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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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either way (if he has one or not) there's no way that we'll find out what that network, and when it comes to mobile number. I think there are only 5 people that have Guys number (Chris, Jonny, Will, Phil and his ex)


don't ya think guy has more than 4 friends? I bet he at least has eno's number.


I mean he has to have some bowling buddies or something

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But didn't Miller write Guy had an iPhone in of his entries? :uhoh:


this one


that's what I immediatly thought of when I read the oracle's reply. and also, Jonny was said to have an iPhone. The girl from Canada (really sorry I cant remember her name :embarassed:) who met him on July 30th because she knew his girlfriend Chloe said he had one, and Chloe actually took a pic of them with it that night..



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now that makes it easier... that means there's only one operator they could be on!

and it would fit for guy to have an i phone he loves expensive new toys and is addicted to itunes ....


btw great memory chavi!


Once again you guys have beat it too me again I was thinking the exact same thing soo... is the Orcale lying b\c I have yet to get over the yellow story ..maybe he doesn't want us to figure out their numbers I'm pretty sure he knows about the marathon pics + facebook and everything else

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August 13, 2008 - submitted by Denis, Czech Republic

Q. Being the first time Coldplay will be touring Eastern Europe, can we expect some special setlist with older hits or some kind of surprise?


The Oracle replies:


I want it to be a surprise rather than tell you. To some extent it will be very similar to what they have been playing so far. The set list is always subject to change and they do prepare a number of songs to drop in from time to time. That said, they also decide to do impromptu versions along the way too. There'll be many from the new album of course too as well as old favourites




August 13, 2008 - submitted by Andrea, Brazil


Q. Do they mind about Liam Gallagher saying that the Coldplay's fans are boring and "unhappy" ?


The Oracle replies:


You know how the media love to print these spats but we don't concern ourselves with such things. Besides, everyone involved with Coldplay including the band know otherwise. You as fans know the truth and so do we!




August 13, 2008 - submitted by joe, United States of America


Q. I have tried to send amazing pictures I took at the Philadelphia Coldplay concert to Ms. Wild but her email seems to no longer exist. Everyone of my emails has been returned. Is there another way I can get in touch with the band?


The Oracle replies:


I understand there have been some technical issues with her email address that I gave out but hopefully the problem will be sorted soon. It is the correct address though.




August 13, 2008 - submitted by Mihoo, Japan


Q. I couldn't find play in Japan.

When will Coldplay come and play?


The Oracle replies:


Oh dear, it looks like you just missed them. They were at the Summer Sonic Festival (Tokyo & Osaka) last week!




August 13, 2008 - submitted by Jessica, Canada


Q. Do the guys bring a private chef with them when they are on tour?


The Oracle replies:


The band have a catering company on the road with them (as do most touring bands). They're called Eat to the Beat and are absolutely amazing. They create different menus every day and provide breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks and snacks for the entire crew as well as lay on any dressing room fodder and cater for after shows if needs be. Heidi is the wonderful lady who leads the team.




August 13, 2008 - submitted by Tommi, Finland


Q. I was wondering, how did Chris end-up in Kanye West's song Homecoming? Did Kanye call Chris or what just happened?


The Oracle replies:


Kanye just happened to be recording at Abbey Road Studios, London when Coldplay were performing a BBC radio live show in February 2006. They met, got talking, had a jam and Homecoming was born from this.

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oracle session


^ Totally agree with you Chavi.

At least this session is less like a therapy session and more like an important-Coldplay-questions session! :dozey:


Hmmmm.... "I want it to be a surprise rather than tell you."

That sounds interesting, maybe we (well... European fans) can expect some Bsides or older material played live :wink3:

maybe, maybe...

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oracle suspicions


I defo think the Oracle hangs out here. There have been more and more problem-page questions appearing on the site - then as soon as we start moaning about them, they suddnely stop!!!




Well since Debs actually has the time to answer the problemo questions, then she must have quite a bit of free time on her hands...

so maybe she does pop by once and awhile...


and have a long good laugh at the hilarious rampant obsessiveness of us coldplayers. :wacko:

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August 14, 2008 - submitted by Jd, United Kingdom



Q. On the day of Viva La Vida's release Chris and Will were on Jo Whiley's radio show and Chris said that he has two tatoos, I was wondering where and what of as I've never spotted them in any pictures of him.




The Oracle replies:



They're on his inner wrists. An A and an M.







August 14, 2008 - submitted by Burak, Turkey



Q. Hello, We are planning to develop a fan club website for Coldplay whose music rapidly spreads among crowds of people across our country(Turkey). However, We do want to develop this website officially within the Coldplay family. We would be glad if you give us some information.




The Oracle replies:



You can't develop the site as part of the official Coldplay site I'm afraid but there are loads of unofficial fan sites around the world. One international one that springs to mind is http://www.coldplayzone.it. If you contact Patrizio he's really nice so am sure he'd be helpful.

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