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Your developed feeling about VLVODAAHF


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Well, I know there were a thousand review threads for VLVODAAHF right after it came out. Many people reviewed it immediately and I noticed a lot of hate for Lovers in Japan and immediate love for Death and All His Friends. I also saw a lot of "Maybe this song will grow on me". Well now that a few months have gone by I want to know people's reviews and opinions on the album now that the "shine has worn off".


For me, I used to hate Lovers in Japan, now I cant hear it enough. I loved DAAHF, but now realize that I still love Violet Hill the most. I also have realized that I love every single song so much, it has become my favorite album, maybe ever.


So what about you?

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Death and all his Friends isn't as satisfying as it was. After "I don't wanna battle..." it doesn't go anywhere and it just seems to finish too suddenly. Still a very good song though.


A Spell A Rebel Yell should have been on there too.

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Best album ever... end of story.


Oh, and Reign of Love is beautiful. :smug2:


indeed it is, best album and beautiful song


and there was a point where I hated Lovers In Japan, but it really does grow on you. Something shocking is that the song Viva la Vida might be my 7th or 8th favorite on the album, the rest of it is that good.:shocked2:

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I felt like it was their best when I first heard it and I still think it is... Nothing has grown on me or change much other than my appreciation for Violet Hill... It was so good to hear that song after such a looooooong time waiting for new coldplay.


Ive always felt A Spell a Rebel Yell was under rated by folks in the forum. I still say it should be on the album in place of ROL and thats the way I like it.

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Ive loved the album since day 1. Since first run through the night of the leak in bed in the dark with headphones (the best way to listen to music in my opinion) I have loved it. I didn't like most songs at first, I always waited for the big Duo(VLV and VH) to come. I felt it was a strong album and a huge step in the right direction for them.


I did have issues with it. Like every album. Over time though, it has grown on me. When Chris said this is an album meant to be listened from LiT to Escapist, I didnt see it at first. Now, now I do. I constantly listen to this album through. Its the best way to experience it. I know at first I wanted the song to end because of the anxiousness of wanting to hear more new stuff. Now it has set in and is perfect.


The first and perhaps biggest issue going into Viva La Vida was length roughly 45ish minutes seemed to short to most. We all were skeptical about the run time. Now the idea that the shorter the sweeter seems brilliant to me. For many reasons, mainly the one where this album needs to be listened to through and through tracks 1-10. It feels so much better this way too.


When I look at this album I see its 45ish minutes of solid solid music. No filler, each and every song is strong enough to hold its own on a singles chart. Some could argue there is some filler. But not as much as their last 3 efforts. Or most efforts by other bands lately. The music is strong and I feel if they added more music it could have come out as filler. Some bands favorite songs are filler. So short is sweet.


Its clear they pushed their comfort level for this one to. Which Coldplay needed, we all heard the singles and though: "Yes, this is Coldplay, but its not" They built in a new sound with their own signature sound. Which is a major step to developing in the music world. They need to develop a sound of their own while creating new sounds. Or you get a band like Nickelback or any post grunge band. Till now Coldplay were like that too.


I also see this album as a preview for 2 new albums Coldplays LP 5 and U2 LP 14. Im going to use the ever lasting Coldplay/U2 comparison. U2 had 3 good first albums, all roughly the same sound. They then enlisted Eno and Lanois and BAM Unforgettable Fire, which was a great album, underrated. Three years later The Joshua Tree drops. Unforgettable was a preview for it. Coldplays 5th LP will be the end all tell all.


U2s new album is out in November and Eno was involved and we know its new and different much like Viva was...So I only expect U2 to knock it out of the park much like Coldplay!


All in all Eno is a god and responsible for Viva La Vida. He helped Coldplay do all the things to make the album great!

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I always loved the album too, but unlike the first poster I was always a fan of Lovers In Japan, from the very start. The song that's really grown on me has been Yes. At the start I was not a fan at all, but I'd say now that it's almost a tie between Death and All His Friends/The Escapist and Yes for my favourite song.


