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Keanu Reeves to quit movies?


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Friends of superstar Keanu Reeves fear he may quit Hollywood as he is reportedly devastated by the news that his sister Kim's cancer is back.


The "Matrix" star, along with his family, is said to have been convinced that she had conquered the disease.


Reeves had converted a three million pound Hollywood mansion into a hospital for her earlier this year.


A friend was quoted as telling the Express: "The diagnosis that it is back has really hit him hard. He has taken her to the world's leading specialists but nothing seems to work."


The 39-year-old actor had never really recovered after his girlfriend Jennifer Syme was killed in a car crash two years ago, months after giving birth to their stillborn daughter.


"He's been turning up for work looking like a down-and-out, wearing ragged old clothes and battered Hush Puppies," an insider on the set of his latest movie "Constantine" was quoted as saying.


"One of the shoes had a hole, which he'd covered up with tape and a studio executive made a joke about him being able to afford a new pair.


"But he didn't take the hint. He just turned up the next day wearing the same tattered stuff.


"During breaks in shooting, unless he has to rehearse or talk with the director, he'll sit alone, often just staring at the ground."

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okay...it's cool though :cool: ;)


:lol: I know what you mean, it'll make the movie more exciting


Btw I like your sig! I love that song linger by the cranberries!


exactly. it will make the movie more interesting muahaha.


and thx btw, i`m in luff with that song too! do you like my matrix -revolutions sig?? :wink3:

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I feel sorry for the guy, he's having a rough time. But I do think that he's a shit actor, he doesnt belong on the big screen, and the Matrix was quite bland.


And YES I did understand the Matrix, I hate getting that reaction "You were just too dumb to get it" I actually understood more aspects in it then most of the people Ive talked to. Just because the parts of the movie fitted nicely with eachother, doesnt mean it was good. Or complex.


I wish him well.

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  • 1 year later...

I feel sorry for Keanu. Not about his sister, but about his acting. I mean, everyone talks about how hard he prepares and how much work and research he does to get into the role and how professional he is, he seems like one of those people who work really hard... But hes awful.


And they try to put him in slick roles that hide his bad acting but you can still see it, hes just not convincing, at all.


As for Constantine, it looks alright from what Ive seen.

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