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Coldplay music ALWAYS on Eastenders! Any others?

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For background music, Coldplay is perfect on Eastenders, always sets the scene. I remember when Dennis was trying to suduce Sharon, so he put on Parachutes [you could actually see it was the real Parachutes CD] and it started with Don't Panic! Another one was when Yellow played while the camera took shots of the Square, and the milkman... tradition! Another was when Kat and Alfie broke up, In My Place increased in volume... set the emotion, you know...


What else is Coldplay music on? Smallville, Boston Public, Six Feet Under, John Doe any more?

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They never said they wouldn't have their songs on film soundtracks only adverts!


And they cannot control their songs being played on TV shows...the TV shows don't need to ask, therefore Coldplay can't say no! :rolleyes:

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they aren't on adverts selling Products, like shoes or tampons or even biscuits. although, they never said they'd never put them on adverts. Just the ones they support.

Oasis used to be on Eastenders all the time too, when they have a new album, i bet they're back on there

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Well, for one, over here there is a channel 10. It is national. So yeah, they have a big budget and can afford to use a kick ass band like CP, so in between shows they have a promo for the channel displaying the characters from different shows and news personalities being all casual and fun, the song is Don't Panic.


The thing that makes me angry is that channel 7 show the artist name and song name when they have a band for their promo but not CP who deserve it.


Also at certain shopping centres I hear songs which aren't singles playing on the loud speaker as background music like "we never change" or "everythings not lost" and never songs from their latest album. :)

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Man I almost started SCREAMING when I heard Trouble in a shopping centre last week...somehow they play quite good songs there...I wonder what CDs or stuff that must be.

That's cool Rebekka!

Clocks was on Dismissed very often :idea2: But Clocks is evrywhere...And there's an advert for hanuta (sweets) and the background music sounds just like a fake Clocks!

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I know Theresa! Companies make songs which sound like artists because they can't afford the real thing. It's funny.


Er, it's Rebekah by the way ;)


Yeah, on dismissed (you mean the mtv one? I am talking about the mtv show) they only play lyrics which relate to the situation and the cut and paste it to loop etc I guess they can afford to use the real artist.

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Its funny how they promised they would never sell any of their songs to TV or films' date=' and Coldplay songs are ALL OVER both.[/quote']



actually they just said they wouldn't allow them to be played over adverts.



Clocks was played in ER :) and i just realised noni said that already :lol: :lol:

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