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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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^You should want the best for your best friends, yes. And yes, that made sense. But there's this attitude, especially among advertisers, that more is better. The more you spend, the more it shows you care. That's simply not true. A gift from the heart will always mean more than something bought just because it's expensive. Christmas is about giving, sharing and loving, not about making yourself broke because you're told you have to spend so much.


Just my 2 cents though. If she wants to spend that much, and can afford it, great. But if not, something heart-felt will mean just as much to her friend. :)



Well said.


I know it's not true, but it I find the perfect, but expensive present for her, I would buy it. :nice:

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November 30, 2011 - submitted by Mig El, Mexico


Q. Hi Oracle, I'd like to know how many guitars Chris has broken so far since they started playing this new upbeat version of GPASUYF. I've already seen Chris using several different guitars. The version is awesome! But it huts watching those beautiful teles going kamikaze.



The Oracle replies:


As far as I know, one. Fast repairs are made if there's any lasting damage.

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November 30, 2011 - submitted by Dave, United States of America


Q. I heard or read an interview where some of the band was saying the didn't drive or own cars. I am a car guy and was wondering if that was true and if any of the members have any cool/exotic cars?



The Oracle replies:


I won't dwell too much on this but it's well documented that Guy has a love of cars and has built up quite a collection though his favoured London car is a Smart car. Will tends to zip around on a scooter. Chris is able to drive but doesn't often. I have never ever seen Jonny drive... whether he can or not.

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November 30, 2011 - submitted by Ken, United Kingdom


Q. Will the band ever return to places that are so famous to Coldplay fans? Like Durdle Door or Studland beach? Just to reminisce?


Thanks :)



The Oracle replies:


There's no need to as they have the memory - and the videos - if they wish to reminisce.

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November 30, 2011 - submitted by Dave, United States of America[/color][/b]


Q. I heard or read an interview where some of the band was saying the didn't drive or own cars. I am a car guy and was wondering if that was true and if any of the members have any cool/exotic cars?



The Oracle replies:


I won't dwell too much on this but it's well documented that Guy has a love of cars and has built up quite a collection though his favoured London car is a Smart car. Will tends to zip around on a scooter. Chris is able to drive but doesn't often. I have never ever seen Jonny drive... whether he can or not.


uummm wonder if he has a Smart? If so then surely it's his favourite because it came free from Smart after his work with Apparatjik in March :wink3: Favourite imagine has to be on Will in helmet zipping round town getting road rage at the cabbies who cut him up on the way to work :laugh3:

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uummm wonder if he has a Smart? If so then surely it's his favourite because it came free from Smart after his work with Apparatjik in March :wink3: Favourite imagine has to be on Will in helmet zipping round town getting road rage at the cabbies who cut him up on the way to work :laugh3:


Smart car for smart guys :lol:

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November 30, 2011 - submitted by Dave, United States of America[/color][/b]


Q. I heard or read an interview where some of the band was saying the didn't drive or own cars. I am a car guy and was wondering if that was true and if any of the members have any cool/exotic cars?



The Oracle replies:


I won't dwell too much on this but it's well documented that Guy has a love of cars and has built up quite a collection though his favoured London car is a Smart car. Will tends to zip around on a scooter. Chris is able to drive but doesn't often. I have never ever seen Jonny drive... whether he can or not.


I think Jonny must drive - I seem to remember a recent interview where he said that his daughter always wants to listen to Coldplay music while they're in the car?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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December 1, 2011 - submitted by Nicol, United States of America


Q. Hi, my name is Nicol and I am 18 years old, and I have a boyfriend and we been going out for like 6 months and I really like him but he gets too jealous and doesn't let me do anything like I can't even speak to my close friend Joseph without him getting mad and I really don't know what to do, can you help me? By the way I am a huge fan of Coldplay one of my favorite songs is Yellow, my dad used to sing it to me before he passed away.



The Oracle replies:


The fact you don't have your Dad around made more of an impact on me I have to say. With him gone you've not got a great male role model in your boyfriend. His jealousy is out of control if you can't even speak to a friend just because he's a guy. You've not been going out with him all that long but you need to tell him straight; either quit acting out or he'll lose you. Do not put up with this possessive behaviour, it isn't healthy for either of you.

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December 1, 2011 - submitted by Shunit, Israel


Q. So I this dream a few days ago, I was at a Coldplay concert, and suddenly for the last song of the concert Chris asked the audience if there was anyone who wanted to sing along with them on stage. Of course he selected me, and so we sang together Princess of China (I sang the parts of Rihanna). No need to say I sounded great...

Did Coldplay ever do this kind of thing in their concerts? Is there a possibility for it to happen?



The Oracle replies:


Ha, that sounds like the kind of daydream I have. No, the band don't do that. I know a singer who did (and may still) so maybe if you go to see Bryan Adams and practice Melanie C's part of When You're Gone...

