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Tired Pony

Black Rose

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holy crap!

I've been out of the loop the last couple of days. I literally had to slap my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming when I saw MICHAEL STIPE performed The Good Book with them! And he said "Marketa".... Marketa Irglova???? Did she do 'Get on the Road' with them?! :dead:

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Yep Jen, she did get on the road!!!!! :awesome: here:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtOlam1PkCA]YouTube - Tired Pony - Get On The Road[/ame]


And here the new song in better quality and complete, it's called 'creak in the floorboards"


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kL5c38ebmY]YouTube - Tired Pony - Creak In The Floorboards (Live at Irving Plaza, NYC, 10.01.10)[/ame]


There others vids on TTB website and pics, here some; Tired Pony


From what I red from review, the boys got out after the show except Gary :stunned: It's weird, he usually comes out to say hello.... So I'm glad I was in London... :D



Oh, and I found a review here (I +1000 pretty much everything)


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More vid, this time from the radio station little session they did on Sirius FM


I'll carry you (and I'm tearing up every time I hear this song...)


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7wMbYaOmPo]YouTube - the way home[/ame]


Just for fun...


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOnYYnvd-bE]YouTube - 2nd grade giggles[/ame]


XDD They have so much fun together!!!


And Iain tweeted this:


Some random guy, me, & Dewitt - REM's guitar tech




He's too cute <3

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Yes, me want recordings. :wacko:

Me too :D but still nothing yet...:/


New vids on the radio station


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AxrdJqCWkM]YouTube - Tired Pony - Mixture of clips - Sirius[/ame]


(big LOL @gL at the beginning about the new SP record... :rolleyes: )

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpw_n_NXL6g]YouTube - Tired Pony - Northwestern Skies - Sirius XM Studios 10-2-2010[/ame]


Tonight is the LA show (and its after party :bomb:), so this means more vids tomorrow :awesome:

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:/ Christina...but congrats on your brother's wedding!!


HERE TE SIRIUS XM RADIO SESSION :awesome: :dance: (put it in the MM Thread)



It's apparently 52 min long :bomb: with ITV and them playing the songs. I'm off to work in a bit so I'll listen to that tonight (grrrrrr!!)


BUT apparently, the guys partyed HARD the night before and decided at 3AM to cancel the session and continue to party...They got called at 5AM by management saying NO WAY, you have to go so they did. So they must have been all pretty hang over and not sleep really at all... :lol:


Here a little pic of Gary and Garett cracking up...












I forgot this gorgeous one...



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Mr NATHAN CONNELLY joins the Pony in LA :awesome:


(Gary starts the song with a beer in his hand...tsss...thought he was not supposed to drink on stage or on tour cause it makes him lose his voice... :p)


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cChnZWryLF8]YouTube - Tired Pony 10.4.10 2[/ame]

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+1 for the hug (@Kimi: do you recognize our crazy french friend... lol) but as I explained a little earlier they were still hammered from the night before...This explain: Gary & Garrett fooling around in the building door, Gary 'gagging' and Iain weird walk :lol: Dunno if you have listened to the radio session but there is a HUGE Garrett moment when he talks non sense and cracks up, which led to everybody laughing hard and they have hard time to become serious again, it's priceless XDD


On the LA show, here a little review of the after party where gL did a DJ set... :awesome:


The after party was off-the-hook. Gary dj'd - mostly old soul - we danced for three hours straight (his friend is the permanent dj there, and she's from Glasgow - she was also great, and dj'd before he arrived). I wish I could remember what songs he played at Bar Lubitsch, I remember old Stevie Wonder and even some early disco. I just know that we never sat down - everyone was dancing the entire time. It wasn't that crowded, oddly, and everyone was super nice. The opening band partied it up, too (A House of Lions), all band members dancing all night long.The party ended at 3AM.


:bomb: must have been awesome!!!!! Soul and disco?!!! gL knows how to throw a paaaaaAAAAaarty :rockstar:


And here some amazing pics from NY
















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The COMPLETE gigling session, we had the sound with the radio rip, here the image....*COLLECTOR* :laugh3: :


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I28iHL0Ndg]YouTube - Tired Pony- Sirius Radio giggle fest.wmv[/ame]


And Iain singing :heart: with 'old Gary' at the beginning..


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geZU20mbsqM]YouTube - TIRED PONY CONCERT-EL REY THEATRE, LOS ANGELES, 10/4/2010[/ame]


You can feel the booze flowing in both vids...XD

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Another vid from NY...with some gL usual mess up...(f*ck fest from 39sec->1min20..lol)


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UP5WQeL_3SA]YouTube - Tired Pony - Point Me At Lost Islands (Gary messing up a bit) NYC 10.01.10[/ame]


I really wonder if one day they'll manage to play this song without messing it XD


and I'll carry you+banter in NYC


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30IT3m2EhyQ]YouTube - Tired Pony @ Irving Plaza (4/12)[/ame]



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BB King would be AWESOME, Justin Timberlake not so much. :P


don't worry, last i heard JT's putting his music career on hold for acting...thanks to that Facebook movie...which i'm actually really eager to watch once it's out in the UK! & it's not cos of JT (or the guy who will be the next/new Peter Parker)! :dozey:


