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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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Now that the tour had ended, the boys had more time on their hands. And, with more time on their hands, Jonny and Guy decided to join a baseball league together.


After many practices, it was finally their first game. And, trying to be supportive, Chris and Will decided to come watch.


"What are you doing here?" Jonny asked, tossing a ball into the air and catching it in his mitt. He looked over the two boys. Chris was dressed in his usual black pants, but was also wearing a red tee that said "GO TEAM GO" and a red baseball cap. Will...well, he was carrying a plastic bag filled with snacks.


"We're here to cheer you on!" Chris hugged Jonny.


Guy laughed. "Nice shirt! You got matching pom-poms, too?"


Will frowned. "Maybe."


"TEAM HUDDLE!" the coach called.


"Later guys!" Jon and Guy shouted, running towards their team.


Chris and Will took a seat on the bleachers, not bothering to notice the awkward glances coming from the other fans. Will pulled a hat out of his bag...one of the ones with a beer can on each side and the straws coming down and combining for the ultimate drinking cap.


The players were heading out onto the diamond now, but Chris jumped up and ran to the pitcher's mound. "You guys forgot something!"


"Chris! We have to start the game!!" Guy yelled from left field.


"Oh-oh say can you see?!" Chris started blaring the national anthem, his eyes closed and his head lifted up to the heavens. Out of nowhere, a very muscualar ump picked Chris up and set him down by the bleachers.


"You cause any more problems, and I'll have you carted! Got it?!" The ump stomped away.


"Geeze," Chris muttered. "Now I know how the fans feel when Kelly gets mad at them."


Will laughed. "Just watch the game."


Seven innings passed, Chris and Will lazily munching on chips and cheering on their friends. Finally, the game was at a close...the teams tied 10 to 10 and Jonny the last batter up.


"GO JON!!!" Chris screamed at the top of his lungs.


Jonny swung.


"Striiike!" the ump blared.




Jonny swung.


"Striiike two!"


Chris started jumping up and down on the bleachers. "HIT THE BALL JONNYCAKES!"


Jonny swung, the bat making a connection and the ball flying past the outfielders and soaring into the nearby woods.


"RUN, JONNY, RUN!!!" Chris thought his voice was going to explode as Jonny headed for second. Then, the unthinkable happened.


Chris went running out to third base, catching up with Jon, the two of them sprinting home.


The team cheered, Will and Guy rushing out so they could all embrace in a big group hug. :hug:







i love this! :wacky:

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Its ok Brooke... :kiss:


But please, please, please, make it a happy Sarah & Guy ending!!!:smug:


...maybe... :uhoh:







Now that the tour had ended, the boys had more time on their hands. And, with more time on their hands, Jonny and Guy decided to join a baseball league together.


After many practices, it was finally their first game. And, trying to be supportive, Chris and Will decided to come watch.


"What are you doing here?" Jonny asked, tossing a ball into the air and catching it in his mitt. He looked over the two boys. Chris was dressed in his usual black pants, but was also wearing a red tee that said "GO TEAM GO" and a red baseball cap. Will...well, he was carrying a plastic bag filled with snacks.


"We're here to cheer you on!" Chris hugged Jonny.


Guy laughed. "Nice shirt! You got matching pom-poms, too?"


Will frowned. "Maybe."


"TEAM HUDDLE!" the coach called.


"Later guys!" Jon and Guy shouted, running towards their team.


Chris and Will took a seat on the bleachers, not bothering to notice the awkward glances coming from the other fans. Will pulled a hat out of his bag...one of the ones with a beer can on each side and the straws coming down and combining for the ultimate drinking cap.


The players were heading out onto the diamond now, but Chris jumped up and ran to the pitcher's mound. "You guys forgot something!"


"Chris! We have to start the game!!" Guy yelled from left field.


"Oh-oh say can you see?!" Chris started blaring the national anthem, his eyes closed and his head lifted up to the heavens. Out of nowhere, a very muscualar ump picked Chris up and set him down by the bleachers.


"You cause any more problems, and I'll have you carted! Got it?!" The ump stomped away.


"Geeze," Chris muttered. "Now I know how the fans feel when Kelly gets mad at them."


Will laughed. "Just watch the game."


