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Senior's photo deemed too sexy for yearbook


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Senior's photo deemed too sexy for yearbook




DENVER (CNN) - A high school senior's racy picture is causing controversy after the yearbook staff refused to publish it, calling the picture inappropriate.


The photo shows 18-year-old Sydney Spies in a short skirt and revealing top. She had it taken by a professional photographer in her hometown of Durango, Colorado, and submitted it to the yearbook with her mother's approval.


"She tells me that she has grown tired of seeing all the boring pictures submitted, and she wanted to do something different," said Sydney's mother, Miki Spies.


Seniors at Durango High School can submit their own photos to the yearbook. They often choose pictures that reflect their interests, like sports or music.


A committee of five students determines whether the photos are acceptable. They rejected Spies' photo, calling it inappropriate. A second photo, this one showing her in a short dress against a brick wall, was also rejected.


"There's something wrong when people can't express themselves in their own yearbook," Miki Spies said.


The Durango School District says it wasn't part of the process, but it supports the decision of the yearbook committee.


According to spokeswoman Marty Kay Hutton, "The student editors of Durango High School's yearbook informed a senior student in December that her photo in question would not be included as a senior portrait in the yearbook and asked her to submit a replacement. Durango School District administration supports this decision."


Miki Spies says her daughter should be able to express herself, just like any other student.


"There are no standards that are required for yearbook photos. She's into the arts outside of school," Miki Spies said.


The photos have outraged many as the story has spread. On a Facebook page set up by the family, some of the comments are extremely negative:


"Too sexy for a young woman. Think of how you will be remembered for the rest of your life, in the eyes of your classmates."


"You are gross and your parents are losers like you are."




Miki Spies says that she is surprised by the comments but that they have strengthened her resolve to fight for her daughter. She's not sure what they will do next but says she has contacted the ACLU for help.


"I'm a fighter for the underdog, and I hate the abuse of authority," she said. "I'm surprised more Americans aren't on the side on freedom of expression anymore."




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I don't think is particularly "newsworthy", and really all I'm looking for is people's opinions anyway (i.e., Lounge-worthy).


During my senior year, we could also submit professional photographer photos for the yearbook (which I think everyone did). However, the photos for the yearbook had to be "head shots", showing only your head and shoulders. So these photos wouldn't have even been eligible for submission to the yearbook anyway.


What are/were the rules for submitting senior photos for your yearbook? I'm just curious if anyone else would run into this issue.



Oh, and LOLOLOL that the father is defending her from the perspective of thinking it's wrong that the students can't express their "interests". And what, pray tell, are your daughter's "interests" as depicted by her photos?

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To answer the question, I hate to be a conservative douchebaeg but I have to agree with the school, these things always get out of hand. I don't mean all young people are fickle and stupid, but some are, then next year there will be some girl will have a pure cleavage shot, and by 2014 someone will submit some bukkake scene she did (DONT look up bukkake kids).

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I have a feeling this is moreso about two things:

a) how the group of students define what is 'appropriate' for a yearbook

b) a broader social issue: how sexy is too sexy?


The latter is definitely the main issue playing into the situation.



I can see the reasoning for the first picture being rejected. It looks more like a photo from a softcore magazine, in my own opinion...

The second however seems fine. Sure, it's still got that posing thing going on, but it looks more like a photo of a woman going to spend the night in town having fun.


But again... what's appropriate for a yearbook? What's too sexy? This is all perception...


Those Bookface comments make me want to spit fireballs at the commentators... but that's the shit people spew on public Bookface pages. Wouldn't be surprised if some are actually being earnest in their thoughts instead of trolling though.


If you want opinions NumbersGirl, I'm gonna post this in a feminist discussion group I'm a part of, and then post their general consensus of reply here. Usually the folk I've met there do a better job of grasping and describing the social issues than I :P

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What the hell is wrong with the first photo? Is it because she's got her stomach exposed? :wtf:

I personally can't see anything wrong with it, it's a good professional photo.


The second one I could see why they'd have a problem. Its very skin tight and shows of her bewbs and other areas pretty well.

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her outfits are to go to the beach and disco. the second is held for someone much more mature. the scene of the photo is more for fashion magazine woman fatale.

the fact of being glued to the wall. and the dress just emphasizes her body .


photographers can make beautiful pictures expressive and captures the personality of a person, sexy .I think it's never a problem



I think the school is a serious institution.


outside the institution if it wants to express his personality never problem.


there is lots of problems of rapes, intimidations, and others in schools. never good.

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Apart from: "Hey guys, I'm hot and available" I don't get the message she's trying to send with those photos :wtf:

And, does she want to be remembered like that ? If she wants people to remember her for her personality, then I don't think that's the solution...

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In the sports pages of my yearbook: There was a guy wrestling in a unitard with a horrible, blatant erection. Needless to say, it was way grosser than this.


The worst part about it was that the SAME GUY worked for the yearbook and made those pages. He had a reputation for being a serious creep. Now the colorful imagery is reliving itself in my head. Joy.

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Guest LiquidSky

my highschool was too strict with dress code so this would def be out of the question to submit..whether it was for the yearbook or not. I also think it's inapropriate. It would be fine if it's like her 17-18birthday party and she wants to display those pictures at the party..


For my highschool, people would submit pictures like when they were toddlers all the way to growing up.

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I feel like she should stop complaining and just submit a nice picture of herself wearing less revealing clothes. Obviously if they didn't accept the first one, they weren't going to accept the second and they don't approve of boderline-revealing pictures. Besides this is a yearbook. . . it's not like she's actually modeling or anything.

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