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My neighbour is stalking me. :/

Technicolor Sparks

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Hahaha! Well, I definitely wouldn't mind the attention of he looked like that! :P


It's not that he is bad-looking, because he's not, it's just that I reaallly don't like his personality. On top of all the stuff he has done that creeped me out, he also laughs about people who have committed suicide, and he wants global warming to happen so that the polar bears die.

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and everytime he sees me he makes this really weird high pitched squeal. Soooo creepy.


Sorry but thats hilarious.


OH and I forgot the worst part...yesterday I caught him videotaping me while I ate dinner! :shocked2:


Thats not so hilarious.

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Ahhhh today I thought I was safe, but I ran into him after lunch on the way back to my room and he was like "I'm glad to see that I didn't scare you away after what I said yesterday". And then he kept telling me that it was fate that his room was next to mine. So then he pulled the depressed card and said "I know that you don't feel the same way about me, so this must be God's way of punishing me, like He always does".


I don't want to hurt his feelings, but he will not leave me alone! I hate my life. :bigcry:

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Sorta off-topic, but what's it like there? Ive been trying to decide between M and W, I'm kinda leaning towards W though.


Hey! I really like it so far (other than my stalker hahah!). The campus here is definitely nicer than U of W, imo. And I would presume that there are more events going on here than U of W simply because it is a much larger school.


I would guess that U of W is a little more personal because class sizes would be smaller, depending on what you choose to study. But U of M has more options for degrees and courses. I guess it just depends on what you are planning to study and which factors are most important to you in selecting a school.

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No, I don't know anyone studying religion!


Yeah they should have something like that. I know that BU had a few cohorts in the Arts programs that would help students select courses that would complement each other, but I haven't seen anything like that at U of M. You could probably contact an academic advisor and they would help you plan your schedule. Though even though uni is a little ways off for you, you should call now if you want an appointment by the time you are able to register lol! There are waaayy too many students and not enough advisors!

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Ahhhh today I thought I was safe, but I ran into him after lunch on the way back to my room and he was like "I'm glad to see that I didn't scare you away after what I said yesterday". And then he kept telling me that it was fate that his room was next to mine. So then he pulled the depressed card and said "I know that you don't feel the same way about me, so this must be God's way of punishing me, like He always does".


I don't want to hurt his feelings, but he will not leave me alone! I hate my life. :bigcry:

omg, this guy just won't stop creeping.


In the end you will merely help him by hurting his feelings right now, I mean, by telling him straight in the face that you don't and never will like him, that you feel very unfortable with him around and that you don't EVER want to talk to him again or see him even looking at you, he will hopefully stop fancying you (which is a waist of time) and then he can move on. Once moved on he will probably be glad that he got through all of this. ... looking at the kind of creep he is, sadly, he will probably just crush another victim and the same thing will happen all over again.


Also, :lol: at Reilly's comment! (sorry Billy)

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Agree with Wyrd. Cut the ties best you can. He's already engaging in really creepy behavior with filming you and now he is starting to try and emotionally manipulate you with pity and guilt.

It seems just being nice and polite while explaining things is encouraging him, sadly, and giving him false hopes.

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Yesterday I had been out for a while, and when I came back there was a letter that had been slid under my door. Guess who it was from? :uhoh:


It was titled "Letter of Apology", but it really wasn't an apology. It was basically just him wondering "what he did to upset me" and "why his dream girl doesn't feel the same way". I haven't seen him since I read the letter, so I'm avoiding him like the plague!

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