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Do you wear a watch?


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i used to wear one, i always felt naked if i didn't have it but a few months ago i suddenly stopped wearing it and now i never wear it anymore. I've got my mobile to look at the time anyway.

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Once i couldnt live without my watch, the problem was it drove me crazy. Everything was always so exact and timed with me. Ppl used to make fun of me for that :(. And I had this gigantic BabyG that looked really bad whenever I went out but I couldnt bare to remove it, because I had this crazt need to know what the time was all the time


then, January 31st last year I'd made a decision! The watch must go!!! And my wrist has been watch free ever since and life has been nicer. Though I dont have something on my hand to remind me that Gilmore Girls starts.. so i've also been watching less TV

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I have a watch, and it is somewhere in this house.


If I want to know the time, i just check my mobile phone :)



:cry: I had this really awesome, and inexpensive wrist watch. It was just perfect. Easy and quick to set-up, and with everything I needed.


I lost it somewhere in the house. And I hear it beeping from time to time...but I can never find it and I already turned the house upside down trying to find it...so sad.


I had to get another one, but I don't like much... :shifty:

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I don't wear watch. If I wear watch I have this silly thing - I need to look at it every second. I mean, I'm a bit crazy about time thing, I can look at watch or clocks every 15 seconds just to check the time again and again and again. So no watch for me.

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i cant live without my watch...

i just cant wake up in the middle of the night and not know what time it is... im kinda crazy with looking at the time, coz sometimes i look at the watch and 10sec later i need to look again coz i didnt see the time the first time i looked :wacko:

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All the time.. I feel naked if I go out without it.

im kinda crazy with looking at the time, coz sometimes i look at the watch and 10sec later i need to look again coz i didnt see the time the first time i looked :wacko:

haha I do that too

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Yes, always. I can't live without a watch. For example, when I go somewhere, I can come long way back home because I forgot my watch. :D

I look on my watch 98420 times a day. I'm just addicted :D And I hate to be late...

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