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This bitch cray


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Chuck I've strongly agreed on you with most things, but every now and then something comes along that I strongly disagree with you about, and I guess you're one of them type characters (Which isn't a bad thing).


Stalking a stalker? Does that not send out the completely wrong signal?

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Chuck I've strongly agreed on you with most things, but every now and then something comes along that I strongly disagree with you about, and I guess you're one of them type characters (Which isn't a bad thing).


Stalking a stalker? Does that not send out the completely wrong signal?

It's reverse-reverse logic, it works every time! :laugh3: But actually, one would want to know what she's up to, so one might anticipate some of the 'bugging' issues, and what sets her off on these escapades. Sun su said so.

I tried it, but it didn't work?:confused: Maybe it's not good advice!:laugh3:

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Clearly if she thinks that he is stalking her, she isn't going to be creeped out, but think that he has a real interest in her, and then she'll pursue further.

Is that why it didn't work?:laugh3: I knew my methods need some improvement.

But if Brent were super-stealthy, maybe he could plant a bug on her and know her next move. Something small, maybe a beetle. I saw it on a TV show, and it worked well... :laugh3: Nevahmind! best to just ignore her.

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Um, hm.. is there an answer? I always believe in stalking back, but that's just me.. Brent, how about window shades, alarm sensors, motion detector cameras? Probable cause to have her restrained?


You would make a horrible stalkee

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make Rose petal jam, good stuff. I had a girlfriend who made some for me once, it was great! But the commercial roses might be sprayed with who knows what.. stick to eating the organic roses or wild ones.

hm... maybe I would make a horrible stalkee - I'd have to go all the way to Seattle to stalk back! :laugh3:

Brent, you could try living in Seattle - it's foggy and rainy so much, you're stalker would have a harder time spotting you!

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