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Ok, it's not a song and just a couple of lines.... :rolleyes:


You enter the maze

and you can see only haze

no light, no sign

no one to ask for derection where

"you must do it by yourself"

comes the voice to your head

and you think:" god,

you better would be dead".


You see yourself going

down the road

there is noone to ask for

how to decipher his note

ant the shadows of the depths

are hollow you all road

cous noone can say

which way you must go

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I am bumping this thread and posting yet another lyric here!

well, a lyric and a poem.


here we go




Space And Time


Tell me a story

Reach out your hand

Give me a solid place to stand

Tell me a story

Of everlasting glory

Everything I’m made to withstand


With me is no space and time

I live through all the rhythm and rhyme

And in this perfect place of mind

Nothing will get left behind

With you

One of a kind


Under the riptide I’ll hide away

Floods up to my waist

Don’t you make haste

Return my bed of roses

Part the water like Moses

But be wise of its thorns


With me is no space and time

I live through all the rhythm and rhyme

And in this perfect place of mind

Nothing will get left behind

With you

One of a kind


Give me directions

I won’t listen anyway

Throw this to stray

And we can forget today


With me is no space and time

I live through all the rhythm and rhyme

And in this perfect place of mind

Nothing will get left behind

With you

One of a kind







I’m staggering

I’ve noticed things changing

I often have no control

I wish I was a skipping stone

Going out to a point

Then being pushed back to the start

Who knows how further I’ll go

Rough waves stop me from achieving

But they don’t last as long as I do

My journey’s long

But I’ll find another shore

In time for someone else to throw me away even though I don’t want to go…

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I am bumping this thread and posting yet another lyric here!

well, a lyric and a poem.


here we go




Space And Time


Tell me a story

Reach out your hand

Give me a solid place to stand

Tell me a story

Of everlasting glory

Everything I’m made to withstand


With me is no space and time

I live through all the rhythm and rhyme

And in this perfect place of mind

Nothing will get left behind

With you

One of a kind


Under the riptide I’ll hide away

Floods up to my waist

Don’t you make haste

Return my bed of roses

Part the water like Moses

But be wise of its thorns


With me is no space and time

I live through all the rhythm and rhyme

And in this perfect place of mind

Nothing will get left behind

With you

One of a kind


Give me directions

I won’t listen anyway

Throw this to stray

And we can forget today


With me is no space and time

I live through all the rhythm and rhyme

And in this perfect place of mind

Nothing will get left behind

With you

One of a kind







I’m staggering

I’ve noticed things changing

I often have no control

I wish I was a skipping stone

Going out to a point

Then being pushed back to the start

Who knows how further I’ll go

Rough waves stop me from achieving

But they don’t last as long as I do

My journey’s long

But I’ll find another shore

In time for someone else to throw me away even though I don’t want to go…


I like these bro... Keep up the good work

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it's been a while since I've shared something I wrote... Here's something I started tonight... don't know if I'll change it....


Untitled Draft


The wax trickles over us

War trickles on our souls

The wax shields our burning sanity

And scars our murderous hearts

Our dancing shadow mesmerize the fool hearty

They can't shield our minds forever

The truth will set us free


A few elitists are crafting their own demise

To these monarchs of a failing rite,

To these judges of pragmatic idiocy:

Blow out the candle now

Before your souls are set to flame.

Or build your temple of hypocrisy

And crumble from on high.

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Something new, just written ;)

And just one day,

I've wrote a word

and now look what I've got

nothing real

and no more truth

all they left me

there, to stand alone

by my own.

the teacher told me

"you can't express your thoughs"

but I have tried so hard

I have turned my back

to her, and Say:"adios"

who are you

to teach me how to live?

you know nothing

and you have nothing to give.

I left my friend

because of pride

and I don't mind

If you would left me too.

because I know

one day

maybe today

I'll find the love

and I won't need

to cover it

from you.

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^great work Eric and Shiver42!


I really miss collaborating with you, Eric. I just wish it would happen again someday! :P



I've never written anything since 2007. Now I need to start writing again.


Here's the last poem I've written before my hiatus. (10 June 2007). I'm not sure if this has not been posted before.



Remember Victoria

with hair strawberry blonde

that mischievous pixie

who leaves trails of stardust


Remember Victoria

the one with angel eyes

who traverse galaxies

and doorways between worlds


Remember Victoria

a girl with radiant smile

the earth is her playground;

our terrestrial queen



Remember Victoria

the siren who I loved

with lips gracefully sealed;

ribbons adorn her feet



Forever, Victoria

Down by the water

She is safe (and sound)

(But...but her eyes never seem to close...)


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  • 2 weeks later...

my bad! here we go!





Whether To Wonder


The favorable sense

Brought me amends

That I knew

Things can’t walk on water


It witnessed miracles

When I was tempted by the devil

He showed me things

From high above


I’m sitting

Whether to wonder

Never capable of what I can be

Always in wonder

As I stutter and stumble

Never capable


Fly up to the clouds

And hit the light switch

Turn off God

And scratch your itch


I’m sitting

Whether to wonder

Never capable of what I can be

Always in wonder

As I stutter and stumble

Never capable


Not anything

But existing

Forever feelings

Things I keep seeing


I’m sitting

Whether to wonder

Never capable of what I can be

Always in wonder

As I stutter and stumble

Never capable

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El funeral más tétrico del Señor Payaso

La naranja noche creció indebida

pues la congoja había mascrado su vida

entre penurias deformes sollozaban,

pero no importaba, era puro invento

Que desgarró a todos en pésimo momento.


La desgracia se engalanaba de pimienta,

que opacaba la poca esperanza arapienta,

porque el día era lúgubre y nadie existía,

el día era creciente absurdo, nadie parlaba

pues el llanto franco sigiloso se postraba.


Detestable apareció, maldito hasta los pies,

una mierda de burla se traía para poner

a todos a reír, ambiente sumo boyante,

La gente soltó el rugido más desmoralizante.


¿Qué había que hacer?, la chacota era deprimente,

Tal estupefacción les voló completa la mente

Pasmados estaban todos, no lo pudieron entender

y por tanto trastorno y locura lo mataron otra vez.

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I was hoping like a child

whose eyes were shut from day

I was dead, like the foliage

that rests on soiled earth

I was screaming like the wind

It howls to me when no one does

I was bleeding like desert sand

sweeping across my skin

I was heartless,

and had given up on love

I asked for the sting of death.


If I wanted anything, it was your truth

You are more than hope

You are more than life

You have two lives

Both of us needed you

You have two hearts beating in you

You have two souls which depend on your breath

You have what no one else has.


You are the music I hear when I'm in the sky

an explosion of air

I waited in line just to see if you care*

marching through hell, I'm sure

I would march again



You have two marching beats

which depend on your breath

You have two eyes in which there is now life and hope.


You waited for me

You waited

You carried us through night

You hid us in a safe chamber.


I have no name for you yet

except these words

You are the marching beat to my beaten

and bruised, injured travail

You are the north star to my emancipation

You are the realization to my seeking heart

and the words to my silence.


These words are more true than life

and if not, God will strike me down

There's a spirit that has poured on my head

Words and feelings I don't understand

like the other heart you hold,

which doesn't know your meaning

nor comprehends your worth

which was valued through Christ's death

and God strike me if I don't love you like him.

I was hoping like a child

whose eyes were shut from day.

But now there are two hearts

beating in your chest.

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