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I guess it's taking such a long time because it is a very large and detailed picure, right? :wink3:


Ofcourse I won't die, Jamie! Then I'll miss the bikini shot! I'd rather die than miss the bikini shot! Wait... that makes no sense.

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Holy crap Aleja!:stunned: What a beautiful pic. I would kill to have the rack you have - seriously. I feel bad you didn't see the pic I posted but yours is definitely HOTTER!!!





I would too. You got a nice rack and no belly pudge. Guys are dying because of you! I have no rack.:cry:



But I do have a bikini pic.


Not that anyone cares, with the no rack and all.



By the way, how would any of you like to go through life without a rack and without a penis? Huh? Just think about that!!!:veryangry2:





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