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29-Jul-08: Montreal - Tickets, Preview, Meetups, Review/Photos [originally 20-Oct]

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Le 96,9 CKOI, vous envoie à New York pour aller voir Coldplay le 23 juin au Madisson Square Garden!! Pour devenir finaliste, écoutez Juste pour le fun lundi dès 5h30!


Tous les finalistes gagneront leur paire de billets pour voir Coldplay le 29 juillet au Centre Bell ainsi que l'album Viva la Vida et un seul gagnera le grand prix: 2 billets pour aller voir Coldplay au Madison Square Garden le 23 juin avec hébergement et transport inclus!


En collaboration avec The Time Hotel, New York

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New date is much better :) Also, does anyone have the best buy presale code for Montreal that goes on sale tomorrow? I'd like to get some better seats this time... If not, when do tix go on sale to the public for this show?

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Yay- only a few more days before they go on sale!!


Good thing I double checked- I thought they were going to be sold on admission like last year- not ticketmaster. Has anyone else had trouble pulling up the seating chart for the concert for the Bell Center? I can't get it to open.

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Anyone interested in buying 2 coldplay tickets (section 319, row D) for montreal july 29?


I bought these but was able to get better seats and don't need them anymore, so I'll sell for the price I got them for...$183.25.


PM me if interested.

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I got tickets this morning that I no longer want. They aren't that great, but I am willing to sell them for less than what I spent.


Section 320, DD, seats 5-6. I'll sell them for $170 for the pair.


PM me if you're interested.



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hey guys, soo anxious for 12 pm! wats the best method for getting best tickets...

online? by phone? an outlet? cant make it to box office downtown but have an outlet nearby

wats past history been like? i rem gettin quite jipped when i tried getting tix online once

let me know. curious about past experiences...i NEED to get good tix

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Still Waiting


We were on two computers and the phone yesterday- and the best tickets we could get where in sections 104, 304, 317, or 400 something?? Behind the stage or in back of the center- no thanks!! I don't understand why they released such horrible seats- did anyone get anything decent???


We decided to wait to purchase (thanks Montreal- I am taking your advice!!) and keep our eyes open for something to get realeased on Ticketmaster- or for someone to sell their tickets- although I saw someone selling there 104 (behind the stage) seats on craigslist for $190 EACH yesterday... Crazy!!!


Hope everyone else got decent seats- and best of luck to those that are waiting it out too!!

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