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Gwyneth Paltrow Explains Surprising Reason Chris Martin and Family Attended Her L.A. Book Signing


Gwyneth Paltrow had the support of her family earlier this week during a book signing at Barnes & Noble at L.A.'s Grove mall.


The 40-year-old actress' hubby Chris Martin and kids Apple and Moses stepped out for a rare family appearance at the event for her latest cookbook, It's All Good.


"I was so happy," Paltrow dished to E! News last night at pal Tracy Anderson's Brentwood Studio Opening. "It was great."


NEWS: Gwyneth plays hip hop while cooking?


But it wasn't exactly Paltrow's new book that had her fam hopping on a flight to L.A.


"Someone had told my daughter that The Grove was really fun and she'd never been before," Paltrow smiled. "And so they all came out. I was so happy they were there."


Wonder if Apple picked up anything during her Grove shopping spree?


(link and video)

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Gwyneth Paltrow: Chris Martin is Really Funny!


Gwyneth Paltrow keeps it bright while heading to a meeting on Friday (April 5) in Beverly HIlls, Calif.


The day before, the 40-year-old actress rocked a purple dress while attending the Tracy Anderson Flagship Studio in Brentwood.


“Like any marriage we have good times and bad times… I think we’re really good friends and he’s really funny,” Gwyneth shared about her husband Chris Martin at the event.


There is a video at this link:





You know, I love Gwyneth. I think she's talented and pretty and has extremely great taste in husbands. At the expense of being alone on this, I admit that I wish she would leave a good quote alone every now and then and not throw in a "you never know what's going to happen" phrase. I understand she doesn't always do it. I understand she wants people to know they have a normal marriage with ups and downs. I understand, from previous interviews, that she knows you have to nurture a marriage and not be arrogant and think you have complete control. I get all this. I think she appears to be a stellar wife and mother, but still, every now and then..... ;) JMO.

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I agree, Ldy Space. As a married person, I don't run around going "I'm going to be married forever and ever!" Life has ups and downs, so I get that she's being cautious. She might not even want to look like a fool to the press, and she's said before that celebs who are married to each other really should shut their mouths about their marriage. I think they have a pretty real, normal marriage. But OTOH, we ARE huge fans of her husband and just want to hear "He's the greatest man ever to walk the earth" come out of her mouth!

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You know, I get tired of people saying how hard marriage is and how much work it is. I've been married almost 25 years (next January) , and we dated for 3 yeara before that and personally, it hasn't been difficult to be married and we have never had to "work" at our relationship. We've had challenges we've had to face but nothing that would affect our marriage or come between us. It hasn't been hard for us to be married. For us, it just is.

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If the "work" you put into a marriage is backbreaking, then you're married to the wrong person. It helps to be really good friends and to have a sense of humor and laugh a lot. The only work I have really have to do with my husband is not to insult his mother!

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If the "work" you put into a marriage is backbreaking, then you're married to the wrong person. It helps to be really good friends and to have a sense of humor and laugh a lot. The only work I have really have to do with my husband is not to insult his mother!


And I bet that is *really* hard sometimes.... :laugh3:

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Gwyneth Paltrow shows off her long legs while attending a signing for her new book It’s All Good: Delicious, Easy Recipes that Will Make You Look Good and Feel Great at Williams-Sonoma on Friday (April 5) in Beverly Hills, Calif.


Earlier in the day, the 40-year-old actress was spotted rocking sunglasses while heading to a meeting.


“Someone had told my daughter [Apple] that The Grove was really fun and she’d never been before,” Gwyneth recently shared about her book signing earlier in the week. “And so they all came out. I was so happy they were there.”




Good Lord, look at those legs. (And btw, for me, we, very luckily, haven't found marriage difficult either after 25 years - and 5 years of dating before that. I personally wouldn't end any statement about my marriage with "but you never know what will happen..." But I realize that most marriages do have ups and downs/challenges to face, I realize that I'm not in the limelight, and I realize that it's her business on how she wants to come across. I'm probably being selfish, but it would just be nice to hear her leave it on a positive note sometimes.)

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I thought this was very sweet.


