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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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Last week, my friend and I went to the public swimming pool. As we walked in, a song was playing over the loud speaker and I swore it was Chris. The sound was low quality so I just ignored it...then I realised it was THP and I started to sing along (luckily my friend knows nothing about music so she didn't tease me or anything)

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yesterday, i was studying a chapter about waves in my physics lesson... in that chapter, the words 'crests of waves' and 'speed of sound' are repeated too many times... this makes me love physics cos coldplay helps me how to remember the formulae... :laugh3:

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Lol, that's hilarious! My friend Beatrix came over and she wanted me to teach her GPASUYF on piano,so I did and when she got it right she kept playing it and playing it that I almost wanted to scream "I like the song but PLEASE STOP!!!"


Too much of a good thing...:dozey:

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Lol, that's hilarious! My friend Beatrix came over and she wanted me to teach her GPASUYF on piano,so I did and when she got it right she kept playing it and playing it that I almost wanted to scream "I like the song but PLEASE STOP!!!"


Too much of a good thing...:dozey:


you're lucky cos you have friends that share the same interest with you-- <coldplay>... i don't have any of them... :cry:

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Awww....I didn't have any Coldplay fan friends either 'til Bebe came along (I've only known her for a year!). Wow...I can remember meeting her and...*sigh* sorry...um


Today, I was playing Guitar Hero against some stupid boy! And scrolling through the songs I was like "What?!?! No Muse or Coldplay??" I got like really miffed that two of the best guitar riff writers I've ever heard of weren't in the game :bigcry:

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on a complete whim, i bought parachutes today in best buy.

the only copy ive ever had before is a burned one from a friend (even though ive got it on vinyl too), and ive been kind of wanting a real copy for a while (even though it is supporting EMI...), so i got one.


i'm leaving for college tomorrow, and even though i dont NEED CDs (ive got my ipod and am not even bringing a CD player or my car this term), i decided to bring along AROBTTH. then i thought that i would bring X&Y too, so therefore i HAD to bring parachutes as well, so i might as well bring a pretty one rather than a crappy burned CD. i'm probably never going to listen to them while i'm there, but its more of a...symbolic thing.


i'm leaving my records and record player at home, though :cry2:. but as i was packing today, i noticed that my AROBTTH vinyl had stowed away in one of my bins of things. i think it wants to come with me...

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^That makes me feel like cds have a soul, which I think I might firmly beleive they do. I'm a bit topsy turvy so I have days when I feel everything has its own place and its own soul and I feel I have to make all my things 'happy' by taking them out of the little hiddy holes they all eventually end up in! I need to get AROBTTH and Parachutes in CD form...I only have X&Y.


I just remembered. I had this point in time where I really loved X&Y and one day I remember kissing my cd case :lol:. Anyways, have fun at college Chels!

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^That makes me feel like cds have a soul, which I think I might firmly beleive they do. I'm a bit topsy turvy so I have days when I feel everything has its own place and its own soul and I feel I have to make all my things 'happy' by taking them out of the little hiddy holes they all eventually end up in! I need to get AROBTTH and Parachutes in CD form...I only have X&Y.


I just remembered. I had this point in time where I really loved X&Y and one day I remember kissing my cd case :lol:. Anyways, have fun at college Chels!


yeah... i also only have X&Y cd. Both AROBTTH and parachutes are in cassette form but my walkman and radio cassette have broke into pieces three years ago.. luckily i have all songs in my pc. actually, it is very difficult to find coldplay records here... we need to order them first before we get it..

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LOOOL I just laughed so loud! :D


Every evening MTV Germany is showing music clips in regard to different subjects. Today the main topic is called "Auch Fernsehsport macht hübsch" which means something like "tv sport is also making sexy" in English. The show is called "MTV Noise" and they played songs like "Here It Goes Again" by Ok Go or "Call On Me" by Eric Prydz!


And suddenly on number 17... they played "The Hardest Part"! Haha, it was so unpredictable! :lol: Great idea!!

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^That makes me feel like cds have a soul, which I think I might firmly beleive they do. I'm a bit topsy turvy so I have days when I feel everything has its own place and its own soul and I feel I have to make all my things 'happy' by taking them out of the little hiddy holes they all eventually end up in! I need to get AROBTTH and Parachutes in CD form...I only have X&Y.


I just remembered. I had this point in time where I really loved X&Y and one day I remember kissing my cd case :lol:. Anyways, have fun at college Chels!


haha, thanks rachael!! im in a hotel now and am moving in tomorrow...


but i pretty much agree about the whole CD thing...there's something to be said for having the music in a physical form rather than in invisible pieces of information in the computer. which is why i brought the 3 CDs. i really wish i could have brought the vinyl, but i would have been paranoid about it getting scratched or broken, so i put it back in my record box, sadly...

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I often wonder, when I listen to music, what I'm actually hearing. I know science tells us it's just vibrations and stuff but that just makes music sound very boring and lifeless. Music is amazing...its like an invisible love letter or an invisible map into someone's mind.


Also, we learn how 'math-e-matical' music is, which also sucks all the creativity out of music, as if it is something that is bound by certain rules.


I was in a cafe today and they had a one-man acoustic live performance. I think I may have said before that if someone can sing or play guitar, I'll instantly like them...well anyway, I was idley listening to him and he started to play 'The Scientist'. He did a really nice version and his voice wasn't that horrid scratchy voice that ruins the whole song.

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Rachael, I'm more like you now than what I used to be - yes, all that analysis stuff - the physics of it all. It can be neat to know, but then it sort of kills the fun part, which is the imagination end of it.. Maybe some joys are better left mysteries:).

Glad you got hear a live performance! :guitarist:

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Yeah, I really hate science becuase I far better like to dream up why everthing existed. I always had this little picture in my head that there where 8 li'l spirits, Water, Fire, Air, Light, Nature, Space, Matter and Soul...and that these 8 spirits kept the whole world in check. Of course, science begs to differ and I still have to get good marks at school...

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Here's an interesting one... I was watching through the fix you music video the other day and noticed at the beginning of the second verse there's a billboard behind him displaying a message in the X&Y text. anyone else catch that? The weird part is that it doesn't match up with X&Y or any of the singles...can anybody crack the code? and reveal what the mysterious sign is saying? I've played around with X&Y code translators before, maybe we can figure it out.

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IT SPELLS MAKE TRADE FAIR! I was at my computer on an artwork generator website for the past half hour....first typing in everything that Martin or Coldplay might say, then taking it apart letter by letter. first it looks like some guy named 'Jed' in the middle...then decoded "make" at the beginning and a minute later I figured it out.

...Kind of embarrassing that it took me that long as It should've been the first phrase I tested.

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"Starlight", i fell the same way you do!... You're not the only one who needs coldplay to feel there are many reasons to just go forward in life... there are some days you feel like the whole world is pushing you down or that you have been swallowed by the sea and you feel there's nothing or no one else that can cheer you up, but then you remember there is a magic music that plays a band named coldplay and you just listen to it, and that's all to find the light in a dark and dangerous road!-... and it never got tired to listen and feel it.

I just have to THANK COLDPLAY!

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^Aww yeah Coldplay definitely have that soothing relaxational healing effect when you start to like them .... but then you forget about it or it kind of goes away after like half a year ... :\


But I don'tk now, I haven't listened in a months, maybe they're still like that.

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