Seven innings passed, Chris and Will lazily munching on chips and cheering on their friends. Finally, the game was at a close...the teams tied 10 to 10 and Jonny the last batter up.


"GO JON!!!" Chris screamed at the top of his lungs.


Jonny swung.


"Striiike!" the ump blared.




Jonny swung.


"Striiike two!"


Chris started jumping up and down on the bleachers. "HIT THE BALL JONNYCAKES!"


Jonny swung, the bat making a connection and the ball flying past the outfielders and soaring into the nearby woods.


"RUN, JONNY, RUN!!!" Chris thought his voice was going to explode as Jonny headed for second. Then, the unthinkable happened.


Chris went running out to third base, catching up with Jon, the two of them sprinting home.


The team cheered, Will and Guy rushing out so they could all embrace in a big group hug. :hug:






low, you are amazing, you know that? :lol:

and you're welcome for the idea. :nice:

did Jonny only hit the last ball because his love (Chris) called him Jonnycakes? :wacky:

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If you love me...


Part 3




I was sitting on a bench outside the Bakery, waiting for Guy to get done with the rehearsal. It was a week before our six-year anniversary. I couldn't believe that we'd made it so long, especially because I had stopped loving him quite some time ago. I heard the door open and looked over, but it was just Jonny. I sighed and proceeded to stare at the ground. Jonny unexpectedly sat down next to me.


"Hey, Sarah."


"Hi, Jonny."


"Um, Guy should be done in a few minutes..."


"Yeah?" I had a feeling that Jonny already knew. I wasn't sure how he knew, but I just had a feeling. So, I decided to talk to him about it. "Jonny, I need to talk to you."




"It's about Guy." For some reason, I felt completely comfortable talking to Jonny about the situation, even though he was one of Guy's best friends. Jonny just had this trustworthy quality about him.


"Hmm, you don't, uh... you don't like him anymore, do you?"


"No. Well, I like him, but I just... I don't know. I'm not in love with him anymore, I guess."


"I'm assuming you haven't told him that."


"No, I haven't." I chuckled. "I should, huh?"


"Yeah. He really cares about you, you know, and even though it'd probably crush him, I think lying to him would be much worse."


"Can you do it for me?" It was Jonny's turn to laugh now.


"I'm not the one who's not in love with him." I raised my eyebrow in a joking manner. He added, "You know what I mean. It's your problem, you can tell him."


"Thanks, Jonny."


"Any time." He patted me on the shoulder, then stood up. "I have to get home now, so I'll see you around... maybe. If you don't tell him, you know."


"I'll see you soon." He walked away, but he only walked a few steps before stopping again.


"Please, Sarah, tell him. He deserves to know."


"He does." Jonny turned back around and continued walking. A few minutes later, the door opened again, this time revealing Chris. "Hey Chris!"


"Hi Sarah. Did Jonny already leave?"


"Yeah, a few minutes ago."


"Damn." He looked over at me and noticed the questioning expression on my face. "He, uh, left something behind. Oh, well, I guess he can get it tomorrow."


I had this sudden urge to tell Chris. I thought it was maybe because I'd already told someone else, and why not tell another person? It might even help me to eventually tell Guy.


"Chris, I don't lo-" I began, and the door opened a third time. It was finally Guy. "--ove... your shoes! They're really pretty." I flashed a completely fake smile at him.


"You... what?" He looked really confused, until he turned to Guy. Then I think he realized what I was trying to say. "Oh. My shoes, right. Thanks, it... uh... it means a lot to me."


"You're welcome. Hey, Guy!" I jumped up off the bench and walked over to Guy, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and kissing him on the cheek. He loved that. He loved me. This was gonna be difficult.




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M A M A[/color][/size][/font]

Chapter 4. I think.




Well, I'm afraid to say that this is all I have written so far, so now the real work begins. :laugh3:



When we finally made it into the house, Guy was bent over the nearest toilet, puking his guts out. Jonny nodded knowingly and led me into the kitchen. “So, Chris. What’s up?”


“Well, Jon...” Where am I supposed to begin? “We were getting into my car, and an old lady was sitting in the backseat.”


“Oh god! Was she a thief?”


“Well, no.”


“Who was she, then?”


“She introduced herself as Lily Buckland.”


