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I've heard Violet Hill: my opinion


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The last three posts I read may be right, and so right I would prefer that you edited your guesses, as where I could be from.


who guesses your real identity, might he win the song???:D


the only non-English Martin I know is ricky martin.... are you?

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Melanieau, I spent some time and England, and my written english is good, but I haven't practised to hear or talk with somebody for several years.


Anyway, I think I said it's up to you to believe it or not.

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Guest Grace
It's certainly odd that he/she says that English is not his/her first language' date=' yet he/she can describe it with such descriptive words.[/quote']



but i think we shouldn't bother lunesazul2004 any longer.


we should appreciate they posted this bit of news because i actually believe all of it.

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Thanks. I think you're right, and if you excuse me now I will leave, as I think I have no much more information but the one I posted here.


Please tell Ian not to name me, or change my nicknme to something else. I don't care what the mnme will be as it should be different.

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Thanks. I think you're right, and if you excuse me now I will leave, as I think I have no much more information but the one I posted here.


Please tell Ian not to name me, or change my nicknme to something else. I don't care what the mnme will be as it should be different.


Thanks for this information mate, its all a bit James Bond with all this secrecy!! :D

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Coldplay have been just amazingly protective with this..it's like they want the whole world to wait for the song and the album.

J do hope we get something ( a star on coldplay.com or any info) soon, because it's my birthday on sunday and there would be no better present than Violet Hill!:D

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To be honest, they haven't told us much at all, except that little bit from Prospekt. Most of the stuff we know has come from other sources, even the fact Violet Hill is the single. I'd love some official confirmation of album art and stuff next I think.

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Of course I want to believe this poster but if he really wanted to remain confidential he should have signed up with a new name. In previous posts he writes his name and where he is from - its out there for whoever wants to know.


If the info is true then it sounds awesome.

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Album art would be great!


though i'm thinking it'll just be the frida khalo painting.


I never thought of that. Please don't let them use that. Its a nice piece of art, but I'd love something abstract and which follows with all the singles like the other albums, even the simple design for X&Y was cool because it was so eyecatching and unusual.

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ohmygoodnessgosh, this just got me so excited i can't even decribe it. regardless of whether it's true or not (and i think it is true), i feel more pumped than ever. i say that all the time, but i think my excitement just reaches new levels with every scrap of news that we get.


i have to say that this sounds legit, though. i suppose we'll know in time, but it sounds too descriptive to be made up. and usually people that lie don't go into that much detail because it's even more harmful to them once they're found out. and the english being good doesn't mean anything about its credibility, i don't think. i know that i can write much better spanish than i can speak (or could at one point in my life), and especially if this person has spent time in england, they could very well write this well. i think it would be a bit harder to remember things in another language, even if you are pretty fluent in it, especially if you're excited or whatevr. i think this is AMAZING news; i just wonder who has it and how they got it!!


and that i'm kind of dying for lyrics.



thank you sooo much, lunesazul2004!!

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