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Here's some radiohead news for you...




It appears to be an official Radiohead Social Networking site.

So I reckon we all get signed up, and see if we get any exclusive news or stuff.


You can add me if you're looking for a friend ;)



One finnish guy on afinnish facebook -type thing in the Radiohead group told that he knows that Mel who runs W.A.S.T.E. And he said once that he could talk to her and get some discount when we talked about posters! And he has met Stanley in one of his exhibitions.




Did you guys join there?


well here's my http://www.waste-central.com/profile/Ella area

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been listening to radiohead yesterday and today... creep, Weird Fishes/Arpeggi, bodysnatchers, High & Dry, fake plastic trees, Paranoid android, airbag, there there, idioteque, no surprises, nobody does it better, i might be wrong, everything in its right place.


(may be i've left to mention some song, i've been listening to them like 2 hours or so :thinking:).


and i had begun to like them :wacky:


which other songs do you advice me to listen of them.

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been listening to radiohead yesterday and today... creep, Weird Fishes/Arpeggi, bodysnatchers, High & Dry, fake plastic trees, Paranoid android, airbag, there there, idioteque, no surprises, nobody does it better, i might be wrong, everything in its right place.


(may be i've left to mention some song, i've been listening to them like 2 hours or so :thinking:).


and i had begun to like them :wacky:


which other songs do you advice me to listen of them.


Maybe try some of their new album, In Rainbows (15 Step, All I Need, Nude, Reckoner & Jigsaw Falling into PLace). Lots of the stuff you mention above is easily accessible, so many In Rainbows would be a good next step. When you're ready, Kid A. But not too soon, you don't wanna ruin it for yourself. But be warned, its incredible ;)

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Maybe try some of their new album, In Rainbows (15 Step, All I Need, Nude, Reckoner & Jigsaw Falling into PLace). Lots of the stuff you mention above is easily accessible, so many In Rainbows would be a good next step. When you're ready, Kid A. But not too soon, you don't wanna ruin it for yourself. But be warned, its incredible ;)

when i gave a proper first listen to a band i listen their know and/or first works before to get to listen their last one to see the evolution of them ;)


Just listened the ones you had adviced me from In Rainbows album ;)

great :cool4:


will listen to Kid A later today. ;)


thanks for the advice.

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when i gave a proper first listen to a band i listen their know and/or first works before to get to listen their last one to see the evolution of them ;)


Just listened the ones you had adviced me from In Rainbows album ;)

great :cool4:


will listen to Kid A later today. ;)


thanks for the advice.


Aww wow, glad you liked the In Rainbows stuff! :D

You'll have to let us know how you get on with Kid A. If you like it, I have two words for you...

OK Computer!!!!!


Truly a classic album, the first album that the kind guys & girls on this board advised me to listen to, and I've been hooked ever since ;)

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Aww wow, glad you liked the In Rainbows stuff! :D

You'll have to let us know how you get on with Kid A. If you like it, I have two words for you...

OK Computer!!!!!


Truly a classic album, the first album that the kind guys & girls on this board advised me to listen to, and I've been hooked ever since ;)

thank you for advice me those songs ;)

just begin to listen Kid A, loving The National Anthem :cool4:


i think i'll listen Ok Computer tomorrow, too much Radiohead for a day if i listen that album also today, don't you think? :wacko:


Yeah i've read that those had become a classic already :)

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i think i'll listen Ok Computer tomorrow, too much Radiohead for a day if i listen that album also today, don't you think? :wacko:


You can never have too much Radiohead!!!!!


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Agreed. And once you're completely hooked be sure to check out their b-sides. They are fantabulous.


Oh god their b-sides are incredible!! and their live stuff as well.


Can you believe I only just heard Like Spinning Plates from I Might Be Wrong. Insane stuff!! <3

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I'm not sure.....:(


See if it were Boston after the 22nd we would make a family trip down since my mom and sister would want to go shopping. So basically all I would have to pay for would be the ticket.


And I'm going to win some money next week (enough to pay for the ticket and some) so everything would have been perfect.


Possibly Montreal, but I don't know. I wouldn't be able to afford travel, food, hotel, and ticket.....:(

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