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December 1, 2011 - submitted by Shunit, Israel[/color][/b]


Q. So I this dream a few days ago, I was at a Coldplay concert, and suddenly for the last song of the concert Chris asked the audience if there was anyone who wanted to sing along with them on stage. Of course he selected me, and so we sang together Princess of China (I sang the parts of Rihanna). No need to say I sounded great...

Did Coldplay ever do this kind of thing in their concerts? Is there a possibility for it to happen?




That would be awesome. :awesome:

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December 2, 2011 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom



When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before Thursday 5th December.


It's five o' clock in the morning and I woke up quite suddenly with the fear that my life turned out wrong. 35 year old college graduate. I survived medical school, surgical residency, and additional training in the field of vascular surgery. Yet today I sit on my mother's couch, unemployed, without the comfort of a lover arms, or the joy of a child's quiet breathing in the next room.

Right now the choices I made, the sacrifices I made seem inconsequential. So my question is do I continue blindly on the path I have laid out of myself even though I know I have to compromise the vision of myself/my future that I carried in my head or do I do something different?

Garietta U.S.


Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]

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December 2, 2011 - submitted by Rens, Netherlands



A few days ago I heard that my cat wouldn't make it 'til Christmas because of her critic illness (she doesn't suffer right now by the way). That's horrible to hear and I already miss her!

I hate losing pets, I find it so hard to accept that you can never hug them again when they're gone.

Do you, or the band ever lost a pet? And what did you do to ease your pain?

Regards, Rens.



The Oracle replies:


I have only really ever had two pets but it's so very different from your story. I had 2 cats and they were brothers. An ex had custody when we split up and a few years later one died. I was devastated. I hadn't seen him for a long time but it still made me so desperately sad. I honestly don't know ten years on whether the other brother is alive or not. I'd rather not know because I know in my heart, I would be equally upset. I still have a photo of them in my home and I admit, I talk to them every so often. I love cats, I miss mine. At every opportunity chat & stroke neighbour's cats. Ah, one day I shall have another! It's tough because they become so close as they're pretty dependable unlike a lot of people I know...

Anyway, I have seen may different reactions to pet deaths. One guy I know broke down in tears, another was quite accepting. I guess there's no difference for many; it's still a loss and with that comes grief. All I can say is if your cat is suffering, think of her being pain free. It won't make it easier when she's gone but it may bring some comfort knowing she's no longer suffering. My only practical advice is not to replace her too soon. Unfortunately it comes with the territory of having a pet, many don't live the long lives of humans but she will live on in your heart and memories will be around forever.

Over to you.


I have lost several pets over the years and it is a serious loss. It makes me really upset if people make light of it. One couple I know had a dog for 20 yrs and they were devastated with her loss. She was like a child to them. Rens last year we had to say good bye to my fiance's very sweet and old Bouvier Wolfhound cross. Sable had a special place in our hearts and will be missed especially this Christmas as it's our first with out her. Some things we did: had the vet imprint her paw for us, we were with her as she was euthanized, we held, petted, kissed and loved her as we said good bye through tears. We talked about her what she loved and hated and how she was always under foot. 109lbs of dog is hard to step over. We laughed as we remember her even now. She used to cut in on us when we danced, how she used to run and jump in the snow. One day it will not hurt so much and it's ok to cry about it. Pets are here to teach us all about love, and if we are wise we will learn the lesson. Will be thinking of you as we hang the woof ornament on the tree this weekend, take care, have a good Christmas too! With love, Laurie.


I am sorry about what you are going through. My dog passed on this August and I truly miss her. Christmas was even her favorite holiday! I'm not sure if there is a way to completely ease the pain, but after a while, you may not have the shock as strong as the day of the passing. Nothing can replace a pet, but maybe if you received another cat, your feelings will strengthen the love of cats and your pet before (My plan this Christmas to ask for a puppy). I may have not been too much of a help, but I hope it's a start. Have a good, happy holidays! Danny S.


Being a pet owner myself, it has been hard losing pets since they have been in your life for that amount of time. When they go the only way to get past it is just accepting their loss. As long as you know that you did an outstanding job in taking care of your pet and giving it the perfect life it deserves. Nothing is a better feeling than that. Pets make you stronger through time. It gives you a chance to understand what life is and how you manage it. Take your pet's passing as a thanks in that you have learned something from it. It will benefit you in the long run and always remember, time is the healer of everything. Frankie B.


Firstly, I'd like to say sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is losing a pet. I was brought up with two cats, Emma and Lucy. Lucy died, and so we had to get another cat to keep Emma's mind off the loss. We wanted a kitten, but ended up with an unloved stray, and after trying to find a kitten, again, we came back with two! Though I'm a believer that you can never have too many cats (my granddad always had four at a time), perhaps going and raiding your local animal shelter is a bit drastic. But if you do get another cat, don't look at it as replacing, try and let the cat choose you. They know if they want to come and live with you; maybe don't go for a cat that reminds you of your current cat, give a different cat a chance. As for how to deal with the loss, just remember that you gave your cat the best home possible. There are so many animals out there who don't get love and affection; when you take one on, all you can really do is love it, and if you have, you've fulfilled your duty as a pet owner. Mark.


