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31-Jul-08: Air Canada Centre, Toronto - Tickets, Preview, Meetups, Review/Photos

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Coldplay ‘Viva’ Toronto


Brit rockers Coldplay dropped by MuchMusic’s MuchOnDemand on Thursday before they stepped on stage at the Air Canada Centre for the second night of their sold out shows in Toronto. The band is currently touring in support of their fourth studio album, Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends, which was released earlier this year.


Viva la Vida was produced by Brian Eno and features a slightly different sound for the band, including Martin singing a tad bit deeper than usual.


After tonight’s show, Coldplay heads to the United States for three shows before embarking on a number of International dates. The Viva la Vida tour is set to wrap up in Munich on September 26.



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thanks Robby and welcome to Coldplaying! :D
Thanks, seems like a great site. :)


EDIT: Just to add again because it is now page 10: Here is all of my videos I took at the concert in the order of the setlist: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_lis...A27458FE06560E


Click on Violet Hill and then click on Play All on the next page. That will make the next video play automatically once the video is done.



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Alright....So im finally home....Im in the process of uploading videos now...They are super high quality, and are around 350MB per video!!!! Bear with me :D


Life in Technicolor/Violet Hill (Part)







Chinese Sleep Chant








Death and All His Friends





EDIT: I dont think ill be able to get anymore up tonight....I gotta head out soon...Ill try and upload all day tomorrow. I feel so bad for making everyone wait :(

EDIT 2: Im gonna convert all the videos to .mp4 (iPod format) so 1) they are smaller and quicker to upload 2) you guys get them faster!

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no encore


Guess what , I was just at the philly show and the encore was Green eyes , Excellent surprise and a gift because my oldest daughter who's living in Philly has the most beautiful Green Eyes . She's the one that turned me on to Coldplay and the rest is , as they say History. Now , 30 years ago , I saw the Rolling Stones at JFK in Philly , Foreigner opened and they the Stones were awesome , Well the guy next to me says how many times have you seen them ? and i said this is the first , he said get out ,i've seen them a couple a times every time is better . So they do their last song , and the crowd is going crazy . They won't come back out . So I say to him , What the F --- . He's says Oh the Stones never do an encore . So that was probabaly the only concert in my 37 years of concertgoing , that the big name did'nt come back out . So especially in todays world of busy schedules and hectic lifestyles , we must understand , that an encore is a GIFT . It doesnt always pan out , There is so much shit going on that I'm sure they were'nt doggin , It just did'nt happen. Such is life , And all the more reason to look on to the next show . I just saw the FOO FIGHTERS in Philly in Feb, W/ my oldest daughter that I mentioned who goes to Temple and my brother in law who made the Coldplay Concert with me . It was awesome . One encore . Then I grabbed tickets for the Meadowlands show last week and Iasked myself , why am I going to see them , again , I just saw them 5 months ago. Well guess what , This show was a copmlete Fire cracker .. extra Goodies" Who "songs , alternate acoustic songs and 3 Encores and just an all around excellent to the max show , So don't worry about what did'nt happen , Look forward to your next trip, its most likely gonna be better .. Joey..

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The show was excellent ( no encore and all). I sang my lungs out, especially during DAAHF. The Etalk thing didn't work out as planned but I still saw Chris and Jonny. They were less than 5 feet away from me and that's as close as I will ever get. I can't believe the concert is over and we won't see them for quite awhile....it leaves you feeling empty.:cry: But there's always something exciting happening with them and their music never leaves your soul. Seeing Chris and Jonny that close up made me realize how human they are..no celebrity fakeness type of thing ( not that I thought they were like that at all but I had never seen them that close before)..if anyone gets what I mean. I love them.:heart:

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" So they do their last song , and the crowd is going crazy . They won't come back out . So I say to him , What the F --- . He's says Oh the Stones never do an encore . So that was probabaly the only concert in my 37 years of concertgoing , that the big name did'nt come back out ."


I seem to remember reading somewhere that the Stones notoriously had a great deal of trouble adapting from the concert format of th 60's, where the headliner played an extremely brief set (20-30 min.) to the modern length of concert. Unfourtunately, I'm too young to have seen the Stones until the late 90's when they were already about a quarter century past their prime. (though I must say, the put one an awesome live show for a bunch of guys who should be driving golf carts around a retirement village in Florida...:laugh3:)

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Alright....So im finally home....Im in the process of uploading videos now...They are super high quality, and are around 350MB per video!!!! Bear with me :D


Life in Technicolor/Violet Hill (Part)







Chinese Sleep Chant








Death and All His Friends





EDIT: I dont think ill be able to get anymore up tonight....I gotta head out soon...Ill try and upload all day tomorrow. I feel so bad for making everyone wait :(

EDIT 2: Im gonna convert all the videos to .mp4 (iPod format) so 1) they are smaller and quicker to upload 2) you guys get them faster!


wow - that first clip was sweet in native HD format (1280x720)... doesn't your cam have an infinite focus option so it doesn't keep trying to lock every few secs tho?


thanks for the upload however :)

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