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it's hard to stare

at a blank paper

and look like

you're working, so




The President



certainly seem older than 72

tie your shoe

represent presentable crew

slippery surfaces still certainly do

the same as shots surrounding you in WWII


pull up your tie

be ready

for a fight

it's on tonight

make the address

on one lucky man's


do your best

and with

one less

thing on our chest

we'll do the rest

we'll clean the mess

we'll make the call

just one lucky man's


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^ eh?


this one isn't complete but it's all I had the patience to finish right now. Suggestions are very welcome.





oh, hehe

smile, touch

look serious


oh, hehe

sickly too much


and see

you, "hehe"

suddenly sickly

some might say sleezy

that skirt says she's easy

gal gravitates to greasy


oh, hehe

staya sly, with me


in thermodynamic function

the dog jogs through the junction

of dirt and attention

in unknown dimension

its personal direction

fetch far from perfection

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I Have No Idea


I pointed at everything that didn't inspire me

and then something amazing inspired me

and it was: nothing


if something happened to me like human combustion, maybe that would inspire me

maybe if aliens came from underground and took over the world I would giggle...

and then I would write a poem.




and then they came into my room and they were green.

yes, if they were green

and they said, "be our leader"

I would say, "okay" then I'd giggle again

and I promise, weed would be legal


I could make the funniest joke there ever was and not laugh

sometimes when you laugh at what I say, then I laugh

my brain is stupid

no, don't tell me it's not

because that was a joke

if you're a girl then you don't understand

I know, because I successfully confuse 100% of girls I know unintentionally

and now I'm guessing you read or are about to read that again

unless you're one of those people who are really good at reading or

you really are that lazy


I just wrote the title of this thing and somehow there's a random circle on the right side of the "No" "o"

Maybe it means I'm going to die

you know, like an omen?

or maybe I don't know everything

but that wouldn't be funny


wait, I just laughed

so maybe dying is funny

I'm sure it will be hilarious

you know, when I'm 80 years old and I'm about to die

I hope I will be able to stop laughing for a minute so I can say something profound

but on the other hand

it would be really cool to laugh to death

then on my gravestone it could say, "he died laughing"

and all these people would cry

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dedicated to the president





a deafening silence


the atmospheric sunset

oh such misfortune

for bedlam awaits

in the afterglow

of one's godless rule

and for the mean time

i might as well be a citizen


off the face of the earth.






I haven't written a poem in Filipino since high school...so I wrote one and it made me feel great.



haring araw


wala na ngayon

mga bakas ng kahapon

iyong binura

sa isang kisapmata.


(at ako'y)




sandaling mamamatay.


at sa pagsapit ng dilim

hindi ako maninimdim

sapagkat kinabukasan

muli ika'y mahahawakan.




rough translation:



mighty sun


now they're gone

traces of yesterday

you erased them

in a blink of an eye.


(and I will)

be happy



die for a while


and when darkness arrives

i will not be lonely

because when tomorrow comes

and i'll be holding you again.

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^ eh?


this one isn't complete but it's all I had the patience to finish right now. Suggestions are very welcome.





oh, hehe

smile, touch

look serious


oh, hehe

sickly too much


and see

you, "hehe"

suddenly sickly

some might say sleezy

that skirt says she's easy

gal gravitates to greasy


oh, hehe

staya sly, with me


in thermodynamic function

the dog jogs through the junction

of dirt and attention

in unknown dimension

its personal direction

fetch far from perfection



:sneaky: :wink3: thoughts


yeah it doesn't look complete...just keep it sick. :lol:



and the rest...i will read later.

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Do you want me to change?Well I'm stuck on the end of this ball and chain and i'm going back to the start like moses had power over sea so i'm ticking clocks gonna see me crumble and fall on my face like confidence in you is confidence in me is confidence in the way that gravity pushes in you and me


Like or not? :D :wink3:

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What is this feeling?


So many times I have dreamt

About her eyes and her ears and her nose

I touched her before and I wonder…

Does she like the red rose?


So many times I have thought

About her hands and her mouth and her skin

I held her hand and I wonder…

Where do I begin?


So many times I remember

Bout the holiday in the sun

Just me and her and some others

Wanting to have some fun


So many times I cry at night

Whenever I think about her

Just catch a passing glimpse of her

Dancing in the twilight


What is the point of dreaming?

When you wake and forget

What is the point of thinking?

When you feel so thick

What is the point of memory?

When it fades away

What is the point of crying?

All night and all day

What is this feeling?

I have in my heart

Constantly getting at me

Like a well aimed dart

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Ok..this has no title....call it what you like.....



Looking towards the ceiling

looking towards the floor

getting a confusing feeling

seeing somebody at the door.


And something went wrong.....


Somebody coming into your room

sitting don next to you

suddenly seeing the moon

and you don't even have a clue


And something went wrong.....


Thinking about your way of life

but not knowing anything

btw:How does a car work to drive?

This is damn confusing


And something went wrong......



What a simple line

it could be a trashy song

so go out and say you are fine!


But then.....something went wrong!

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^:) i really like your style julia, i already talked to you about this. but the random words are my favorite part.


glad to see you here silverion


Do you want me to change?Well I'm stuck on the end of this ball and chain and i'm going back to the start like moses had power over sea so i'm ticking clocks gonna see me crumble and fall on my face like confidence in you is confidence in me is confidence in the way that gravity pushes in you and me

this really is great, you said it's a song? i wish i knew where the lines were to catch a rhythm easier.

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^hello ari!!!! how are you? :)


young padawan


I like the way you laugh

the way you laugh at me

the way you laugh for me

a nice laugh I hear

because you laugh for me

for me is the reason

you laugh

is that good or bad?

