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This is a bit random, but I saw Thom Yorke in Selfridges London on thursday, 1st day of the sale. I was a bit disappointed that he would even set foot in there to be honest, the capitalist bastards! In his defence though, he didn't have any yellow bags in his hand... yet. I would of approached him, could of mentioned that I'd attended the Vic park gig on tuesday, but then I remembered hearing some horror stories about people getting a load of verbal from him in the past! thought better of it. Nevermind, he's still a god and he looked bloody cool in his grey and pink Fred Perry polo and oversized shades with scruffy beard.


Weird Fishes/Arpeggi was awesome on tuesday :cool:

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This is a bit random, but I saw Thom Yorke in Selfridges London on thursday, 1st day of the sale. I was a bit disappointed that he would even set foot in there to be honest, the capitalist bastards! In his defence though, he didn't have any yellow bags in his hand... yet. I would of approached him, could of mentioned that I'd attended the Vic park gig on tuesday, but then I remembered hearing some horror stories about people getting a load of verbal from him in the past! thought better of it. Nevermind, he's still a god and he looked bloody cool in his grey and pink Fred Perry polo and oversized shades with scruffy beard.


Weird Fishes/Arpeggi was awesome on tuesday :cool:


Haha that is a bizarre occurence, i cant even imagine that :|

but i would be the same, to not say anything, and just observe from afar :lol:

He clearly loves his clothes though.

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not sure if you guys have noticed but Thom has been sending comments to his own waste-central profile in the last couple of days. I havent been around yousee.




At 12:12am on 1st July 2008,

this is a strangely lonely business.

or maybe it is just the dark streets of amsterdam.


At 12:24pm on 29th June 2008,

staring out of confined hermetically sealed air conditioned box for too long now. got to get out.


At 1:14pm on 28th June 2008,

made the mistake of reading the newspaper this morning. blerk.

i need to wash again.

in manchester ,rattling around.

searching for something to play in between bands other than the Byetone record which i really love but its a bit full on hmmm.

MGmt are playing with us and Bats tomoro.

the audience at the glasgow show last night were something to remember. they were AMAZing.

in the pissing rain with steam coming of them.

we had a wicked time.

now i'm reading crappy style magazines and wondering whether its even worth unpacking.

recording ideas on to my machine.

looking at a mug from my first primary school in fife.

thinking about amsterdam. thinking about hollywood celeb life dahling.

"you have such an aura dahling.'

thinking about going home.

thinking about biofuels.

and tescos. nasty business. who would be a farmer now?

i mean after all who needs food? what we need is petrol.

thinking about growing yer own vegetables.

and chains of command.

and early warning brake sytems.

and the way the bloody tories sold off the railways.

of all the dumb ass.......



At 5:42pm on 27th June 2008, testing. testing.

is this mic on?

hello mum.

im in glasgow. after london. suffering from slight post shock exhaustion thing. thinking wierd thoughts.

london took it out of me.

at last i have managed to sleep enough.

a rough trip on the bus. lots of bumps. overnight. its raining. people are already at the show. its only 5.30.

lots of blue binliner raincoat covers.

discussing the aniboom video competition. totally blown me away it has. how the hell you pick a winner?

also there's a house of cards vid just about to come out. very exciting. as its finished i can now clear a large space on my hard drive.

there seems a good vibe. my glasgow friends say we are used to this, but wheres the tent?

i don't think 27 thousand people would have fit in it.

i hope this doesnt keep up and drown glastonbury.

colin is taking photos of the delay towers of speakers because they form nice shapes.

its nice hearing some 'basic channel' stuff coming out of the speakers. sounds great. a very expensive hi-fi.

i went with jonny to the glasshouse in the botanical garden and took lots of pinhole camera shots.

come on sun, give us some. x

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Ive been to radiohead yesterday!!!! :dance:


We arrived around 7..there were so many people, but not much people in the front yet. So i stood in front. Then bat for lashes came, they were actually pretty good, she had a really good voice.


After waiting for like 30 minutes radiohead came:dance: And thom had his red trousers on!! :wink3:

They started with Bodysnatchers which was very nice. Then they played all i need and the national anthem. After that 15 step came, i made a video, so i will upload that video from 15 step soon.

Then they played lucky :dance:

They played all of the songs from in rainbows :dance:

I had a wishlist, i wanted them to play CUTW, Jigsaw, Arpeggi, A wolf at the door and karma police! and they all played it!! :dance: So this was the best concert ever! better then the last one!


With bangers and mash thom puts on some safety glasses, which looked really funny :nice:

And i waved to him!! and he looked at me for like 20 seconds long! and my cousin said the whole time: take a photo..but i couldnt..i could just stare back :blush:


I took some really nice pic's, so i will upload them soon








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This is a bit random, but I saw Thom Yorke in Selfridges London on thursday, 1st day of the sale. I was a bit disappointed that he would even set foot in there to be honest, the capitalist bastards! In his defence though, he didn't have any yellow bags in his hand... yet. I would of approached him, could of mentioned that I'd attended the Vic park gig on tuesday, but then I remembered hearing some horror stories about people getting a load of verbal from him in the past! thought better of it. Nevermind, he's still a god and he looked bloody cool in his grey and pink Fred Perry polo and oversized shades with scruffy beard.


Weird Fishes/Arpeggi was awesome on tuesday :cool:


WHAT??? I was in selfridges on thurdsay!!!! was this morning, afternoon?? argh i am so unlucky.

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ooh and i've forgotten to mention!!: i'm not very tall so my dad would lift me on his shoulders once every few minutes so i could get a better view. this way i was taller than everyone, and i was right in the middle and i did it in between songs once and yelled "Yeah Thom!!!" and then he said, idk if it was to that but it seemed like it: "We love you too."



i then proceeded to die.

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