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Is Coldplay Connecting With Their Audiences?


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There have been a lot of discussions coming up in the U2 fan community about Coldplay. A lot of us are big fans of Coldplay. And since U2 is in the studio at the moment, and I guess Coldplay is doing a good job of filling the void...with Chris filling that enormous Bono-shaped hole, lol.


Anyway, there has been some discussion comparing Coldplay to U2...You know, since there has been a lot of talk in the media and on the Internet of Coldplay being the "next U2." It just keeps coming up. You almost can't come across an interview or review of Coldplay without seeing/hearing the name U2 come up. My feeling on this is...It is simply too early in Coldplay's career to compare. That goes without saying that Coldplay is very different from U2 anyway.


So then why are people comparing them?


Perhaps you guys have your own theories on this, but -- aside from the fact that, interestingly, both bands are huge Radiohead fans and cite them as one of the biggest influences on the music they are making at the moment -- it seems to me that it isn't so much about the way the music sounds, as it is about the feelings that Coldplay's music evokes. And also the social consciousness that they seem to possess, which they have very much in common with U2. And, whether directly or indirectly, this social consciousness manifests itself in the music. Maybe it's a technical thing, like the keys that the songs are played in, or the tempo...Or maybe it's that other little thing that both lead singers/lyricists seem to have in common -- a belief in God. Or maybe it IS God; I don't know.


Anyway, there have been a few reviews of Coldplay's recent shows that complain of the band not "connecting" with the audience well enough. I've listened to a few recent boots, and while in some shows they seem to connect with the audience more than in others, I find it hard to believe that this is THE one major complaint throughout. Consider this conversation I had recently with a friend of mine. She does not like Coldplay at all, but we both like U2:




HER: In the last week, all of a sudden there've been articles

saying Coldplay lacks spark, emotional depth.

ME: well they're full of shit

HER: No, they weren't. They explained it really well, why they thought it was that way.

ME: Not the ones I've read.

HER: Hang on a bloody god damned second and I'll get you a #!%ing review. (Sorry she had a mouth on her today lol.)

HER: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/atu2/message/4690

HER: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/atu2/message/4714

ME: shit i got chocolate on my mouse

ME: ok a.) i'm not a member of atu2

ME: and b.) i don't care what the reviewers have to say

ME: If u2 got shite reviews would you still love them?

HER: Yes

ME: well there you go

HER: But Coldplay is still very one-tempo.

ME: well then i guess it happens to be a tempo i like

ME: but ya know

ME: i think we're a little spoiled by u2

ME: affa (saw Coldplay at the Hollywood Bowl, said they were AMAZING) said the only complaint that she had about coldplay was that they don't connect with their audience like u2 does

HER: And that's the complaint in those two articles.

ME: And I was like, well most bands *don't*. U2 is very special

HER: And a band *should* connect.

ME: but I think the reason people are complaining about it in coldplay's case is because their music makes you want that connection.

HER: *Would bet money that Metallica, REM and all those guys connect with the audience*

ME: well not always...i mean sometimes it's enough just to be good, or to crack funny jokes in between songs

ME: well coldplay is still a very young band too

ME: at least in america

HER: *Bets U2 was already making the connection*

HER: when they were "still a very young band".

ME: don't compare them to u2

ME: u2 is #&%ing amazing

HER: Why not?

HER: Everyone else is.

ME: you said yourself it annoys you

ME: and i really don't think it's worth comparing

HER: It annoys me that peole say they're *as good as* U2.

ME: well it depends on what you mean by good

ME: it's all very opinion-based, andrea

ME: the general consensus in the world is that the beatles are the best band ever

ME: but i know people who don't even like the beatles



Now, I have yet to see Coldplay in concert, so I really can't provide my own insight, but I am really interested in hearing from those of you who have seen them in concert. I'll post a poll, but I'd like you guys to elaborate, and at least say when the concert you saw was.


I know I talked about U2 here, but it is only because these discussions I've been having happen to be in the U2 community. But I don't intend this to be a Coldplay vs. U2 thread...because I think a thread like that would go nowhere fast, lol. I love both bands. ::shrugs:: And music is not a competition anyway; usually it is very much the opposite.


What I am really interested in is how Coldplay makes you feel. I get the sense that they've got something special about them, and I rarely feel that way about a band.