Gwyneth at the Grove

Posted 4/6/2013 10:32:00 AM


Celebrity spotting in Los Angeles is so common that sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have the opportunity to see our faves in person. There are monthly book signings at Book Soup in WeHo, and many new films have Q&As with its stars or directors at the Arclight or Landmark Theaters. But every once in a while there is someone special.


This week it was Gwyneth Paltrow. It is no secret to my friends that Paltrow is my favorite actress and that I have been enthralled with her since Shakespeare in Love back in 1998. Oddly enough, I did not like her at the beginning of her career, especially when she was engaged to Brad Pitt in that never-ending saga.


I did love her in Emma, the best Jane Austen film adaptation of all time, with sexy Jeremy Northam as her leading man. Sliding Doors was quite clever as well. But after seeing her play Viola in the delightful Shakespeare in Love, I was hooked. This great film won her the Best Actress Oscar and also was the upset Best Picture winner over Saving Private Ryan. Everyone was screaming that the Spielberg epic was robbed. Have you watched Ryan recently? Except for the opening 30 minutes of the Normandy invasion, the film is a real hackneyed yawner. Shakespeare in Love is a timeless masterpiece.


Paltrow's career was in high gear with great performances in Sylvia and Proof and a number of other hits including her great Glee appearances. She married Chris Martin of Coldplay, had two children and slowed down. Except for two (soon to be three) Iron Man appearances (a dreadful waste of her talent), only last year's Country Strong gave her a really good part.


Of course, Paltrow has branched into so many other things, like her Goop website and several cookbooks. Last Wednesday night, Paltrow was signing her latest cookbook at Barnes and Noble at the Grove.


Figuring I might not have another chance to meet her, I went, bought a book and patiently stood in line to see the divine Gwynnie. She did not disappoint. She looked great and was chatty and friendly with everyone. When I told her how much I liked her (how dorky was that, coming from a man about the same age as her mother!), she beamed and said "And you like to cook?" I honestly replied that I hated cooking and never wasted my time in any kitchen.


She quite logically responded, "Then why did you buy my cookbook?" Equally straightforward, I told her that I bought it for the chance to meet her and get her autograph, and the cover picture was neat. She laughed and signed my book and tried to convince me to actually check out a recipe once in a while. (Only when In-N-Out has sold its last burger!)


All in all, it was a charming memorable experience. Chris Martin and her kids were also in attendance. You can be a gawky fan at any age. One of the great pluses living in L.A. is the chance to act out your celeb fantasies. I walked away dazzled by Gwyneth Paltrow's charm and beauty. And they say movie stars don't matter anymore.



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The good life



April 7, 2013


Elaine Lipworth


Gwyneth Paltrow continues her reign as domestic goddess with a new cookbook. But forget about the pasta and the cheese - this one is seriously healthy.


Shortly before Gwyneth Paltrow's first cookbook came out in the spring of 2011, I met her for lunch at a French brasserie in Beverly Hills. Any misconceptions I might have been harbouring of a faddish Hollywood star evaporated over the course of a decadent couple of hours. She devoured the baguette with butter as soon as it landed on our table and, on first-name terms with the chef, proceeded to order course after course of indulgent dishes including creamy butternut-squash soup, cod fried in beer batter and french fries, savouring every mouthful with sheer delight.


Paltrow's book Notes From My Kitchen Table turned into a global best-seller, and many of her recipes, such as "Gwyneth's spaghetti-limone parmigiano" and oven-baked "no-fry fries", have turned into staples in my house. None of which the 40-year-old actress herself will eat any more, at least not on a regular basis. Essentially, her latest cookbook, It's All Good, is a nutritional guide to seriously healthy living.


Cynics have been quick to write off the book without even reading it, but I can testify after a fortnight experimenting in my own kitchen prior to our interview, that Paltrow's creations are easy to make and delicious. Big hits with my family include her "many-mushroom" soup, risotto with peas and greens, and brownies made with rice milk and maple syrup as a substitute for sugar.


The book is based on a healthy eating plan, promising to "make you look good and feel great", that Paltrow and her family have been following since she had a health scare shortly after our LA lunch two years ago. Exhausted and stressed at the time, Paltrow was commuting regularly between London, New York and LA to sing at awards shows and guest star on the TV show Glee, when she started to feel unwell.


