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sebagai Warga Negara Indonesia


marilah kita berdoa untuk kita semua terutama kejadian yang telah menimpa kita pada tanggal 2 September lalu


sisihkan sebagian dana kepada saudara2 kita disana, semoga dana yang kita berikan akan membantu mereka untuk bangkit kembali


ini thread saya bikin untuk pandangan dari orang-orang luar (tapi yang respon cuma 1 :()




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para fans coldplay ayo dong kita vote coldplay dateng ke indonesia. contoh nya kita bisa nge vote di twitter di sini nih gua kasih web nya http://twitter.com/JavaMusikindo kita follow javamusikindo terus kita tweet ke dia vote coldplay. soalnya kan sekarang2 sini javamusikindo lagi gencer2 nya ngundang2 band luar kaya kemaren cobra starship dan yg bentar lagi kaya pitbull sm kelly clarkson. ayo dong vote coldplay dateng ke indonesia hehehe

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Dear all Indo-Coldplayers :dance:

denger2 di Jakarta mau diadain disneyland yah?


please tell me ASAP dong! penasaran deh..


thanks in advance :nice:


I can understand Indonesian but I won't attempt to try writing in Indonesian because it would come out all wrong, but


WOW. If Indonesia has a Disneyland, that would be totally amazing and I would totally go. :D

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dibikin disneyland gmn grids?


gatau juga, gue denger dari temen sih gitu.. cuma gue liat di berita belom beredar kayaknya haha..


btw, KevinIndonesia asal mana? nice to meet you ya :)


para fans coldplay ayo dong kita vote coldplay dateng ke indonesia. contoh nya kita bisa nge vote di twitter di sini nih gua kasih web nya http://twitter.com/JavaMusikindo kita follow javamusikindo terus kita tweet ke dia vote coldplay. soalnya kan sekarang2 sini javamusikindo lagi gencer2 nya ngundang2 band luar kaya kemaren cobra starship dan yg bentar lagi kaya pitbull sm kelly clarkson. ayo dong vote coldplay dateng ke indonesia hehehe


oh iya tuh, gue denger cobra starship dateng yah ke Jakarta? kayaknya lagi pada banjir artis yah disana hehehe...


i'm gonna do what Rudy is doing too! :D


hehee hello from Brunei! :cheesy:


hey there! do i know you? :)


btw, nice to meet you here :dance:


hello from Indonesia :nice:


I can understand Indonesian but I won't attempt to try writing in Indonesian because it would come out all wrong, but


WOW. If Indonesia has a Disneyland, that would be totally amazing and I would totally go. :D


hahaha.. thats fine. i always wonder how i can understand malaysians due to our different words and meanings. but anyways, that would be really amazing if indonesia had one. fyi, i heard that singapore is working on their universal studio. isnt that awesome? :dance:. i think southeast asia wants to be a developed region by building these game places.

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Grids, Universal Studios in Sentosa Island is already opened! :D It opened last month... So when are you going? :laugh4:


I wanna gooo... But I want Disneyland more. I want to meet Aladdin... :wacky: But then Universal Studios has Po the Kung Fu Panda... Damnit I need money to travel. :laugh4:

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btw, KevinIndonesia asal mana? nice to meet you ya :)


oh iya tuh, gue denger cobra starship dateng yah ke Jakarta? kayaknya lagi pada banjir artis yah disana hehehe...




gua tinggal di jakarta grids, kalo boleh tau asal lu dari mana? nama asli lu grids siapa hehe.


iya makanya sekarang javamusikindo lagi banyak2 nya ngedatengin band/ artis dari luar gua berharap banget2 coldplay bisa dateng :(

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Grids, Universal Studios in Sentosa Island is already opened! :D It opened last month... So when are you going? :laugh4:


I wanna gooo... But I want Disneyland more. I want to meet Aladdin... :wacky: But then Universal Studios has Po the Kung Fu Panda... Damnit I need money to travel. :laugh4:


haha really?? i didnt know about that though.. i've just heard that the universal studio has planned in singapore, but i never thought that has been done, and its already opened!


