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New Coldplay Christmas Song 2010! Christmas Lights // behind-the-scenes footage in first post (parts


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I'm way too easily excited :lol:


it's not just our shadows, it's us, but very dark.

you can see my head, with my hood up if you squint real hard :D


EDIT: literally just the bit after Will says 'He's a rising star in cinema' and it cuts to them in the tent,

to the left you can see us moving about and can clearly see my hat/hood.

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^^ Didn't you also say you heard lyrics that were from Wedding Bells in there too? I remember hearing a familiar line, but I was concentrating more on the melodies and stuff during the first listen.


And yeah, 7 out of 10 sounds about right, it's very good, and very uplifting.


Yes, there is a line from Wedding Bells in there, much as the line "now my feet won't touch the ground" exists in LITii and "Strawberry Swing" and "Now My Feet Won't Touch the Ground." Thanks for reminding me! :dance:


It fits in the song, but I liked the way it was sung in the South Bank Show version of "Wedding Bells" better, personally.


it's not just our shadows, it's us, but very dark.

you can see my head, with my hood up if you squint real hard :D


I assume you mean this


LOLOLOL, I got so excited for a second too :P


But hey, my shadow's on Coldplay's Ping :dance:

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What's this about the lyrics changing by the end of the night? They were the same as they were in the version we heard twice on the boat, I'm pretty sure.


And I think it was just the crappy PA system that made the song sound demo-ish on the boat, not the fact that it wasn't the final version, perhaps plus our vocals, though. That's just what I think, though. It sounded much better quality-wise at the shoot to me, but I'm no audiophile.


I heard on another thread that potentially the words had changed by the end of the night. :\ You're probably in more of a position to comment than I am though.


Yeah, the PA system did make it sound really demo-ish. But it was still really good :D

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I heard on another thread that potentially the words had changed by the end of the night. :\ You're probably in more of a position to comment than I am though.


Yeah, the PA system did make it sound really demo-ish. But it was still really good :D


:lol: I don't mean to sound like a know-it-all cocky person :P. I just wondered where you'd heard that, because it didn't seem to change to me, but what do I know? I don't exactly have the most stellar hearing :ears:


I should probably just stop posting about it so I don't make a fool of myself.

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:lol: I don't mean to sound like a know-it-all cocky person :P. I just wondered where you'd heard that, because it didn't seem to change to me, but what do I know? I don't exactly have the most stellar hearing :ears:


I should probably just stop posting about it so I don't make a fool of myself.


to be fair, the only part of the lyrics I can remember is the end of the song that we watched them record about a THOUSAND TIMES. :lol:

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:lol: I don't mean to sound like a know-it-all cocky person :P. I just wondered where you'd heard that, because it didn't seem to change to me, but what do I know? I don't exactly have the most stellar hearing :ears:


I should probably just stop posting about it so I don't make a fool of myself.


Oh no, you didn't come across like that! I was just more like you probably heard it more than the rest of us. As said, I can only remember the last section that we sung over and over really well now. The rest has been jumbled with everything :\

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Yes, there is a line from Wedding Bells in there, much as the line "now my feet won't touch the ground" exists in LITii and "Strawberry Swing" and "Now My Feet Won't Touch the Ground." Thanks for reminding me! :dance:


It fits in the song, but I liked the way it was sung in the South Bank Show version of "Wedding Bells" better, personally.




I assume you mean this


LOLOLOL, I got so excited for a second too :P


But hey, my shadow's on Coldplay's Ping :dance:



for a second I thought it was mee because it's right next to the tree, where i was standing. but who knows!

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Oh no, you didn't come across like that! I was just more like you probably heard it more than the rest of us. As said, I can only remember the last section that we sung over and over really well now. The rest has been jumbled with everything :\


Haha, well thanks, but I honestly should just stop posting details about it. A) I could be very wrong, since I'm clearer on some parts over others and I have shite hearing as it is, B) it sounds like I'm taunting everyone, and C) to be perfectly honest, after hearing the song a couple times through, I was less concerned with the song and more with the fact that the boys were all in front of me and might come over, so I kind of zoned out to listening closely :P

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Im looking forward to seeing if our singing that we did at the end is maybe even merged into the song :o

:wacky: that would be so cool!



Why is 8PM Wednesday so far away? Wednesday itself doesn't seem so bad, but 8PM means I have to go through that whole day too...

Finally its a good thing I live in Florida - 3pm :wacky:

"But professor, this is all Coldplay's fault":lol:

"They put me in their new music video and everything"


I'm just giddy Phil will be in a elvis jumpsuit!!

so true!!!!!

so if Matt is directing then who is the third Elvis

it has to be him - he looks so much like Guy :dead::lol:


maybe someone should ask Oracle:P

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