on her shirt (and it's amazingly good) and so the other 3 of us asked her to draw Guy on our shirts (just a little picture. it's going to be on the left sleeve of my shirt).

so my one of my friend took pics of the shirts (they're finished besides the picture not being drawn on yet) so i'll post those later when my friend gets them up on facebook. but anyways, i dont have the shirt with me because the girl took the shirts home with her so she can draw on them.







Aww man your shirts sound like they're gonna be awesome!! :D


Countdown dance ..... just shake, shake, shake it,shake shake it (your booty that is) hahahaha :dance::dance:

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Aww man your shirts sound like they're gonna be awesome!! :D


Countdown dance ..... just shake, shake, shake it,shake shake it (your booty that is) hahahaha :dance::dance:


haha yah they look cool. we got iron-on letters and i'll just describe what mine looks like.

on the front, i wrote I :heart: Guy Berryman with blue letters and then the :heart: i drew with red shirt paint. then on the back in alternating colored iron-on letters it says: COLDPLAY,



^:P get it?? :lol: it's a play on words with coldplay and hot Guy.

my mom came up with it :lol:

and 3 of us used that phrase.


and then on the right sleeve i put CP in iron-on letters, and then on the left sleeve my friend is going to draw a picture of Guy. :D




and nice dance by the way :thumbsup:


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haha yah they look cool. we got iron-on letters and i'll just describe what mine looks like.

on the front, i wrote I :heart: Guy Berryman with blue letters and then the :heart: i drew with red shirt paint. then on the back in alternating colored iron-on letters it says: COLDPLAY,



^:P get it?? :lol: it's a play on words with coldplay and hot Guy.

my mom came up with it :lol:

and 3 of us used that phrase.


and then on the right sleeve i put CP in iron-on letters, and then on the left sleeve my friend is going to draw a picture of Guy. :D




and nice dance by the way :thumbsup:



NICE!!! Props to moms :thumbsup:


I try :smug: I will do it for everyone having a concert coming up, including my own :dance:

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^^ See ya later Laura, nice shopping spree huh? hahahaha good on ya :D


I'm back! Haha yeah Jenn, i need to take a break from SoHo after today...wayyy too much credit card usage on my behalf :lol:








i agree Brooke...he's too yummy in that pic to not have a piece of :sneaky:


Sorry Berrygirls I didn't get many good pics of Guy. Hard for me to leave Jonny to watch him. However I did get this one of him having a rest during The Hardest Part.



:dead::dead: didn't get many good pics? this one is wonderful!


haha yah they look cool. we got iron-on letters and i'll just describe what mine looks like.

on the front, i wrote I :heart: Guy Berryman with blue letters and then the :heart: i drew with red shirt paint. then on the back in alternating colored iron-on letters it says: COLDPLAY,



^:P get it?? :lol: it's a play on words with coldplay and hot Guy.

my mom came up with it :lol:

and 3 of us used that phrase.


and then on the right sleeve i put CP in iron-on letters, and then on the left sleeve my friend is going to draw a picture of Guy. :D




and nice dance by the way :thumbsup:



that is such a cute shirt, lauren!! :D


haha Jenn i love your dance :dance:

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