"I was on a flight every week. When I was on overnight flights I'd take a sleeping pill and drink wine to knock myself out. I was trying to do so much, two things at once, work and family. All that adrenalin, when you're trying to be on two continents at once, takes a toll," she says when we talk, this time on the phone.


She has just finished lunch (purple sprouting broccoli and spring onion in a lemon-vinaigrette dressing with a poached egg) and has called me from the north London house she shares with her husband, Coldplay lead vocalist Chris Martin, and their children Apple, eight, and Moses, six.


Paltrow was back in the UK serving lunch in the garden when she almost collapsed, lost control of her right hand and was convinced that she was having a stroke. "I felt so ill with a blinding pain in my head, I thought that I was going to die." It turns out the actress was having "a horrible migraine and a panic attack". A series of check-ups and tests led to the discovery of a benign cyst on her ovary "that needed to be removed immediately".


Paltrow's doctor, Alejandro Junger, informed the actress she was also anaemic and vitamin-D deficient with a "very congested" liver and "sky-high" stress levels. He advised her to cut out coffee, alcohol, dairy, eggs, sugar, shellfish, deepwater fish, potatoes, tomatoes, capsicum, eggplant, corn, wheat, meat and soy, as well as all processed food.


"This is the way you should try to eat for the rest of your life," Dr Junger told the actress.


"I knew it was time for a change," says Paltrow, who confesses she still enjoys cheese, red wine and brownies. "Life is about balance," she says, and reveals in the foreword of her new book that she couldn't contemplate life without parmesan, fried zucchini, pasta, baguettes and pinot noir.


How strict is she? "I probably just eat this way for three weeks at a time, two or three times a year."


Feeling "healed" and energised after that initial three weeks on Dr Junger's program, she was motivated to put on her apron and get back into the kitchen, determined to conjure up super-healthy dishes that were also tasty. The result: It's All Good, written with her friend Julia Turshen. Not all the recipes are from Paltrow's original "elimination diet" - there is even a recipe for grilled steak with anchovies - but almost all steer clear of sugar and wheat.


Paltrow says allergy tests revealed that, in fact, everyone in her house is intolerant of gluten, dairy and chicken eggs. So ice-cream and pizza are banished from the menu at home, but with healthy options such as her Italian-style fish fingers (made with gluten-free breadcrumbs) and vegan shepherd's pie (with mashed parsnips instead of potatoes), no one feels deprived.


Moses Martin, a budding chef himself (who is featured in numerous pastoral family snapshots throughout the book with his sister and mum) created one of the recipes: "Momo's Special Turkey Bacon".


"Moses is really super into cooking. He can perfectly crack an egg and not get any shell in the bowl and loves to help me. The kids are in the kitchen with me all the time," she says.


But how practical and affordable are the recipes in Paltrow's book - such as grilled duck and grilled pink snapper - for working families on a budget? "I know a lot of people can't afford to buy organic food - that is a luxury, I understand that," says the actress. "But there's nothing in the book that's expensive. I think these recipes are great because they are easy, they don't take a long time and they're not complicated. It's all about where you put your priorities.


"The main thing is eating together as a family," continues Paltrow, who makes sure that, when her husband isn't away recording or touring, the four of them sit down at the table every evening. "That time together without your computer and your iPad is important when you are having dinner, even if it's a Chinese takeaway."


She is well aware, however, that staying at home with the children isn't an option for many mothers: "I know you are not always going to have time to make a homemade meal from scratch. But you can grill a chicken breast in 10 minutes and steam vegetables in five. The point is the togetherness." Does Chris cook? She laughs. "No, never! But I think in a couple you have different jobs. Cooking is easy for me so there's no point in asking him to help. He's amazing at other things, like building a fire," she says affectionately. "He puts everything together and with one match you have a roaring fire. He's great at playing football with the kids for 45 minutes or having a walk on Hampstead Heath with them while I'm cooking dinner. He might go down to [the local] Primrose Bakery and buy cupcakes to bring home."


Paltrow is a devoted hands-on mum who enjoys all aspects of family life. "I take the children to all their activities after school and we go to the park. We go for walks on the Heath. Apple loves to go to The Body Shop and Gap Kids, so we often have a walk up to Hampstead high street."


