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Do musicians listen to their own music?


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Cause obviously when you're writing a song it's because you think it's good; it's stuck in your head a lot.

Does Coldplay have Coldplay on their iPod?

Or do they at least keep a copy of the albums they release and their merchandise?

Do toy designers own a box of the toys they make?

etc etc

this has been in my head all day


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^ Agree. But it's better that he don't tell he's the best song-writer and musician in the world. But I was a bit dumbfounded, when Chris said that Lady Gaga writes better songs than he. :stunned:

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I would always notice the mistakes


I'm sure they listen to it when it's finished, but it's not like they listen to it recreationally. It would be like if I worked at McDonalds, and after I went home I would fry a bunch of hamburgers because I love it so so so much.

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I would always notice the mistakes

I agree.

It would be like if I worked at McDonalds, and after I went home I would fry a bunch of hamburgers because I love it so so so much.

Well there's a difference. Is frying burgers your passion? Do you work hard to achieve massive success in your burger frying?

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Well there's a difference. Is frying burgers your passion? Do you work hard to achieve massive success in your burger frying?


I mean if music was my passion I would listen to OTHER people's music. Chris listens to The Flaming Lips a lot from what I hear.


But the question: DO they listen to their own music? Probably, to a certain extent. Especially if they're working.

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Chris hates hearing his voice, he says it's so weird, and he doesn't like that at all. He said it in multiple interviews. He says the only one "listenable" for him from the last album is PoC, because Rihanna sings.

I don't think they listen a lot to their music, except when they're making a record, of course.

And also, they said that they always want to add something, or to change something.

And that they don't want to repeat themselves, so they listen to tons of stuff instead of their own music (I think Guy said that :thinking: )

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Chris hates hearing his voice, he says it's so weird, and he doesn't like that at all. He said it in multiple interviews. He says the only one "listenable" for him from the last album is PoC, because Rihanna sings.

I don't think they listen a lot to their music, except when they're making a record, of course.

And also, they said that they always want to add something, or to change something.

And that they don't want to repeat themselves, so they listen to tons of stuff instead of their own music (I think Guy said that :thinking: )


Same thing happens with me, whenever I find a recording of me, I get extremely scared because my sounds deeper on camera. It's weird because I hear myself as I'm singing, but when I hear the recording I'm like wanting to break my PC :blank:


Although for reasons unknown people actually say I'm good (I suspect they're lying, but some of the people were talented musicians themselves) :confused:

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it's just not to become crazy psycho on his own music, because I put my volume. but music or voice is not important, but the character, the heart, and all these feelings. Can I deciphered the personality of people.


they have singers. bands who make music just for fame, notoriety, where they have the worst characters to hear in their songs.


Chris is a very humble man with also mood altering unstable .

but this is why all the songs he writes are honest and spontaneous. he always has a surprise in his face when the people compliments.

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I always think about this, I feel like they have heard it enough once they play it live so many times. Or to record it, making song is playing it over and over again until you get it right, atleast what you think is right. It probably doesn´t matter at first because all they think about is how they want the song or album to be. And once it´s sent out to everyone you don´t really feel like listening to it because it will make you notice what could have been better and etc.. IDK :uhoh:

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Does Coldplay have Coldplay on their iPod?


I know Chris doesn't. In his interview with Shane Warne he said he turns off the radio whenever he hears a Coldplay song. He has also said that after a release of the record he doesn't feel like it is "his" anymore. So no.


But Jonny probably does. Jonny has mentioned in interviews that his daughter forces him to put on Coldplay records whenver they are driving together.


But anyways, it depends on the person. I'm sure douchebags like Soulja Boy walk around all day with their own songs playing.

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I've got some musicians on my last.fm and there's one in particular that regularly listens to songs made by him and his buddy. Most songs played by him are one's of his own band :blank:


The others not so much. I heard them say they get tired of their own songs, because they hear them already too many times when rehearsalling/recording/playing gigs. I can imagine that with Coldplay it is like that.

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Cause obviously when you're writing a song it's because you think it's good; it's stuck in your head a lot.

Does Coldplay have Coldplay on their iPod?

dunno but according to Gwyn when their kids were younger she used to play Coldplay's music so the kids don't miss him so much. (i could be wrong, but i bet i read some like that back then).

Or do they at least keep a copy of the albums they release and their merchandise?

i bet they do keep a copy as merchandise, you don't know when you'll need to show or give it.

Do toy designers own a box of the toys they make?

etc etc

excusez-moi, quoi?

this has been in my head all day


other singers most of the time i've read they are shocked to listen themselves -specially when a hit is playing on the radio while they do a normal routine at home (you know they are human beigns too) years after it was a hit- they get to the point to not reckon themselves at first.


other artistic skill as is writing, i've heard some don't even read their books once they are published, cause once it's done is done, if not they would keep changing the book -plots, characters and so on. others even got to the point to dislike their first works they bought the remain copies to destroy them. :| other re-edit their works, make changes. (sort of like in music a dj means to do when remixing some music of other).

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Thanks for the replies, guys, gave me a lot to think about. :surprised:

I've got some musicians on my last.fm and there's one in particular that regularly listens to songs made by him and his buddy. Most songs played by him are one's of his own band :blank:


I guess singers listen to their own songs, this way they can figure out what they should improve in their singing skills. Perfectionism for the better:)

Did you join the forum just to post a reply hahaha


Yep, I figure that's what a lot of musicians do. Me, I would be terrified of listening to my own songs because it would never sound as nice as it did when it was initially in my head

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