wow! thats amazing! :dance:


when am i going? i dont know.. im still out of the country, but you know what, i may think about it! :).. that would be cool to come there with some people too :dance:


gua tinggal di jakarta grids, kalo boleh tau asal lu dari mana? nama asli lu grids siapa hehe.


iya makanya sekarang javamusikindo lagi banyak2 nya ngedatengin band/ artis dari luar gua berharap banget2 coldplay bisa dateng :(


gue juga asal dari jakarta kok :), cuma sekarang lagi sekolah di seattle hehe..


nama asli gue afi. lu masih sekolah apa udah kuliah?


iya tuh.. gue denger juga coldplay mau ke indo tapi kok gajadi2 yahh? hehe..

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hey there indonesian coldplayers :cool:


i have a really great news for you guys!


guess what? *or maybe im ketinggalan jaman, hahaha..* do you know that there is a guy from indonesia who ran out to aussie, and then he made a band with his aussie friends called the temper trap?


btw, he's a vocalist and a frontman :dance:


his name is Dougy Mandagi.






he's a really indonesian, isnt he? :D


the band had begun from him too, so he was a starter for making the band.


i started to listen their song called "Sweet Disposition" yesterday, and i directly downloaded their album by mp3locker.org. the song is really awesome :dance:. oh! and also "Love Lost" its gonna be my second favorite song from them too. fyi, i listen to their album for a whole day today :cool:, and the fact is, im starting to get into their music!


oh, and one more thing, the band has got an award for diet coke commercial. it has taken "Sweet Disposition" as the selection song.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88wygh5d40o]YouTube- Diet Coke Oscar TV Commercial "Sweet Disposition" by The Temper Trap[/ame]


btw, the very good point is, we should be proud to be an indonesian :D. i think he's the second one who runs out to international after Anggun (do you guys remember her)? :)

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haha really?? i didnt know about that though.. i've just heard that the universal studio has planned in singapore, but i never thought that has been done, and its already opened!


wow! thats amazing! :dance:


when am i going? i dont know.. im still out of the country, but you know what, i may think about it! :).. that would be cool to come there with some people too :dance:




gue juga asal dari jakarta kok :), cuma sekarang lagi sekolah di seattle hehe..


nama asli gue afi. lu masih sekolah apa udah kuliah?


iya tuh.. gue denger juga coldplay mau ke indo tapi kok gajadi2 yahh? hehe..


seattle di aussie bukan? sekolah apa kuliah?


gua masih sekolah kok fi masih kelas 2 SMA :confused: hehe


iya bener kalo ga salah waktu itu sempet ada gossip coldplay mau ke indonesia

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hey there indonesian coldplayers :cool:


i have a really great news for you guys!


guess what? *or maybe im ketinggalan jaman, hahaha..* do you know that there is a guy from indonesia who ran out to aussie, and then he made a band with his aussie friends called the temper trap?


btw, he's a vocalist and a frontman :dance:


his name is Dougy Mandagi.






he's a really indonesian, isnt he? :D


the band had begun from him too, so he was a starter for making the band.


i started to listen their song called "Sweet Disposition" yesterday, and i directly downloaded their album by mp3locker.org. the song is really awesome :dance:. oh! and also "Love Lost" its gonna be my second favorite song from them too. fyi, i listen to their album for a whole day today :cool:, and the fact is, im starting to get into their music!


oh, and one more thing, the band has got an award for diet coke commercial. it has taken "Sweet Disposition" as the selection song.



btw, the very good point is, we should be proud to be an indonesian :D. i think he's the second one who runs out to international after Anggun (do you guys remember her)? :)



gua baru tau fi vocalist nya itu lahir di indonesia kayanya emang bener orang indonesia terus dia ke aussie terus ke hawaii. lagu nya enak kok yg sweet dispostion

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