I don't really care

I just care about

the way you laugh

at me

for me

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I hope i can post here some new poems, i'll looking for ari poetry to post them but i can't find that thread. :confused:


i'm afraid that my new writings will be darker. :/ that's why i thought some days ago to quit writing for a long time. :/



i remembered doing a search when i first got here for poetry or something and that being the only closely related thread

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Ok........I wrote another one yesterday......


There is nothing in my head

but confusion

There is much in my head

it's called illusion

My state of mind?

Of any kind!

Thinking about this,thinking about that

being really happy,being really sad

Living my life day by day

it seems different but it's always the same way

getting up,eating,learning,getting tired

being in a melancholic mood before bedtime

and listen to beautiful and brilliant music

and seeing at the same time this mess in my room

getting out of balance

#maybe this is ambivalence?

What could it be?Don't know

Maybe my life is just a bad show!

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I hope i can post here some new poems, i'll looking for ari poetry to post them but i can't find that thread. :confused:


i'm afraid that my new writings will be darker. :/ that's why i thought some days ago to quit writing for a long time. :/



i remembered doing a search when i first got here for poetry or something and that being the only closely related thread


thanks a lot for find the link thebestyoucan. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

yayy, finally i wrote a poem and i'm puttin it in here agairn..


I didn't write this, the pencil did


erase the trace of

mistakes on the page

of a disgrace to my place

to my magical mage

with crystal ball into it to gaze

to a writer while weilding woven W's with ways

which will weird out a tried doubter

with equality of days

to twenty nine thousand three sixty three

given the mage does stop smoking to expand on his age

to add six thousand six sixty six, seventy three subtract that divided by two

to trick out a tripped out one and do

what I tell you

or soon one nasty blue moon will ensue

on an end in poetry

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  • 2 weeks later...

inch too far


sitting in the light

set the feeling right

buttache in the car

rub a butt been hard

took a rhyme too far


rhythmic carrying on

technically a third yard

if you find the years of fonded

writings with regard

in extended expanded for

stanzas with the half

inch story so it lasts

through mind's meandering masts


sail seven seas of poetry

hold his hearted handywork

take my ending to the butchery

to cut away the hurt

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and here's the lovely poem which I posted in the temporary forum, but now that we're back here (yay!) I'll re-post it




hopelessness is so inspiring

but so is the way you breathe

today I called you an angel

and you said you'd do anything for me

I still can't believe that you happened and happen

to love me as much as I love you

and when we die we'll be friends in heaven



touching your skin

is what I desire

more than anything

in this earth of worth of all that breathes

it's your breath I want to hear to inspire me


I can see you, and almost feel

a lucky boy because I'm real

you're my addiction

my passion

and this love will happen

upon eternity of us

upon this universe

upon the rain

upon the sea

upon you

you'll be happy

and yes, baby I'll pick you up

and hold you like you will need

to hold something you'll call your baby


times and times and times

will leave you behind

the hurt of loneliness goes away

to dream you by my side



touching your skin

is what I desire

more than anything


times and times and times

will leave you behind

the hurt of loneliness goes away

to dream you by my side

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Why dont people ever talk no more?

Thats something i want to know

Its not hard to look around

To stop and say hello

To a passing fellow


When we travel on a train

Only got ourselves to blame

We all all the same

Just chasing fame


Why dont people ever talk at all?

Got things just too important

Cant even spend a small portion

Of your important day

Thinking of things to say


When mingeling with many feet

With lots of people on the street

All hearing the lively beat

Of the town around them


Why dont people ever talk no more?

Its got to be the work of the devil

Forceing us to turn an rebal

Against our natural souls

We never fill the void


I wont believe the vicious rumour

It is not our British humour

To pass each other day by day

without saying hi


Why dont people ever talk at all?

Could you prehaps tell me why?

Were all so impolite and shy

We always seem to take up flight

rather then give up a little time

Just to say hi to a stranger

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at 40 mph

i turned the radio up

i wanted to sing aloud

because when the words are my own

you don't listen

at 50 mph

you spoke in monotone

i took offense at this

because angry words deserve more

at 60 mph

i looked at you

i sketched your profile

with words as heavy as pregnant flowers

swollen with pollen

that gets in your eyes

an easy excuse for you to cover them

and i sit there

hoping you will sneeze

and let an emotion slip

at 0 mph

the car stopped

we both got out

and we still live this lie today

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This is my official new fav song


Ghost eyes

Wipe your tears away

Ghost eyes

There’s no need to pray


Ghost eyes

Do not be afraid

Ghost eyes

Smile and be brave


Like a lament song

Burning in your soul

There lies a shadow

Where darkness grows

It’s going to be all right

Forget about the night

Come see the world

It’s a wonderful sight


Ghost eyes

Wipe your tears dry

Ghost eyes

There’s no need to cry


Ghost eyes

No more questions why

Ghost eyes

Spread your wings and fly


I can remember

Burning in the night

Wide shining beacons

In a mist of fright

Looking at the world

In foreign sight

Can’t help but wonder

Will you be all right?

Will you be all right?

Will you be all right?


Ghost eyes

Its all over now

Ghost eyes

She pulled through somehow


Ghost eyes

You are not alone

Ghost eyes

Make yourself at home…

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lying on a


so we say

you and I

this thing happening

upon today

her, a lonely sigh


and the noise

that he makes

for you and it stops

when she he breaks


and that is ours to know

and theirs to find

we're in like with each other

until your sigh


is heard with her

lying on me

lying with a, the

desired human being

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