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It is totally within EMI's rights to do whatever they want to with Radiohead's songs. Same for Coldplay's. A traditional clause in recording contracts is that the company owns the copyrights to the songs, not the bands. They could release a compilation a month if they wanted to. :bomb: It's just that traditionally, under old management, they had the courtesy to include the band in on decisions.


Dave will be happy. :dozey::P



Phil said that they CAN do it.



Anyway .... one question: did Optimistic ever get on the radio? because when i heard this song on Kid A for the first time, it felt like i've heard it before! :nice:


That was weird, I actually found your answer yesterday looking through news articles... :stunned:


How many Top 10 hits do you think Radiohead has had on the Modern Rock chart? No, lower. Try three, total, over 15 years--and they've come at roughly seven-year intervals. After scoring with "Creep" (No. 2, 1993), they had to wait until 2000 for the second one--"Optimistic," from Kid A (No. 10)--and only now, seven years and three months later, do they earn their third, as "Bodysnatchers" moves to No. 9.
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Curious, how many people actually sing along to Radiohead?


And whos actually good at it?


Oh come on, let's admit it. We all try to 'do a Thom' whenever we're alone in a car or at home while listening to a Radiohead CD.


I think I'm ok at it.

I'm quite alright in the 90's era Radiohead, but not so much in the new Radiohead.

I mean, Reckoner is friggin' hard to sing to!! Kudos to Thom.

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Oh come on, let's admit it. We all try to 'do a Thom' whenever we're alone in a car or at home while listening to a Radiohead CD.


I think I'm ok at it.

I'm quite alright in the 90's era Radiohead, but not so much in the new Radiohead.

I mean, Reckoner is friggin' hard to sing to!! Kudos to Thom.


Radiohead is pretty easy, likes of No Suprises and There there especially, the challenge for me is Muse and Oasis. I tried singing along to the entire Ok Computer one day and I found Paranoid androids shouting followed by a long suspended cry pretty much impossible to immitate.


A Wolf at the door is the best RH song to 'join in' imo.





Optimistic was the most successful song to get radio time off Kid A so its likely you've heard it before.




As for the greatest hits, Radioheads outlasted Blur, Oasis, Pulp (pretty much every band of their generation except Stereophonics) to the dreaded Greatest hits but I wonder if such a package will be profitable at all.


I mean Radiohead doesn't appeal to the crowd who wait for greatest hits packages and their work is very differcult for the casual market. Plus how can you condense RH's best songs onto an album? with so much of their work being unsimilar, you'd need to do an Echoes: the best of Pink Floyd style song merge for it to work.

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Now where did I post that EMI would do a greatest hits before the year ends to cash in on Radiohead.


Would be funny to see what track-listing they put out on it.




Songs not in order, but:

1 - Creep

2 - My Iron Lung

3 - Fake Plastic Trees

4 - Just

5 - High and Dry

6 - Street Spirit

7 - Paranoid Android

8 - Karma Police

9 - No Surprises

10 - An Airbag Saved my Life

11 - Talk Show Host

12 - Pyramid Song

13 - Knives Out

14 - There There

15 - 2+2=5

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Which in terms of EMI were the 2 biggest selling albums.


They won't go for many album tracks, they will just pick the major hits, and maybe throw in a "rare" song they own the rights to (for example a B-side).


You have to think in terms of the former record label trying to milk as much cash as possible

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Chronologically id put money on


Creep, High and dry, Fake plastic trees, Just, Street Spirit, Paranoid andriod, Karma police, No Suprises, Lucky, Optomistic, How to dissapear completely, Idioteque, Pyramid song, Knifes out, There there, 2+2=5, Wolf at the door and maybe a popular B side like Talk show host.

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I always sing along with their songs


So do I (i actually singalong with every song I listen to). I also sometimes sing Radiohead (among others) when I don't listen to them, like when I'm cooking, or having a shower, or working on maths...


Radiohead is not very very hard to reach when you singalong (except some voices, like the highest on I Will). Muse is a bit harder, and The Mars Volta is extremely hard.

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I have a gut feeling that Kid A will be completely and utterly overlooked on the Greatest Hits compilation.


The CD will mostly contain The Bends + OK Computer material, plus Creep, Pyramid Song, Knives Out, There There and Go To Sleep. I think.


Radiohead won't be having any say in the tracklist as it will be compilated by people who had little to do with Radiohead back in the days. (Most people who were close to Radiohead don't work for EMI anymore). So yeah, it will probably contain singles only, and therefore a complete and boring ripoff for fans. And maybe a second disc with b-sides.


A DVD would be nice though, one with all the videos.

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There already is, although it came out before Kid A. It's called "7 Television Commercials"


There more than 7 now, and I seriously would doubt there would be anything like numerous B side collections on a greatest hits. Radiohead wernt shy for Ep's in their day Airbag and My Iron Lung pretty much are there for the devotes already.


And yeah I reckon Kid A will be missed off totally as well because this CD is easily just going to be RH's most accessable material, not their greatest songs.

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Curious, how many people actually sing along to Radiohead?


And whos actually good at it?


*raises hand* I don't think I'm really good at it, but I don't suck either. I like to sometimes record me singing their songs onto my mp3 player.

Favourite sing along songs:

Karma Police

There There

Go To Sleep

Faust ARP


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i hear we might get the north american tour dates this coming week!! i'm quite excited if that's the case. must get my credit card ready.


question, though: do the tickets go on sale from w.a.s.t.e right when they announce the dates, or is there some lag time? i kind of hope that they tell us the dates and then they go on sale a few days later so i have some time to work out which place would be the best to see them and who wants to come with me.


i suppose i could order from ticketmaster as well...i'm a bit of a seasoned veteran with ticketmaster :D

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