& i'd like to claim all this Tired Pony goodness, including the hung over band giggle fest (too cute!) as my b'day present from the band! :D :P :dance:

loving the new song, which btw, i'm a bit confused, but was there only 1 newly written just the day before (again) song or 2? cos i'm pretty out of the loop lately... :shame:


From what I red from review, the boys got out after the show except Gary :stunned: It's weird, he usually comes out to say hello.... So I'm glad I was in London... :D

awww...that's a shame. so have to agree with you that i'm glad i was in London too! :D

cos it looks like there was no adorkable dancing during Silver Atoms from Gary in NYC/LA either... :wink3: :dance:



Here a little pic of Gary and Garett cracking up...



awww...too cute! even if i can't even see his face & it looks blurry! :laugh3:


Mr NATHAN CONNELLY joins the Pony in LA :awesome:


(Gary starts the song with a beer in his hand...tsss...thought he was not supposed to drink on stage or on tour cause it makes him lose his voice... :p)


"...my very good friend and long time lover" *rotfl* :laugh3:


& yes, it would appear that he seems to have a "oh fuckin' hell" (as he'd put it himself) attitude to drinking during a gig/tour now. he did have a beery scent on him post gig in London too...& there's the Guinness event (all bets are on that he had to have had at least a pint on Arthur's Day :sneaky: ). :dozey:




+1 for the hug (@Kimi: do you recognize our crazy french friend... lol) but as I explained a little earlier they were still hammered from the night before...This explain: Gary & Garrett fooling around in the building door, Gary 'gagging' and Iain weird walk :lol: Dunno if you have listened to the radio session but there is a HUGE Garrett moment when he talks non sense and cracks up, which led to everybody laughing hard and they have hard time to become serious again, it's priceless XDD

yes, i do!!! at least she's not shouting away for Gary even in broad daylight this time...i hope.


must've been 1 helluva after party in LA from the size of the water bottles some of the guys were carrying with them to the radio session! *lol* :P

hung over, thirsty from dehydration & dragged outta bed while the sun's still out...oh, joy...at least Garrett & Gary still had fun running round & round the rotating door like little kids! haha :dozey:


great to hear that Gary's DJing again (tho very likely under the influence...heh)...ah, to be able to see the man behind the decks live! :cool: :dance: :cool: :dance:



btw, i REALLY can't resist pointing this out but...........that photographer's name!

LeighAnnHines...country-tinged music of Tired Pony...LeeAnnRimes ..........anyone? :wink3:


oh & before i forget, congrats on your brother's wedding, coldplay_is_louve! :)

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Great gL ITV!




& i'd like to claim all this Tired Pony goodness, including the hung over band giggle fest (too cute!) as my b'day present from the band! :D :P :dance:



loving the new song, which btw, i'm a bit confused, but was there only 1 newly written just the day before (again) song or 2? cos i'm pretty out of the loop lately... :shame:

There's only one 'creak on the floorboards", that they wrote the morning of the show.


"...my very good friend and long time lover" *rotfl* :laugh3:

I'm sure he missed his Nathan :rolleyes: I've missed those two too!



& yes, it would appear that he seems to have a "oh fuckin' hell" (as he'd put it himself) attitude to drinking during a gig/tour now. he did have a beery scent on him post gig in London too...& there's the Guinness event (all bets are on that he had to have had at least a pint on Arthur's Day :sneaky: ). :dozey:

He said he hadn't completely give up the drinking so on special events like that, it's pretty normal he go back to 'party mode'....as long as he doesn't fall on stairs breaking his jaw, I'm fine with it...


at least Garrett & Gary still had fun running round & round the rotating door like little kids! haha :dozey:

I love them together, there is such a complicity between them....it's adorable!!


great to hear that Gary's DJing again (tho very likely under the influence...heh)...ah, to be able to see the man behind the decks live! :cool: :dance: :cool: :dance:

I would love to see hom DJing...


btw, i REALLY can't resist pointing this out but...........that photographer's name!

LeighAnnHines...country-tinged music of Tired Pony...LeeAnnRimes ..........anyone? :wink3:

:facepalm: :laugh3:

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oooh...nice interview. tho i think the interviewer's out-cornified my LeeAnn Rimes remark. :P


Think he’s galloping so hard he’s forgotten Snow Patrol? Neigh, Lightbody whinnies to ShockHound in the following exclusive interview.

:facepalm: :lol:



thank you! :hug:

...tho it's long over already. it was on 3 Oct...kinda in between/during the TP US tour! ;) :D


He said he hadn't completely give up the drinking so on special events like that, it's pretty normal he go back to 'party mode'....as long as he doesn't fall on stairs breaking his jaw, I'm fine with it...

yeah, as long as he doesn't go on any drinking bender binges & gets all piss drunk, he can drink all he wants as far as i'm concerned.


& i'm guessing that he isn't so strict with his "no drinking while touring" self-policy for 1-off gigs or 2-gig tours. :dozey:


Oh, thank you so much! :blush: My name's Christina, by the way. :nice:

ah, ok...nice to "meet" you, Christina. :D

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