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like them alot, but they need to get an actual drummer. Then theyd be much better


:angry: You must go to confession for this.



Anyway, I noticed there is a song that I'm not really into, Fantasy. All other songs have more than 40 listens on my iTunes and this one like less than 10. I think it stands out too much, in a not very positve way.

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I couldn't get into Fantasy at first as it was such an out of place song. Quite jarring on the first listen. Everything flows nicely and than you have this! Lol.


But! After a few listens, it's actually growing on me. It's like the album is taking a break before getting into it again. :D


noooo noooooo

Jamie XX is one of the few things that keeps them different from other indie bands...

If they lose the drums they lose a whole lot of their originality, imo



Foals? Hmm. I'm a big fan of both bands and I never thought about that. Maybe in some songs they really do.

It reminds me a lot of TLF - not so much Antidote.

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In one month time I should be seeing The xx live.


But I don't have anyone to go with. :uhoh:

Go alone, mate!


Most of my concerts I've been to, I went alone. Can't be fussed if no one is going with me. I'm not going to miss out! :lol:

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i just think a real drummer, especially live, i mean actually playing drums would make them a bit better, minor complaint.

Hmm I get your complaint about the lack of proper drums during live shows. I was watching their Glastonbury gig and the syth drums felt weak compared to the guitar and the bass. Not sure how it is for other shows but it wasn't as effective as it was in the album.


Other than that, loved the gig though. Want to watch them live now. :D

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Angels sounds good but it ain't no Shelter. :P Saw on Tumblr that Pitchfork named Angels their Best New Track.


Can't wait for it. I've been listening to XX non stop lately and I need more!! :D

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Angels sounds good but it ain't no Shelter. :P Saw on Tumblr that Pitchfork named Angels their Best New Track.


Can't wait for it. I've been listening to XX non stop lately and I need more!! :D


They're totally different for me.


Shelter comes at a time on xx when you might be sick of the pretty pop production, and you need a ballad with a bit of substance. It's the antithesis to the haunting Fantasy. It's like coming up for air after a deep-sea dive.


Angels sounds cut from the same cloth, but for me, it's more lulling you into what's to come. It's happier in its skin than Shelter, it sounds like more of a mood than a statement.


That's just me though. I love both equally I think.

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Album artwork:



It will be available to preorder from midnight tonight. http://thexx.info/coexist

By preordering you instantly get the first single from the album, Angels

















(found here: http://thexx.info/lyrics/17/angels)



:o OMG, first single and the tracklist!!! I can't wait to finish this last exam I have so that I can listen to it. I'm so relieved you guys find it satisfactory.

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Okay, so obviously it was stupid of me to expect to be able to resist listening to it until I have more time. Listening to "Angels" was like drowning in emotions, especially since I'm going through some difficult moments privately. Yes it is the xx,the band, definitely, but not the xx album. Perhaps my judgment is of less value as I'm not really an expert when it comes to music but I feel like the song belongs to another chapter.

^^ And no, it's nowhere near as obnoxiously insupportable as Paradise, please.

I live for 10 September 2012 :heart:

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