Jonny was silent. He looked over at me with his big emerald eyes and frowned. “That’s impossible. She passed away.” he pointed out, chewing on a fingernail.


“I know. But that’s what she said. Oh...she also told us to call her Mama.” That made Jonny fall silent once more, his eyes widening. “Look, Jon, I’m not lying. It was her.”


“She always told us to call her Mama.” he said slowly.


“See?” I hissed, leaning across the table. “It was her!” At that moment, Guy stumbled into the room, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.


“D’you have any ginger ale?” he asked, inviting himself into the fridge.


“Guy, tell Jonny about Mama!” I snapped.


“Well. She’s rather tall, white hair, wrinkly skin...”


“No shit.” I murmured. “I meant about what she told us!”


“Oh. She said you were in danger, man.” said Guy, pulling up a chair. “She didn’t tell us what from, but she definitely said you were in danger.”


“Danger? There’s only one person we can call.” squeaked Jonny, running to grab his telephone.


“Hello, Will? Yeah, it’s Jonny. No, I don’t know what time it is! One in the morning? Oh. Do you...what? No! Why do you have to be such a dick about it?”


“Tell him about Mama!” reminded Guy.


“Oh. Well, Chris and Guy said they saw the ghost of my grandmother. Are they what? Well, Guy is, but not Chris...he’s sober. Can you come over? What time is it? Oh...right. It’s one. Is that a no...?” Jonny paused then put down the receiver. “He hung up.”


“Oh god, what now?”


“I don’t know!”


Guy stood up and cleared his throat importantly. “I say we take a shower.”


Kyra this is great!!! :D:D:D

i love it!

can't wait for more! :dance:

and guy is hilarious :lol:

well, they all are in this :laugh3:

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Now that the tour had ended, the boys had more time on their hands. And, with more time on their hands, Jonny and Guy decided to join a baseball league together.


After many practices, it was finally their first game. And, trying to be supportive, Chris and Will decided to come watch.


"What are you doing here?" Jonny asked, tossing a ball into the air and catching it in his mitt. He looked over the two boys. Chris was dressed in his usual black pants, but was also wearing a red tee that said "GO TEAM GO" and a red baseball cap. Will...well, he was carrying a plastic bag filled with snacks.


"We're here to cheer you on!" Chris hugged Jonny.


Guy laughed. "Nice shirt! You got matching pom-poms, too?"


Will frowned. "Maybe."


"TEAM HUDDLE!" the coach called.


"Later guys!" Jon and Guy shouted, running towards their team.


Chris and Will took a seat on the bleachers, not bothering to notice the awkward glances coming from the other fans. Will pulled a hat out of his bag...one of the ones with a beer can on each side and the straws coming down and combining for the ultimate drinking cap.


The players were heading out onto the diamond now, but Chris jumped up and ran to the pitcher's mound. "You guys forgot something!"


"Chris! We have to start the game!!" Guy yelled from left field.


"Oh-oh say can you see?!" Chris started blaring the national anthem, his eyes closed and his head lifted up to the heavens. Out of nowhere, a very muscualar ump picked Chris up and set him down by the bleachers.


"You cause any more problems, and I'll have you carted! Got it?!" The ump stomped away.


"Geeze," Chris muttered. "Now I know how the fans feel when Kelly gets mad at them."


Will laughed. "Just watch the game."


Seven innings passed, Chris and Will lazily munching on chips and cheering on their friends. Finally, the game was at a close...the teams tied 10 to 10 and Jonny the last batter up.


"GO JON!!!" Chris screamed at the top of his lungs.


Jonny swung.


"Striiike!" the ump blared.




Jonny swung.


"Striiike two!"


Chris started jumping up and down on the bleachers. "HIT THE BALL JONNYCAKES!"


Jonny swung, the bat making a connection and the ball flying past the outfielders and soaring into the nearby woods.


"RUN, JONNY, RUN!!!" Chris thought his voice was going to explode as Jonny headed for second. Then, the unthinkable happened.


Chris went running out to third base, catching up with Jon, the two of them sprinting home.


The team cheered, Will and Guy rushing out so they could all embrace in a big group hug. :hug:






American Coldplay? :stunned:


They should be playing cricket, eating twiglets, and singing God Save the Queen!

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