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"LeftRightLeftRightLeft" Free Live Album Mailing Exchange Thread


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I'm from Spain (Jaén, Andalucia), and I would be grateful if someone send me the "LeftRightLeftRightLeft" cd. Thank you very much.






Soy español, concretamente de Jaén, en Andalucía como sabreis. Si a alguien le sobra este CD que repartieron en los conciertos, pues sería un bonito regalo de Navidad para mí, jejeje.

Muchas Gracias.




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Hi from Germany :)

I would love to get a copy for a close friend for christmas. Any spare copies out there?


Unfortunately, as it stands, I can't accept entries for people looking for spares for their friends, as there is simply too few copies in circulation now. They will have to register and sign up themselves.


Hi!I just want to ask how much would it be to receive the LRLRL CD disk.What is the price of it plus the money i shall give for the shipping.BTW i am from Bulgaria.I also want to ask how much time it would take for the delivery.Thanks! :):):)


Shipping costs will vary depending on what country your CD would be coming from. The time also varies on what country it originates from. Your sender usually covers all costs.



I'll likely stop the polling by the end of January so please get your lists together.


Spambot! Blargh!


Ok also sent messages to the ancient list of people who were supposed to have one last year. Also removing one as I messaged them weeks ago to no response, so they suck.

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Well, maybe not a Mailing Exchange as such, I suck at these titles. But for all going to the shows and whom will have a leftover CD and those whom want a physical copy but can't make it to a show.


You'll have to organise the sending yourselves. This is merely an information guide for those wanting to give someone a spare and those wanting to have this.


If you want on either of these lists, just post. If you'll have multiple copies spare, note this. I'll note down the country for both "I haz spare" and "I can haz spare" because this'll make it easier regarding finding out which people you can send to (for those on a budget).



PLEASE NOTE: YOU MIGHT NOT GET A COPY! There are so many people asking for a spare that there's not enough copies to go around, especially with the main tour over! You might have to ask several people, or you might get lucky. THIS IS NOT A DEFINITE WAY TO GET ONE!


Also, your location is needed to make it easier for determination of postage stuff and whatnot. DO NOT FORGET!









yellowtalking (Sweden, 1 spare now)


silver.lining42 (Greece, 1 spare now)


Chavi (France, 2 spares now)


crestingwaves (Australia, 3 spares now)


LittleMissMessy, (Germany, spares now PRE-EXISTING MEMBERS ONLY)


busybeeburns (UK, 10 spares now, UK preferred first come first served)


but a dream (Singapore, spares now, Singapore/Malaysia/Philippines/Hong Kong/Australia ONLY)


JazmineUS22 (USA, 2 spares now)


bear (USA, 1 spare now)


Malcolm-Edge (Canada, 3 spares, 4 possible June 21st North Americans only)

Shaftell (Canada, 4 spares possible June 21st)


nickel (USA, 1 spare 4th July, 1 spare now)


nishafrisha (USA, 1 spare July 10th)


jelynch2 (USA, 1 spare now)


kspillers2 (USA, 5 spares possible end of July)


Mattolinko (Denmark, 2 spares possible August 16th)


NeverGoOnWithoutYou (USA, 2 spares August)


william_3000 (Sweden, multiple spares possible August)


mygdalom (Spain, 1 spare 4th September)


CookyMnstr (USA, 2 spares September)

Legal Princess (France, multiple possible September)


LiquidSky ("Albania", 1 spare possible)


the loveless (Sweden, 1 spare, 2 possible)


missyvik (UK, 3 spares possible)


strawberryfields (USA, multiple spares possible)


strawberryswinger (Spain, 2 spares possible)


the.hardest.part (USA, 1 spare, multiple possible)







Gwijde (Belgium/Hungary/UK)


GusterG (Argentina)

Marcoldplayer (Argentina)


ajd (Australia)

Anakh (Australia)

andrewf1 (Australia)

birdman987 (Australia)

blackdollie (Australia)

theboonge (Australia)

century-letters (Australia)

coldplay <3 (Australia)

coldspot (Australia)

crestingwaves (Australia)

Dayle_Coldplay (Australia)

davissoiz (Australia)

em_88 (Australia)

froxyn (Australia)

hadoken_zero (Australia)

ilovealias4ever (Australia)

KellieP (Australia)

lucyb123 (Australia)

matthewjames (Australia)

mcreetz (Australia)

Purplegirl (Australia)

sonispucca (Australia)

stealthy (Australia)

such_a_rush (Australia)


Su87 (Austria)


Cassio (Belgium)

Superjef (Belgium)


Axelnoatss (Brazil)

ellendianelopo (Brazil)

imorais (Brazil)

li_cold (Brazil)

Navegador (Brazil)

nih_coldplay (Brazil)

rafa89 (Brazil)

Suzana Fong (Brazil)


starchild84 (Brunei)


MichaelAtanasov (Bulgaria)


alphamoongirl (Canada)

ec (Canada)

GoodJobJR (Canada)

