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The best one is where GOB does it on his Segway and then he says he hurt his ankle "Shooting hoops or something" then it cuts to him doing the chicken dance to Buster :D


OMGGG yes! i'm laughing just thinking about it :laugh3:


"Oh god. Don't move, let me pull it"

"Nonononono it's bad it's bad"



Gob's chicken dance is just too hilarious :lol:




but my another one of my fave AD jokes are all the Ann Veal ones!


So wait, is the movie def. official now? Because last time I heard Michael Cera was unsure about coming back :\


EDIT: Just another reason why Gob's the best! :lol::laugh4:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oDY5w7P-GY&feature=related]YouTube - GOB - Club Sauce[/ame]

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"My name is Judge."


Gosh, I frikin love that episode...I love Franklin so much.


So sad the guy that plays J. Walter Weatherman died, though. It's one of my favorite jokes and I would have liked him to make an appearance in the movie. :/

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