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I am a huge U2 fan and love their live shows. Coldplay is not as mature as U2 and not as sexy as Bono's earlier stuff (or Larry for that matter). But Coldplay does have a unique live show. It is mostly youthful energy, and some forms of innocence. Mostly, I like their sound and their talk about lost and lived loves. But U2 would rock Coldplay out in terms of big and loud and pop-ish. Coldplay is just like watching your friend's band hit the stage...and maybe that is why I like them.

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i saw them this past monday... and i saw them in feb of 2001 (both in chicago) and i posted about this already, but they sure didn chat as much this time round as they did 2 years ago. if anyone knows about the riviera and the uic pavillion they know there's a pretty big size difference between them.

they played the riv in 2001 and it was the show right before they cancelled their tour cos they were all coming down with the flu or soemthing, but he made conversation and it was like making a personal connection with everyone in the audience (and i knew how they were feeling cos i was coming down with a bad sinus infection, but i would be damned if i missed that show :D ).

this time around at the pavillion it was a little different. they werent making conversation, and as far as i could hear they didnt say much about their make trade fair campaign :shrug: not that i didnt know what it was about, but i wouldnt've minded hearing it from chris :sad: i wouldnt mind hearing anything from him, but it didnt happen *sniffle* they didnt seem to make the show last like they did the last time i saw them. it was fast too, i dont think they were speeding through the songs but it felt like it was too fast. dont get me wrong, seeing them was like a spiritual experience ... but it was missing that little bit of conversation


could it have been the size of the venue? or maybe it was the fact that there were 2 opening acts and they felt that they were running out of time? i have no idea, but things were feeling a bit different this time around... in my humble opinion anyway

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We love them like (like we like U2) because (the parallel...)


* They have one of the best front men in rock (especially live) 8)

* The guitarist is the quiet sonic ranger of the group :lol:

* The rest of the band is solid and the music is incredibly tight but they aren't competing for the spotlight.

* They talk with the audience

* They have a sense of humor

* Great lights :roll:

* Synth backing tracks

* They are both full of energy, youth, and integrity (Early U2 had so much of this)

* I'm an athiest, but I BELIEVE when i listen to U2 and Coldplay (not preachy, but it aims for something higher and gives HOPE) :-x

* Some politics and speaking for what you believe in (though not over-reaching it like RATM)

* Ability to poke fun at one-self.

* The ability to make music that is digestible and is liked by the masses and YET does not sell-out or is too poppy (ie why they are not compared to Radiohead anymore, U2 is a better comparison)

* Great songs ....

*......that can heard on the radio!! and seen on mtv!! :D

* From the UK but translates VERY well and you feel like they are from your own country regardless. :shrug:

* The power of optimism

* Appreciate their fans and our humble and confident at he same time

* They play incredible shows during the pouring rain at Red Rocks during the first week of June :D


I've been hearing the U2/Coldplay comparisons of late and i think there are very good reasons as there are tons of similarities and parallel lines. I just hope that those in the U2 don't think that Coldplay are COPYING :cry: U2 as they still have different sounds and they have more integrity then that. Plus they have been compared to Travis and Radiohead before and those comparisons haven't lasted as their sound has changed.


The amazing thing is that U2 did Joshua Tree as their FIFTH studio album. Its amazing to see Coldplay take off as they have. But there is a reason and a lot of that is how good their live show is.


Ok enuff talkin' go see them already!! 8)


PS Hopefully all the U2 tapers will jump in and start taping most of our shows!! :idea:

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PS They appear to do much better at shows that they are well known at...


ie:..........with good, faithful fans.


A lot of show reviews have been slagging the lacklaster crowds. They probably just want to get through the night if its going to be lackluster. They get really excited at the BIGGER shows of the tour. (Hollywood Bowl, Red Rocks, Madison Square Garden, M.E.N., Earls Court)


I also noticed that the reviews were much better on the back half of the recent American Tour threads than the first couple of shows.

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Coldplay connecting with the audience


I went to the concert at UIC last year. It was really different, I remember he did chat a lot more. Don't you remember that he even let a fan propose to his girlfriend? This year's concert was good, but he didn't say much to the audience. :( I do like it when musicians talk to the audience because it does make the concert more personal. Since it is a live concert you are expecting something different than hearing what you hear when you listen to the album. I am glad that they played some different songs that they have never played before, but last concert they did play a lot more songs and more from their first album. Like I said before, I had better seats the first time so the concert sounded a lot better the first time.