Iusedtoruletheworld (Canada)

jonathanwm (Canada)

mamgirl (Canada)

mooseheadsfan (Canada)

oODarkShotOo (Canada)

Prospekt. (Canada)

redcurry (Canada)

silvermark (Canada)

silvr_eagle (Canada)

slmader (Canada)

SpaceCadet (Canada)

Toaster (Canada)

Vivek (Canada)

Zooberry (Canada)


coldplayer12 (Chile)

GnX (Chile)

Gustavox (Chile)


smartfemme (Colombia)


max750 (Croatia)


denishz (Czech Republic)


RasmusG (Denmark)


Tinttis (Finland)


Aelith (France)

elmobbo (France)

FaFa011 (France)

maewilliams (France)

Ols54 (France)

tine54 (France)


ente123 (Germany)

dRaFt. (Germany)

KennyRie (Germany)

Scirocco (Germany)


cecikoo (Hong Kong)


Nikka (Indonesia (Jakarta))

olinamikaze (Indonesia)

setipkecil (Indonesia (Imelda))

yonan32 (Indonesia (Jakarta))


paddy2008 (Ireland)


Maximus (Israel)


koa! (Italy)

Violin (Italy)


CM (Mexico)

kaisin (Mexico)

Mig-El (Mexico)

Vincent664 (Mexico)

Yellow Hill (Mexico)


uundaa (Mongolia)


beadbop (Netherlands)

CP(L) (The Netherlands)

Ireentje (The Netherlands)

Jo Tal (The Netherlands)

Ronald Jan (The Netherlands)


chri2020 (New Zealand)

nats_kiwigirl (New Zealand)

Politiked (New Zealand)

robiso89 (New Zealand)

rosierose (New Zealand)

shred (New Zealand)


wilfu (Norway)


fatima_8 (Peru)

ipodthermic (Peru)

pmpg (Peru)


j3mac5 (Philippines)

jigglypuff (Philippines)

matti (Philippines)


Cris84Poland (Poland)

hps (Poland)

magodeoz (Poland)

PosterBoy (Poland)

Ubik27 (Poland)


adelina (Romania)

leftrightleftright (Romania)

wireless-indie (Romania)


karenc (Scotland)


MK (Serbia)

Strawberry Swinger (Serbia)


cephaus (Singapore)

djcheezymix (Singapore)

runningincircles (Singapore)


Myint (Slovenia)


playingcolder (South Africa)


eny (South Korea)


atmjesus (Spain)

koala_sprint (Spain)

RevolutionDude (Spain)


chocglad (Sweden)

DZoolander (Sweden)

jibe14 (Sweden)

vivalafrida (Sweden)


dan-kenobi (Switzerland)

freedmind (Switzerland)


alio (UK)

annabelle (UK)

Brummie Terra (UK)

bubblegoose (UK)

bucko (UK)

darkchoc92 (UK)

deniseq (UK)

E007 (UK)

Emp3 (UK)

Fixed (UK)

FixYou319 (UK)

Hans! (UK)

ItWasTheHardestPart (UK)

JamesR2 (UK)

Jpw48 (UK)


Nattatouille (UK)

rushofbloodUK (UK)

Sullllllly (UK)

tabbyabbie (UK)

Tonsu (UK)

viva_la_hova (UK)


zeashanash (United Arab Emirates)


*Coldplay Lover* (USA)

ailene90 (USA)

alvin.ping (USA)

AngeLsLuv (USA)

Arsenal007 (USA)

Blackjack612 (USA)

blooms_lady (USA)

BoredTerry (USA)

Brycemiller (USA)

coldplaycam33 (USA)

ColdplayFanatic86 (USA)

Columbina (USA)

dhartley34 (USA)

don'trecyclerevenge<3 (USA)

EgoTripper77 (USA)

Frixxion (USA)

graceberryman (USA)

gvargas (USA)

highspeed123 (USA)

Iamaerolls (USA)

icecoldplay (USA)

Jdwaldy (USA)

jmelrose (USA)

Kidney05 (USA)

lostinreverie (USA)

MacBook86 (USA)

maley422 (USA)

mappandlucia (USA)


Motoi (USA)

Niftium (USA)

noonsun (USA)

paladyr (USA)

PlayinWhitColdFingers (USA)

pmartinez527 (USA)


rayoco (USA)

setnomleb (USA)

starfish9 (USA)

somart318 (USA)

Strawberry Steve (USA)

taaytay456 (USA)

technicolor24 (USA)

technicolor_love78 (USA)

tengaio (USA)

TWoSteP_79 (USA)

tychosonic (USA)

urifu (USA)

vespagirl (USA)

victoriacp33 (USA)

xsarehardcorex (USA)

YamakaIno123 (USA)


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Unfortunately, as it stands, I can't accept entries for people looking for spares for their friends, as there is simply too few copies in circulation now. They will have to register and sign up themselves.




He is signed up under the name Dreamscape, but it should be a surprise. Now it's his birthday on the 21st of January. Is there still any chance to get a copy? Help! :uhoh:

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