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What should I do guys?

R's Symphony

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Alright, now I'm a Senior in High School, so most people here would overlook this as just typical high school drama, but I'm just so lost here guys, and I've just been driven crazy, and I really need to know what to do. It's a long story, so if your bored enough to take the time to read it I would appreciate the help immensely.


Ok, so. I've known this girl for about 6 years. We were friends back in Middle school, and I liked her a bit then, but never really talked too much. Anyway it kind of starts last year. She messaged me on Facebook and all with these problems she'd been having. A majority of my school hated her because of an ex- boyfriend who just got everybody against her through lying and whatnot. So she's just insanely depressed and being the nice person I am I console her and just talk through it all with her. So we start to become really good friends. My best friend named Skyler, he's actually a brother to me had previously had feelings for her, but was at the same time in love with this girl that was cousins with her boyfriend. Naturally, he goes on the hate side of the school. She and her best friend start to hang out with my group. Now, I had been incredibly shy all my life until about this year. I was bullied heavily in Middle School and a bit Freshman year until I lost the weight that caused said bullying. Anyway, I still retain a bit of the old me who couldn't so much as look at a large group without getting a bit nervous, so my group was never big.

Anyway, she is beautiful, but an attention whore. Every guy in the fucking school (that doesn't hate her) flirts with her and wants to be with her. She does flirt back and everything, but I was always indifferent about it. Anyway, it was around Mid- late September when she tells me she likes me. Not many girls have liked me, so naturally I was dumbfounded and confused. I thought she meant as a friend. You know, I loved her as a friend and she loved me, but nothing more. After an entire 2 hours of being pretty forward I get it. Then you know, a week passes by with nothing. I had just gotten over this girl I had a crush on and didn't know what to do. My friend (not Skyler) asked me whether or not I would capitalize on said events. I said I don't know if I have feelings.

After a week or so of thinking about it, I decided that I liked her back, I mean she was incredibly gorgeous, and had a lot of the same interests. I planned to tell her the following week when we went to the beach for a Marine Biology class and I flaked. So I told myself I would tell her at the next opportunity. The Thursday that week she told me yet again she had a crush on me. Two hours of working up courage and I finally told her I liked her back. Asking a girl out isn't easy when every girl you've ever liked rejects you instantly, so I admit that I was hoping I wouldn't have to ask her out, that the relationship was just there. I pretty much thought we were together (I realize now how stupid that was). Anyway after 2 months of this going on, I realized we weren't together when I found out she had been making out with one of my friends when we were at his house for a project.

That drove me crazy, and that's when my songwriting started, which provided an excellent outlet for my emotions, hence very depressing songs. Anyway, obviously I am a huge Coldplay fan (the biggest at my school). One mid November day brought a huge opportunity. You had one partner and had to write a parody of a song for a project. Me and her had the same idea for a song. We got assigned together, and I wrote the song. Nothing really happened, except for rumors circulating that she had a boyfriend. With my sanity barely holding on, we talk about the project (I decided not to mention my feelings again yet). Anyway we decide I'd go to her house and everything. Anyway we go to her house and it's just her, me and her dad. He leaves the room and all of the sudden she kisses me for like half a minute on the cheek. My feelings were at this point immense for her, so I was like going crazy in my head. I'd never kissed a girl before, or held hands. Well once with the girl I'm talking about, but that was in class once. Anyway I break the ice after that and lean in to kiss her back on the cheek, which she clarified. When I got close she turned her head and that was my first kiss. Anyway, that night turned out to be the best of my life. She kissed me a lot and we recorded the song, and then we even cuddled while watching the movie Saw.

I gave her two things. One was a paper with one of the songs I wrote for her on it. The other was a poem, which just described my feelings and told her everything I thought about her (beautiful, nice, funny etc..). The next day we went to an island of the coast of Los Angeles named Catalina for Marine Biology. Things didn't go as well as I hoped, but that night I learned for a fact she had a boyfriend. Despite my near suicide, I make it to the next day and things go on. I talked to her that night. Then out of nowhere she said she needed to talk to me about something. I figured it was her boyfriend, so I said what is it. She told me she was in love with me and just a lot of mushy lovey stuff. The night ends with her agreeing to break up with the guy (who she said she only got with because she was lost after she assumed I lost interest in her) and begin our relationship. We get together on December 12th, but due to the recent boyfriend, we couldn't be public unless she wanted to be viewed as a whore. Anyway school let out that week for break and I talked to her Friday and Monday, and I learned we were actually already really serious about each other. We were in love with each other, and had our lives down to the names of our two kids. Anyway I had an extremely busy week and couldn't talk to her at all. Anyway she texts me on Christmas and I texted her back, no big deal. Then she started ignoring me in the following days. Later on the second day of this year she said she ignored me because she thought I was developing feelings for somebody else, It was a long conversation, but we worked everything out. Then later that night she tells me we have communication problems (keep in kind I have started 95% of all our conversations. Which means she's only started like four). Anyway she says we need to go back to friends until we work things out again. I refused to argue, so I said okay. Two days later I find out she had gone to a bonfire with this guy who apparantly "you could tell" was her boyfriend. I haven't talked to her since. I was furious with her and I'm very eager for school to start on Monday so I can chew her out about it and ask her why she had been potentially lying about everything to me. I'm afraid I will succumb to my feelings and go right back. I don't know what she has done or why, but I am still in love with her, even though she may not be in love with me. I know its just teenage drama etc.. But I am lost. Should I break off all ties with her? Try get back with her? Go to being friends with her? I have to tell her how I feel. She has broken my heart twice. I can't stand it. I can't eat, I don't sleep. She is literally driving me to my grave. I can't handle the feelings. I have stood up to a lot of people for her, and defended her on so many occasions. Please guys, I know people on this board can help me. Thank you so much for reading. Please tell me the truth, what do I do? :\

