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^I just followed him today! :wacko:

It would be cool if he'd tweet some jokes or funny things sometimes but it's not going to happen, uh ? :disappointed:

Anyway, Vatican said his first tweet will be on December 12th, in case some people are interested.

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As someone who doesn't use twitter apart from an app on my phone to see what Joey Barton's going on about when I'm standing in a queue, what is the functional difference between twitter and a facebook status? I have trouble seeing the point of posting in both.

Personally, I use both Facebook and Twitter in different matters, so from this point of view there is the big difference in what I post on FB or Twitter. I use a username on my Twitter account, which is never mentioned on Fb. I use Twitter for my "internet life", and no one I know in real life knows my username. This way I feel completely free, I can fangirl all I want, and my future employers won't get completely creeped out when they look up my name on the Internet.


Also, the information circulate much faster on Twitter than Facebook, for some reason (perhaps the 140 characters limit).

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It's more annoying to frequently update a status on Facebook than it is to tweet often.


^ This.


I limit status updates to one, maybe two a day. Same with photos, same with links. I tweet some days with ferocious regularity, and some days not at all. Though I do have a "old picture off my phone of the day".


God I take social networking seriously. My Twitter at the moment is colour coordinated, the banner is the same theme as the background, and the profile picture also matches, with a Christmassy twist. I'm planning a New Years one. I need a life :(

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I don't let my coworkers know everything about me. (Blog, FB, Twitter, and Youtube)


So every time I chat with them, they always surprise that I'm cool or something like that. Well, I love to share my feelings about all of it, but not to everyone.

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I use it to follow journalists I like. They often discuss their articles in greater detail there and link to articles that interest them which I'd never have stumbled upon on my own. And it's easier to post meaningless stuff on there than on Facebook where it's annoying. Same way it's easier to post on a message board with things like this post which is largely inconsequential. This post wouldn't go on my Facebook. I don't even let people post on my wall. They can only post on my updates/pics etc. I prefer things done PM on Facebook.


Here and Twitter I don't post in my real name. I mean you could work it out, I'm not totally hidden or anything, but it would take a little effort.

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