As to losing one's pet, in my life, I have had each and every animal of mine pass on, when it was the power greater than I, choice. If your dearly loved animal is suffering, find the most honorable way to allow them no more suffering. Our love for our animals is so great and in return theirs is unconditional throughout their whole life. Suffering is not a fair choice since they cannot speak for themselves but only show you thru their eyes and emotions.

Once your loved pet has passed, remember there are shelters filled with beautiful loving animals waiting for a warm lap to sit on, waiting for you, to walk in from a long day at work with a big sloppy kiss and a wagging tail and a no 'list' for you to finish in return. These animals need the love from all of us. May your heart heal and your soul find peace. S.H.


Well to be honest I'm sixteen and I've never lost a pet. But I lost my father a few months ago, and it relates pretty well. When you suffer a loss and the shock goes away to where everything starts to hurt, the first thing you want to do is mask it and seal it up deep inside you for good. Don't do that. Feel the pain, as horrible as that may sound. You've got to hurt at some point. It's impossible to run away from tragedy because it will find you, and when it does it will beat you down harder and harder the longer you've run. You have to accept the truth and learn to live life differently now that your pet or my father is gone. And for future advice: Coldplay will get you through just about anything, trust me. Zach.


It is indeed heartbreaking to lose a beloved pet and very difficult to find comfort after such an experience. Allow yourself to grieve. People may say "It was just a cat" but the truth is that you lost a dear little friend and you must go through the process of sadness. Know that this is OK. It's acceptable to cry and feel bad, and to miss your pet. Some people like to hold on to a keepsake, such as a favorite toy, while others prefer to put away the lost pet's belongings. Your heart will tell you the right thing to do. Share your feelings with understanding friends and family; it doesn't work to hold your feelings inside. Give yourself time, don't expect to bounce back quickly. Gradually you will work through the pain and start to remember the happy times when your pet's quality of life was better. And, as time goes on, you may find yourself wanting to get another kitty to hug - not to replace the little friend who was lost, but to start new memories with. Know that I am thinking about you here in the U.S. and sharing your feelings. I have been there. Love, Jill.


I lost my favorite dog, Millie, a few months ago. Immediately after her death, my family and I sat around looking at pictures of her and laughing about our best memories of her. Later on we got some great pictures and put them up, so we look at them and remember her every day. It is still sad for me to think about, but after all of the "firsts", it gets a little bit easier to remember your pet with a smile, rather than a tear. Hang in there J Delia.


Well, I would look over photos that you have of your pet and think of good memories that you had, then when it's time to move on get another pet maybe something different from the last time or different breed but don't call it your last pet's name, try something a wee bit different, helped me once, I got over losing my pet. Conor.


Click to read this week's Team Oracle question, and send us your answer.

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December 5, 2011 - submitted by weirdcoldplaynerd, United States of America


Q. Back when Coldplay was still a relatively small band (if you could call it that!) did they ever have autograph signings after concerts? I know they wouldn't do that now since that would take forever, but I wondered if maybe they did it in the 90's?



The Oracle replies:


They didn't have organized autograph sessions but yes, they did sign stuff. Sometimes it would be on their way in or out of a venue but the very first time they got asked for their autographs was at Manchester Roadhouse where people stood and waited at the dressing room door next to the stage.

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December 6, 2011 - submitted by Daniel, United Kingdom


Q. Hey Oracle

I was just wondering, seeing as I'm seeing Coldplay on Friday (9th) at the o2, will everyone be given the wristbands that light up?

Thanks in advance,




The Oracle replies:


Yes, one will be handed to you on the way in.

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December 6, 2011 - submitted by Adam, United Kingdom


Q. Oracle! This one is from Scotland! Is there anyway at all that I can get my LED wristband to light up? It is a great thing to have but to demonstrate how it looked at the Glasgow show would be great!



The Oracle replies:


You can't light it up but you can show people the effect by watching the video from that very Glasgow show.

Also, when you get to the digital tour pack, there's access to another video from Sunday's Manchester gig that also shows them in action. Mighty fine they are too.

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December 6, 2011 - submitted by Carl, United Kingdom


Q. I was at the Manchester MEN concert on the 04/12/11 it was AMAZING!! Thanks lads for yet another mind blowing performance, just 1 question. On the reverse of the glowing wristbands was your code/number. As I was jumping and singing the number to the wristband has come off? Is there any way of getting the code for it or is that it useless without that code? Please can you help.



The Oracle replies:


Blimey, lots of wristband questions after their arena tour launch at the weekend.

You don't actually need the number as it is only relevant to the radio-controlling light part. It's the code to activate the sequence.

There is a website address on the back though, so maybe you should go and check that out...

The wristband doesn't do anything once you've left the show so it's just a keepsake now.

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