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How was your year?

The Final Track

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Its was a 50/50 year for me. I had some serious lows and some serious highs. Highlight of my year was after a horrific pregnancy(puking 9 months & almost miscarrying!!!) I met my 3rd child, my baby daughter, in July . She, like her 2 older siblings, are worth every crazy pregnancy moment I had. :D ..I say bring on 2012, I hope its my best year yet!

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Has been an amazing year for me. . .I met a bunch of new, awesome friends for one. Also, I got first chair in band, and made it into County and North Jersey Area Band. For county, I played under the direction of Professor Bott from Rutgers, which was quite an eye-opening experience. Despite the difficulties sophomore year has brought in terms of amount and difficulty of work, I've been handling it well. Overall, I couldn't ask for anything more. :)

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2011 was a year of real change and conflict inside me. I slipped back into bad habits, a long term relationship ended, my sister died and my university work crashed.


But towards the end things turned around. I'm in the top three of my course now at university and I feel far more confident. I have moved on (partially) from my sister's death through God's guidance and observation.


The end result is a very confident me. I feel great right now and I'm ready to succeed and achieve.


My new year's resolutions:


- To be in the top 2 in class by the end of 2012.


- Reformed behaviour. No trouble with police.


- Think of others before myself.


- Introspect more often.


I know I will have an even better year this year.

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Lows: Both of my Grandma's passed away, a friend's mom passed away who I was pretty close to and my GPA has been craptastic this semester.


Highs: I graduated High School, started college, began writing for the school newspaper and just got hired to be on the editing staff.


Oh, and I met some pretty cool people.


Kiame is right; 2011 was a year of change. I was anything but ready for it but something inside me prepared me for all the challenges before 2011 began. I'm just happy the year is over.

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I can not complain. Besides a few hiccups it has been great ;D


I finished high school with results good enough that I got in to college but bad enough so that I'm not currently in a course that I hate. (Seriously, I was going for pyschology but didn't get it. Now I have it as class, that I can drop next year, and I hate it)

I went to London with my friends. I saw Owen Pallett, the Vaccines, Beruit, Mumford & Sons and Arcade Fire in concert all on the same day. I went to Belfast and Dublin with my parents. I had my first drink, went to my debutante ball, started college, met new people, kept old friends, had my first kiss (at 19LOL) and became someone's girlfriend.




So besides annoying health problems and the public health service here being a bitch, it hasn't been half bad.


Good luck to 2012, try and beat that!

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