The band did not play as many songs. I don't know if they were tired or what? I don't know if he thought the crowd was not with him or what. Not a whole lot of people were standing up for the concert either. Just until yellow was played did the audience stand up. I did hear the concert in Toronto over the radio and it sounded that he was more in touch with the crowd there. They had more encores. At chicago, the band played their last song with the lights on. Remember that Chris asked to turn the lights on? Afterwards I figured out that he probably did this so that they could end with that song.


I still love coldplay. I love their songs and their music. This does not change my opinion of them. I wish I could have been there for the toronto concert! I wonder if the MSG concer will be great.

Are coldplay going to be playing in England of London this summer? Are they playing in that one concert with all those other bands like REd Hot Chili Pepper? That should be a great concert. I listen to Virgin Radio over the net a lot. It's a good radio station. (off the topic)


Oh well those are my thoughts on the concert. It doesn't sound like there are any other Chicago fans on this site though. So we may not get anymore feedback.

:shrug: :cry:

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Btw.... I also went to a U2 concert for the first time last year or the year before (I don't remeber exactly). We got floor tickets and were not able to get really close to the front. But, that didn't matter! It was one of the best concerts sound wise and performance wise that I have ever attended. And I am not even a huge fan. It was held in the united center and I was kind of scared that the concert would not sound to good since it is a huge place...but the crowd was great and the band sounded awesome. I love it when you can say that a band sounds better live then when you listen to them on their album. That's when you know they are really good musicians. Which I must say I did get that impression also when I saw coldplay the first time. (With better seats- much closer, there is too much bass when you are sitting on the balcony.) :D

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i am a u2 fan to the core, i saw them in 2001, and it was unequivocally the greatest night of my life. a u2 concert (particularly on the elevation tour, from what i have gleaned) is more than a concert, it a religious experience.

with that being said, i saw coldplay last week in new york and they were absolutely fantastic. i love coldplay but i think it is pretty much pointless to compare them to u2 or even to radiohead for that matter. maybe in 15 or 20 years we can compare them to u2 at this point. but if you look at u2's earliest records they were influenced by the sounds of the sex pistols and the ramones... i dont know, i think thats a very different place than where coldplay is coming from.

i think the ways that they are similar is that they both immediately started out knowing that they could be great bands. they're ambitious and socially conscious but musically, i dont see that coldplay is copying u2 or is the next u2. so maybe we should stop trying to compare them, and enjoy them for what they are.

coldplay makes me think, they explain my feelings when nothing else can, they make me happy to be alive-- i think that should be a trait of all great music, not just coldplay and u2! even though they are amongst the best!! :D anyway thats just my two cents on the matter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi i registered SOLELY for the reason to respond to this thread... hehehe... pretty stupid eh? well, i personally never had a great love for U2, but then again, maybe i'm just too young to appreciate it.


Well, either way, I have to admit, i wasn't a full-blown coldplay fanatic until i saw them live at the Shoreline in May. There's just an invisible energy that can't be captured on a cd. Politik suddenly became my new favorite song, and i bought a blue/black longsleeve shirt way too late and it was slightly oversized...


BACk to the point. It seems to me that everybody feels u2 was a band that "connected" with the crowd. Well, in the scope of the world of music, that's an INCREDIBLY rare thing, and we can't really DEMAND coldplay to do that... although its mysteriously tempting...


but how do you really DEFINE "connecting", anyways?


I feel that its already a HUGE deal to have a great band like coldplay in times like these when artists are selling out left and right.


I'm completely fine the way they are now.

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Like I said before, I saw them twice and thought that the 1st concert I ever saw them in was better. They are a great band performing live. Like I said before, not all bands play well live and sound even better than they do on their CD. I have only gotten that from Coldplay and U2.


I don't like comparing them (as to which band is better), because their music is different and I am a bigger Coldplay fan.


Their first concert got me into their second album. There were a lot of songs that they played that I had not heard before because I had not purchased their second album. But the music sounded sooooo good live, I loved the concert anyhow. After the concert, I bought their second album right away because of their performance at the concert! :-D


I love Chris' voice, the piano, and the melody of the guitar in their songs!

I think I was expecting too much when I went to the second concert, because I loved the 1st concert soooo much!

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The very first time i got to see coldplay was this past june, at the toronto gig, and..i was right in the front and up close to Chris, and there was just this sort of..magic i guess you could say..I can still remember that feeling, and I don't think I'll get to feel like that again..it was incredible..do coldplay connect with the fans? why yes they do indeed

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