There is a sense of contentment and self-possession about the actress, who was mostly raised in Santa Monica, California, with her actress mother Blythe Danner, 70, and late father, the director Bruce Paltrow, to whom her first book was dedicated. As she has acted since her teens, it's interesting that she has recently made the choice to put her impressive career on hold, or at least on a back-burner.


"You grow up and think, 'What if I get an Oscar one day?' and you get one at 26 [for Shakespeare in Love] and there was a lot of freedom in accomplishing that early on," she says. "By the time I had kids I was ready to leave [Hollywood] for a while.


"Doing a movie, you are not home. There are mothers I know who star in films and they're totally fine with it. I have way too much motherly guilt to do that. I remember


I was doing a film in New York a few years ago and I didn't see my kids at all for four days. I left the house at 5.30am and I came home at nine at night and I just thought, 'This is not for me, I don't want to miss this much of their lives,' so I have been very selective in my approach to doing films.


"At the same time, I am a very creative person. I am a caretaker. The books and my website [the popular lifestyle blog Goop] have been a great way for me to communicate with an audience and still be engaged with people."


What strikes me about the actress is that for all her discipline, she has a joie de vivre that is infectious and inspiring. "I have always cooked, I'm good at it and I love it," she says with exuberance. "Cooking makes me feel so calm and happy."


She is unusually frank, too. When I ask for the secret to her glowing skin - she is featured on the cover of her cookbook looking naturally beautiful without so much as a lick of mascara - she says, "I have a great dermatologist I see when I am in LA who gives me lasers and things to stimulate collagen [Thermage treatments] that make you look years younger."


On Goop she can be seen modelling a cropped leather top and shorts. How many 40-year-old mums could pull off that look?


"I work hard, you know - it's diet and a lot of exercise," she says. "There's not much of a secret to it. You can't be 40 with two kids and be in good shape and eat if you don't exercise - there is no way around it."


Life in the Paltrow-Martin household would appear to be idyllic, but Paltrow has a philosophical approach to marriage and admits: "You know, we've been through really difficult times and really wonderful times. I think you do fall in and out of love and you just keep going. It's about an openness to grow, really. I think that at the end of the day we accept that he [Martin] and I are in each other's lives specifically to teach each other the lessons that we are really here to learn. So we try to always take the high road and listen to each other."


What she treasures in the marriage, she says, is "our friendship, we like the same music and like to do the same things. Also, he makes me laugh."


She recently revealed that she suffered a miscarriage a few years ago and says the couple haven't ruled out adding to their family. "My children ask me to have another baby all the time. And in a way it would be great but my brain says, I think I'm done. I don't want to go back to changing nappies, but a part of me would love to have another."


She pauses for thought. "Our kids are at an age now where they are getting very independent so I'm really not sure. But I'm 40, so I'd better just decide soon - these eggs aren't getting any younger.


"Turning 40 was a big deal for me, and feeling like, 'Wow, I have lived half my life' - well hopefully a little bit less! It made me take stock about what was working in my life and what wasn't. I'm very grateful for the life I've lived so far and I'm open to whatever life is going to deal."


She is about to return to screens as Pepper Potts in Iron Man 3 with Robert Downey jnr and tells me that she has thought of opening a restaurant: "I would love to, I think it would be really fun as a side project at some point." But she won't consider anything that takes her away from the family.


"When you have children you are committing to a real responsibility, which is not only to them but to the world," she explains. "What kind of people do you want to raise? I want to put two people into the world who are good and polite with good manners, who speak more than one language, and who are capable of being citizens of the 21st century. So I take motherhood very seriously and I get incredible delight and pleasure out of my children. My family has been the great joy of my life."


And with that she sets off to pick up the children from school, before returning to her favourite room in the house, the kitchen, to cook dinner. On tonight's menu: "Super-crispy roast chicken ... it's really delicious!"


Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/lifestyle/the-good-life-20130402-2h4qy.html#ixzz2Pjw0AQBU

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I read Gwyneth's stuff b/c she's Mrs. Martin. I had no idea every single actress in Hollywood is supposedly "ugly, fake, & talentless". I was shocked to read that "people" hate Anne Hathaway, Halle Berry, etc. So much waste of energy if you ask me.

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