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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


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when your friend asks you to be the dj at this party she's having.


and you can't WAIT cause all you're gonna play is coldplay. :dance:!!


Haha that's so cool ! :)

But be careful and keep a watch on the dancefloor to check if they're still people on it :D


When you're in the tramway and you suddendly NEED to see their faces :)

So I watched the 60 minutes interview and I was laughing and grinning in front of people... So I decided to contain myself... SO HARD !

Did you see when Chris talks about their former house, and saying "Something else happened in that room" and Johnny laughs so Chris say "I hide my head" ? :D I really wonder what they did there !

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Oddly enough, I've never listed anything in this thread. Here's what I've got:


- You read the equation "3x = 15y" as "Three X Make Trade Fairs Fifteen Y"

- You hang upside down just so you can say you have "a rush of blood to the head"

- You write love letters on paper butterflies...in X&Y code nonetheless

- You actually attempt to fit a rifle in a hallowed-out Bible

- You wonder if your friend with the common last name "Martin" somehow has secret connections

- You try flying backwards through your car window

- You took interest in that show "Attitudes"

- You caught your friend with a Joe Satriani CD and now refuse to talk to them

- You go to a Mexican Independence Day celebration in the park and think their endless cries of "VIVA!" are some form of holy cult tribute to Coldplay

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...when you slept in while listening to some snow patrol songs and woke up at 3:00 in the night because 'violet hill' started. :D It really happened last night. I overslept about 30 songs and woke up exactly at the beginning of the first coldplay song. I was totally wrapped in my earphone cables :D

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hah, i will perrine!! and if they're not i'll have to kill them. :stunned:



Haha I hope your party was (will be ?) great !:)


When you saw the friend who comes with you to your concert, and you try to contain yourself as long as possible from talking about it :lol:

And she started, you see;) And told me how much she was excited, haaaa me too, I was so happy ! :)

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And how many times did you actually tried this? :lol:

I was posting theoretical scenarios, not things I've actually done. :P


Though I did date a girl for about a week with the last name "Martin" and continually bugged her about connections to Chris. You can figure out why it lasted just a week. :P

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I was posting theoretical scenarios, not things I've actually done. :P


Though I did date a girl for about a week with the last name "Martin" and continually bugged her about connections to Chris. You can figure out why it lasted just a week. :P

Okay, I'm glad your car is doing fine. :D

And this girl has to have any conection to Chris Martin, that's why they have the same family name. But so many people do ... Good that her first name wasn't Christina, I think then it would have lasted less than a week. ;)

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Yeah they're so much Martin ! But this one is just unique :)


When your mother is talking to a friend who's an english teacher about very uninteresting things, and suddendly her friend speaks about a man who's called Chris with a perfect english accent and then you explodes :D

That's so scaring how we always see signs everywhere, isn't it ? ;)

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I met a guy named Chris MArtin once.... He was 17, I was 16... He played tenis against me, he beat me cause I couldnt stop thinking about Coldplay stuff.


Everytime I walk my dog I imagine myself walking backward, and I occassionally do so, and I have walked up the stairs backward. (Didnt work so well, dont try that)


When I found out Coldplay was comming to Indy (my hometown!) I gasped and 'whooped' so loud the librarian at my school yelled at me.

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