Viva La Vida is still stunning but is suffering from overplay. Life In Technicolor still sends me into raptures. I have, and always will like Reign of Love. And as for Strawberry Swing - well, can you believe they were considering not putting that on the album? What a sensational four minutes and nine seconds of dreamy, happy Coldplay.

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I loved the album from the start, and saw it as a "concept" album.

To the point that I cannot hear Viva la Vida outside of its context of central pillar to the album (I hate hearing it on the radio in the supermarket or so.)

Violet Hill works better as a single imo. Reminiscent of Stereophonics "Maybe tomorrow" and surpassing it.

Yes was immediately noticeable for me because of the Velvet Underground chords and theme. I was so happy they gave us some of the hypnotic Venus in Furs back, with a much happier view on sex and temptation.

And indeed the more I listen to the album the more I enjoy it even after ther 100th time, every song very strong in its own right.

I must say I am also glad to have Lost and LiJ accoustic as outro in my mp3.

The lyrics are also as top quality as ever from start to end.

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I loved this album as much as I as the first time I listened to it! Such an amazing album, and it's really filled with wonderful songs.

My least favorite was Yes and Lovers in Japan before, but now I love them both!


All in all, great album and may be my favorite Coldplay album!

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its one of my fav albums (ok along with a rush of blood) but it just lacks something and I still cant figure out what... passion or something maybe it is a little commercial.. but it is still a kick-ass album one of the best albums ever imo

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and I forgot to mention life in technicolor... now I even like it more than square one... I think it would be the best song ever if it had good lyrics and good managing of chris's voice.... my guess is that they took out the lyrics because they wanted it to be a perfect intro... and as an intro it is

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frankly i am bored with it now and find myself going back to Rush of Blood to the head.. no offence, Viva is a solid album and is better than most shit out there but doesn't bring out emotions/feelings like Rush of blood does to me. Tracks like Politik, A rush of blood to the head, The scientist, etc. alone are better than VLV in its entirety.

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Viva la Vida is good, but it isn't great like AROBTTH and X&Y.


Viva has some great songs, like CoL, 42, Yes, LIJ, and SS. However LIT, Lost!, Viva la Vida, Violet Hill, DAAHF, and both of the hidden tracks pretty much fail. Especially DAAHF...... that song is a lazy mess.


Overall, VLV just barely beats Parachutes as my 3rd favorite.

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Maybe it's just me, but I've noticed that the music evolves over time - most songs start out a bit more emotionally serious; stay strong emotionally, but then gradually change to reflect a more positive, upbeat perspective. It seems that way with U2's One, and so Coldplay's songs have gone from the strong emotion of loss or introspection to more strong positive in general (ie - Strawberry Swing, even Viva la Vida). It may have to do with the mood of song creation, and the strong emotions that empower an individual to create, which later, given time to heal, reflect, and gain confidence, the tone gets more upbeat - goes from tragedy to triumph.? So it seems with their latest efforts..

Anyhow, just me pondering..:)

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I actually criticised DAAHF on page 1, but 'lazy mess' is probably more to the point than my nebulous (what a word) and undecided opinion. I can't tell if I like it or not.


And the lyrics in Lost are finally starting to confuse me... "just because I'm hurting doesn't mean I'm hurt"... ??? Also, at the start, Chris says, "Doesn't mean I'm lost", then in the chorus he says, "I just got lost". So was he lost to begin with, or not at all, or... Hmmm. I've been exposed to the fish analogy since I was 9 yrs old so that's a bit meh. A shame because I like the actual music in it (even if Guy did go and put the kettle on while CJW were recording it.

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the lyrics to lost bother me as well, especially when he goes


"you might be a big fish // in a litttle pond!" and what follows after..just sounds a bit lame.


and 42 i could do without also, it just shows their poor attempt at trying to create an epic-like multiple part song (that actually does not flow and thus does not work)


and i skip Yes because the string section i find rather frightfully annoying.. i don't know what's going on there.


however i really like life in technicolor, cemeteries, chinese sleep chant.. those are great. strawberry swing is good too.

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