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I read this entire post and cannot get past the fact that you cuddled while watching Saw. :wreck: Anyway, here comes my crappy attempt at helping you :uhoh: :


This does sound like a lot of high school-teen drama. You yourself said she was an attention whore, and, in my opinion, it just seems like she was using you.


While you're wondering whether or not you should get back together, you have to take into account the possibility that this will all just happen again; you'll be left brokenhearted and depressed while she's off making out with other guys at bonfire parties. From personal experience, I'd say let go, or at least try explaining to her how you feel about the the whole thing.


You seem like such a great guy, and, from what you say about her, I really think you deserve a whole lot better than the way she's treated you. :nice:

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Thanks guys. I really do want to just end all my ties with her, but I just can't. I know I deserve anything if I choose to get back with her. I just have never felt this way about anyone. I've felt pretty strongly, but this makes anything thats ever happened in my life seem like childs play. I don't know how I feel anymore. I hate her for what shes done to me, and I still love her. I want to let go, but I want to be with her. Her best friend hates her too. I can see why she got so many people to hate her. You guys really think I should end it all? I'm definitely telling her how I feel, what shes done to me. That's no question. I feel though she'll try to justify it and I'll believe it.


P.S. Saw was her idea

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I recommend... moving to Alaska!:laugh3: Seriously though, it sounds like she's just a butterfly, going with whomever she is attracted to at the moment, which probably won't change. Find someone normal and stable who you like and who likes you.;)




I'm just going to tell you that I've been in the same situation, and no matter how many times they say it will or you think things will change, they really don't and you just end up hurting yourself worse. :tongue:

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I'm just going to tell you that I've been in the same situation, and no matter how many times they say it will or you think things will change, they really don't and you just end up hurting yourself worse. :tongue:


That's what I've been told. I have told her about how it bugs me she flirts with everyone and how every guy likes her and she was like "oh my heart belongs to you etc.." I bought all of her bullshit until now, I guess I'll find out on Monday how things are going to go. Seeing as how she became my best friend before we got together it's not going to be an easy year

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That's what I've been told. I have told her about how it bugs me she flirts with everyone and how every guy likes her and she was like "oh my heart belongs to you etc.." I bought all of her bullshit until now, I guess I'll find out on Monday how things are going to go. Seeing as how she became my best friend before we got together it's not going to be an easy year


:sad: :hug:

I'm sure things will work out though. :wacko:

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Guest LiquidSky
The night ends with her agreeing to break up with the guy (who she said she only got with because she was lost after she assumed I lost interest in her) and begin our relationship. We get together on December 12th, but due to the recent boyfriend, we couldn't be public unless she wanted to be viewed as a whore.


That's cause she is! I wouldn't be surprised if she's sleeping with these guys... Would you go back to her if you found out she not only "kissed" these guys but slept with them & how many while BEING WITH YOU?????!


Honestly, forget about her. Good luck:)'


PS: Next time, use paragraphs please!:P

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this would be 10x easier to read if you used paragraphs maybe go back and edit it and put some spacing!


but im a senior in high school and i was in that position 5 years ago and i was waiting on a girl who kept dragging me along and i wish i did this sooner, i just got so tired of all the shit that i put myself first (which i usually dont do) and told her to go fuck herself and i havent talked to her since!


when you do that you will thank yourself years from now, because after how low and shitty i felt, i didnt want to have to feel like that all the time cus of a girl. sure itll really hurt for a few weeks or months but trust me you are putting yourself through this pain now with her that will never end so just help yourself get the pain over with and you will thank yourself in the future when you realize it was a good decision


so yes break it off


pain for now and no pain in the future>lingering pain for months or years



and by wasting all this time on one girl you could be missing out on a really good girl!




please help yourself!

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Well, calling her a bitch and doing nothing else would be pointless, I think. But taking a moment when you talk (you only, don't let her interrupt you or she'll do her trick again) and say everything you have on your heart, and then, at the end, call her bitch, that would be ok. Because from what I've read, she's a lying self-righteous bitch.

You probably made up your mind already on what you want to do, but I would advise you to never talk to her again. Ever.

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