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07-Sep-2009 - Parc des Princes, Paris - Tickets, Previews, Meetups, Reviews/Photos

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Nous voici à 42 jours du jour J !

Nous sommes à peine à mi-chemin en ce qui concerne notre projet principal " Tous en rouge et blanc pour Coldplay " .

Il est temps de montrer à la France ,au public français et à Coldplay que nous sommes capable de leurs marquer un moment inoubliable de leurs vies .

Pour qu'un maximum de gens viennent à ce concert en Rouge et Blanc avec s'ils le peuvent une couronne ,il faut que l'on fasse bouger les choses.

Quand je dis nous ,c'est tout les membres que nous sommes sur ce forum !

C'est grâce à vous que l'on va pouvoir réussir ce pari fou !

Pour ce faire ,allez sur le lien ci dessous .Imprimer un maximum d'affiches en format A3 ( en a4 si vous n'avez pas le choix ) et poster les en un maximums d'endroits différents ,des endroits de passage ,en ville ,sur des routes très fréquentées ,des gares ,super marché ,lycée ,boite de nuit ,salle de concert (zénith...) etc ...

Demander à vos amis de vous aider à cette quête .

Bref rassembler de monde pour qu'un maximum de gens soient informés,qu'un maximum d'affiche soit poster et que toute la France en parle .


S'il y a des questions je suis à votre entière disposition .


Faisons de ce concert un moment inoubliable !!


Cette affiche et notre cheval de troie faisons le avancer !


Viva la vida !


Affiche original :



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Bonjour !:P


Merci d'avoir mis la photo, je l'avais postée mais elle ne s'affiche pas !:laugh3: Vivaaaaaa la vidaaaaaaa !:P


de rien,

Mais si tu l'a vu c'est que tu est dans le forum ColdplayFrance


car on as décider de ça tôt dans la matinée , en revanche on as pas encore décider de l'heure c'est entre 9h30 et 11h...

donc voila je vous tiens an courant

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de rien,

Mais si tu l'a vu c'est que tu est dans le forum ColdplayFrance


car on as décider de ça tôt dans la matinée , en revanche on as pas encore décider de l'heure c'est entre 9h30 et 11h...

donc voila je vous tiens an courant


Non, je suis sur facebook !:D

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Bonjour !

Si ça intéresse quelqu'un : je vends une place (pelouse) ! N'hésitez pas à me contacter.


If someone's interested: I'm selling one ticket (standing)! Don't hesitate to contact me.


c'est vrai!!!!


je crois que j'ai une amie qui pourrais l'être


c'est à combien?

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I´ve been planning on making my own t-shirt for the concert, but I´m kinda stuck. I got so excited about it and I had like dozens of ideas, but I don´t seem to like any of them now :( This always happens to me and it´s sooo frustrating!! :freak:


Could someone pleaseee help me a bit? Ideas? Anyone? I would really, really appreciate it!! :rolleyes:

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I´ve been planning on making my own t-shirt for the concert, but I´m kinda stuck. I got so excited about it and I had like dozens of ideas, but I don´t seem to like any of them now :( This always happens to me and it´s sooo frustrating!! :freak:


Could someone pleaseee help me a bit? Ideas? Anyone? I would really, really appreciate it!! :rolleyes:


hey welcome to the club i also will make my own t shirt :D, everyone will have that red viva la vida t shirt, so another person again will be way too much


i'm planning to paint or a 42 in red on a white t shirt on the back and paint a V like chris does or gonna print a viva la vida pics in red on a white t shirt


i allow you to use them :P, at least they're PARTLY my ideas

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hey welcome to the club i also will make my own t shirt :D, everyone will have that red viva la vida t shirt, so another person again will be way too much


i'm planning to paint or a 42 in red on a white t shirt on the back and paint a V like chris does or gonna print a viva la vida pics in red on a white t shirt


i allow you to use them :P, at least they're PARTLY my ideas


Thanks :D

another idea came in my mind. i love that strawberry swing image they have on the widgets section and i´m seriously considering it :D

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ohh yeah indeed that's a nice picture


you know that banner on the coldplay official site ( coldplay written in red)

i made a t shirt with it, and it looks so nice now ;)


i'm sure it will work for you too that flying chris :P

good luck

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ohh yeah indeed that's a nice picture


you know that banner on the coldplay official site ( coldplay written in red)

i made a t shirt with it, and it looks so nice now ;)


i'm sure it will work for you too that flying chris :P

good luck


I was thinking about the one above :P

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oh wow :shocked2: nice


but the theme is red and white, no?

yeah, I know. i was thinking of removing the black background. i´m still trying to decide, though i´m terrible at making decisions :P and thanks for all of your ideas :)

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yeah, I know. i was thinking of removing the black background. i´m still trying to decide, though i´m terrible at making decisions :P and thanks for all of your ideas :)


you're welcome, i did nothing in fact :P



will you use a red or white tshirt then?


and where in the stadduim will you be? :D

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you're welcome, i did nothing in fact :P



will you use a red or white tshirt then?


and where in the stadduim will you be? :D


i think i´ll use a red one (i lovee reeeddd :P) hope it will look good:rolleyes:


i´ll be in the E section, i couldn´t find any ´pelouse´ ones :D that´s where i would have loved to be, but i guess my tickets will do:D after all, i´ll be seeing Coldplay!!!!!


what about you?:D

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honestly i prefer white tshirt, it will look great with the white lyrics, but you decide after all ;)


did you try to put a red background just to have a look before doing it, and do the same for white and then you will surely do the best choice


i have a pelouse ticket :D

i will try to be just in front them, i hope so

it will be a great war :laugh3:

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ohh i'm glad you trust me :D


hope it will be a good shirt, show me the result when it's done

i will show you mine, but still don't know if to paint it or print it


what do you think


for the pictures, of course i better don't forget my camera :laugh3:

btw everything is ready since june you know

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