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Sweet One

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Yaaa :cool3: <-Can I wear these sunglasses for it? It's the only way I can sustain an erection don't ask. :anxious:


Well you make this threesome business sound so icky with your trust and issues! I'm out!


Haha but no seriously I much rather a threesome with girls I don't know so well then a partner and another girl.


I'm hurt :disappointed:



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Hahahahaha Reilly neeeds therapyyyyyyy.... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


I find that amusing that such a person would even agree to therapy :laugh3:


Holy crap! It was a joke, you sick child (Running on from the JOKE that I envisage cactuses in a sensual way- everything needs explaining to you).


But if I was seeing a therapist, what kind of person would laugh at someone going through therapy? You probably need some to be so heartless.


I'm hurt :disappointed:




Haha well away from the luls, I probably wouldn't have a threesome if it sounded like it was going to be about trust and serious issues.

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Preferably one of them needs to be- not really a stranger, but not someone you see so regularly. It's undeniably awkward no matter how relaxed you are towards sex, unless you do porn or something.


Like if I knew both of them well then it's got to be a little bit awkward if the three of you are around eachother a lot, and it also becomes like where do you draw the line? It was a lot of fun so why not do it again? Someone's bound to bring it up.

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If a threesome were to happen, I wouldn't do it with my partner and like a really close friend that I see like errday or i dunno, someone i work with or someone like that. that i have to see a lot cos yeah, it would be awkward balls.. but i also wouldn't do it with a complete stranger! Maybe like an acquaintance or something... Someone I don't have to deal with on a daily basis...



Plus... I'm quite jealous and yeah that's why i don't like threesomes :wacko:

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Agreed,unless it was a total disaster haha.


My friend's brother once had a threesome with his best friend and a girl he met in a bar. He seemed comfortable with the fact that he fucked another girl with his closest friend.


Uh :anxious: Well yeah I think a lot of guys would.


Maybe like an acquaintance or something... Someone I don't have to deal with on a daily basis...:


Yeah perfect, or just a stranger. :anxious:

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how much porn do you guys watch? :wacky:


I watch some not all the time either... when i do it's girl on girl :charming:



Hmm I dunno :thinking: I watch porn but not very often, it's been a pretty long time since I last watched it anyway. I think girl on girl porn is really boring to watch :thinking: but dood on dood stuff is just weird cause it's all "macho macho man! huge piniz in the azz! hairy man thighs and buttcheecks":wreck: not hot


ok I have a question


would you ever have a treesome ? and with whom


example 2 other females 2 other males etc

I've never had a threesome but I think I'd wanna try it. If I had a threesome it would be with two doods I didnt know :wacky: it'd just be really awkward to have a threesome with my partner and a third random person. I'd get jealous if that person was a girl and I woud feel weird fucking some other dood with me bf was watching :anxious:



Hahahahaha Reilly neeeds therapyyyyyyy.... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


I find that amusing that such a person would even agree to therapy :laugh3:


hahaha this made me lul :wacky:

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dood on dood stuff is just weird cause it's all "macho macho man! huge piniz in the azz! hairy man thighs and buttcheecks":wreck: not hot


This :sick: Which is why I mainly watch girl/girl, or POV (from the guy's point-of-view). It can actually be time consuming trying to find porn that isn't literally a close up of some doods hairy asshole bopping up and down on an anonymous vagina. You have to wonder what sexuality the director of that kind of porn actually is.

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I couldn't handle a threesome.


Two girls and I'd feel bad and get paranoid about leaving people out for too long and there would be too much emphasis on me when I prefer to be the pleaser.

A guy and a girl and I'd probably be put off sexually with another penis in the equation. Also it would be lame to be the guy with the smaller dick whether it matters or not.


I think it would be difficult for three people to be in the moment as well, and when I fuck somebody I need that emotional connection. I couldn't imagine watching somebody I could have that connection with fucking someone else or them watching me fuck someone else.


Fair play to anyone who can do it though.

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I couldn't handle a threesome.


Two girls and I'd feel bad and get paranoid about leaving people out for too long and there would be too much emphasis on me when I prefer to be the pleaser.


Less of a focus on you if the girls are into each other as well.


A guy and a girl and I'd probably be put off sexually with another penis in the equation. Also it would be lame to be the guy with the smaller dick whether it matters or not.


Hahaha, didn't think that far into it. I can't say I'd mind though.

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