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LEAST favorite Coldplay song?


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I reckon Cemeteries of London is pretty naff. A Whisper is pretty awful too. I find it strange that they'd include a track like that on what is otherwise an incredible album, especially considering the quality of some of the B-Sides from around that time!

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Oh good, I'm not the only one who never came to totally adore Warning Sign (I'm actually pretty neutral towards it, though, so it's far from my least-favorite).


I will also jump on the "I hate 'A Whisper'" bandwagon.

And "Lost+". Bad idea that I hope is never attempted again.


A few months ago I posted "Reign of Love" in one of these topics, but you know what? It's grown on me.

I reckon Cemeteries of London is pretty naff. A Whisper is pretty awful too. I find it strange that they'd include a track like that on what is otherwise an incredible album, especially considering the quality of some of the B-Sides from around that time!

Disregarding the Cemeteries comment, I do agree that a number of AROBTTH B-sides could have fit A Whisper's place quite nicely. May have made for a near-perfect album.

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Eh, I have this gut feeling this is gonna turn out like every other "Least Favorite Song" thread, where somebody gets offended by every song somebody lists. :(


I can tell because I'm personally about to flip over the mention of Sparks.

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Can't help to be a little bit offended by you mentioning Sparks ;) - no I can understand you it's a very calm song probably too calm for many people but I still like it. Also very sad that a lot of people do not like A whisper, for me it's their most underrated song.


The only albumtracks I really don't like are Swallowed in the sea and Twisted logic.

There are also a few b-sides and unreleased tracks that I don't like for example Lhuna is so horrible (maybe because of the fact that I can hear Kylies annoying voice just right next to the most beautiful male voice ever :dozey:). Harmless and Gold in them hills are also tracks that I did not get an access to yet.

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