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The Battle of the Smilies Round 0.5

Black Rose

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Before rolling into the first round, there is 9 smilies fighting it out for the final 6 places, each getting 2 nomination votes a piece.


Therefore using the power of random numbers, I have put the 9 into 3 groups of 3, where your voting for the smilies you DON'T want in the first round. The smiley with the highest number of votes in each group will be going out.


Group 1:

:wideeyed: :blush: :whip:

:wideeyed:	:blush:	:whip:


Group 2:

:lol: :mad: :thinking:

:lol:	:mad:	:thinking:


Group 3:

:borg: :wreck: :uhoh2:

:borg:	:wreck:	:uhoh2:


To vote for the on you don't want to go forward into the next round, post that smiley and no others from that group.


Voting closes next Saturday night at mid-night UK time.


And once more you are voting for the smilies you Do not want to see in the next round, you don't have to vote in all 3 groups and you can edit your votes up till voting closes.


Any questions?



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