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Best Advice


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Know exactly what you want, or you'll never get it.


Also, the John Galt line: "I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."

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Oh the other thing was:


You choose to be happy.


Happiness isn't something that just flows to you, you have to make a decision to want to be happy.


Aha, a student of the Force, I see...:cool:

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You choose to be happy.


Happiness isn't something that just flows to you, you have to make a decision to want to be happy.


I like it although most times it's not only up to you, there're lots of factors that can make you feel so unhappy.



Me likes this one too v

And the trouble is' date=' if you don't risk anything, you risk even more[/quote']
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My dear grandpa, now singing with the choir invisible, once warned me,


"Son, if it has tits, tyres or testicles its nothing but trouble."


I was 2.





Hahaha, love it!!


"Remember kids, you've gotta strap it up before you smack it up."

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Hahaha, love it!!


"Remember kids, you've gotta strap it up before you smack it up."


Yes. Just how much info did our grandfathers think we were ready for at the tender age of 2?!

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  • 9 months later...
What's the best advice someone has given you? Do you like being given 'advice' or do you prefer to figure things out for yourself so to speak.


My Dad always tells me: "Trust no-one".


Aw, that's really sad advice - you should be more positive than that!


When I was 12 and having a rough time with a bully at school I said I hated him. My Mum told me that "hate" was a word too strong for me to understand and therefore I shouldn't use it.


Seemed ridiculous at the time, but knowing where I am now, and where that guy is now, she was right.

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