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In a recent interview that appeared in Rolling Stone, Radiohead’s Thom Yorke revealed that the band that the band will be entering the recording studio in December and January in their recording studio in Oxford, England. “We can get things together quite rapidly at the moment,” Yorke says brightly. He mentions one song, “Come to Your Senses.” “We have this version of it. It’s a five-minute rehearsal, but it has the essence of what we need.


“There are a few of those,” he adds. “It would be fun to have them ready when we go to play next year. I don’t know how we would release them.” Yorke smiles hopefully. “It would be nice to make it all part of the flow and just enjoy it – not think about it too much.”


Here’s what Thom had to say about performing the album live, “It was the same thing with Kid A – the studio was this process, then you bring it to life,” Yorke says of the delay in bringing The King of Limbs to the stage. “In ‘Bloom,’ when Clive goes from the electro pads to the live kit, and my guitar shoots up an octave, I’m like, ‘Wow!’ When we came up with that, it was like, ‘OK, we got it.’”


Radiohead played only three concerts this year because Deamer is also on the road with Portishead. “He wasn’t available,” says Chris Hufford, one of Radiohead’s managers, “and it’s why we couldn’t go out on tour until next year.”


“It will be sort of on and off, with big gaps,” Yorke says of the probable schedule, then grins reassuringly. “But not that big.”


Thom is also expecting to finish his forthcoming Atoms For Peace album this year. The album has “a lot of solo stuff as well,” Yorke adds. But, he confesses, “It’s not good enough yet.” He and Godrich “were excited about it for so long, then we kind of lost our way. So we’re taking some steps back.”


“The genesis was more like The Eraser – Thom and I in the studio,” Godrich says, referring to Yorke’s 2006 solo album. “The idea was to generate the music, then record the band. We did that. Some of it worked. We also went back to some of the electronic stuff. It’s still in flux. We’re waiting for the lightning bolt to strike.”



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