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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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August 18, 2008 - submitted by Paula, Columbia



Q. The song Spies refers to paparazzi?




The Oracle replies:



At the time of writing the song, they band had no first hand experience of being papped so no, it wasn't. It was actually more of an attempt at a Bond song. In 1999 Bond film The World Is Not Enough was in production and the band wrote Spies inspired by their love of John Barry, renowned writer of Bond themes/songs.

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August 18, 2008 - submitted by duncan, United States of America



Q. i've always wondered, when talking about a band the word "are" is used in place of "is". ive always thought of band names as the collection of all of the members together. like coldplay is... as opposed to coldplay are. why is this?/am i just insane?




The Oracle replies:



In the good old U S of A you refer to a band as a singular noun. I guess it is, one group made of many parts. However, over here in the good old U of K, we refer to a band as they. Hence in America the band is but in Britain the band are.

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August 19, 2008 - submitted by Cari, United States of America


Q. Tthe single "Death Will Never Conquer" is that really Will singing lead vocal? I know he is singing it live at the show, but the single given free on this site...sounds like Chris but I read in Rolling Stone Champion sings it...please Oracle help my ears figure this out!!



The Oracle replies:


It's not a single per se but the track that was given away on this site was indeed sung by Chris. Will sings it at the live shows but there's no recorded version of Death Will Never Conquer with Will's vocal on it.





August 19, 2008 - submitted by CITRA, Indonesia


Q. There were 5 people in The Nappies videoclip. Can you tell me who they were (beside Chris, Guy, Jonny, Will)?



The Oracle replies:


The 5th member of The Nappies was Dan Green, Coldplay's sound engineer.

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August 19, 2008 - submitted by Ceci, United States of America



Q. Oh, Oracle, do you think that Michael Phelps is the greatest athlete of all time? Without your insight, the world may never know.




The Oracle replies:



Michael is an incredible asset to his country's team. Statistically he's got almost perfect physical attributes for his chosen sport - long arm span, huge feet, double-jointed ankles... These credentials definitely assist in giving him the edge that makes him an athlete who'll take some beating.



I might ask The Oracle if he gets a sore butt from sitting on the fence all the time!

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August 19, 2008 - submitted by Daniel, Mexico


Q. Dear Oracle,

Why are Coldplay corrupting my mind with images of nipples during Strawberry Swing? and this link : (edited)




The Oracle replies:


Hmmm you must all think the Oracle would not be able to see that multiple people, in the hope of it being answered, have sent in an identical question. It doesn't work like that...

Nice try though and maybe I will answer the breast issue another day. Maybe not.

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Now we've got the Oracle's attention, we need to up the ante! I think he/she's missed our point - of course we wanted recognition that multiple people were asking the question - that and the fact we wanted a decent question answered!


Well done, Daniel, for being the one who got named!

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:disappointed: I knew I wouldnt be the one who gets the answer to that question by using 'the perv unit' as my first name... haha ! :P


should we keep sending group questions to really piss the O off ? :dance:


You sent it in as the perv unit??:laugh3::laugh3::laugh3::laugh3: NIIIIICE!


And yeah, the Oracle completely missed the point of us all asking the same question....of course we knew that he/she would see that a bunch of us asked the same question...DUH....clearly this Oracle doesn't know everything...


I say bombs away...:D

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Don't you think it's kind of in keeping with the spirit of the Oracle though... it's like a little game isn't it. The Oracle's identity is a mystery... he/she obviously likes a bit of fun, I think they probably had a good laugh at the multiple questions - especially considering it's subject matter.

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