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Least favourite song from each album?


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1) Sparks

2) A Whisper

3) Twisted Logic

4) hmmm....I guess I'll take the easy route for this brilliant album and say The Escapist, only because it's so short and hurt me the least use!

5) I guess U.F.O but I really like it. I think I'm the only one that likes Princess of China, particularly the acoustic verison


The only song on this list that I skip ocassionally is Twisted Logic, but I still like it.

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I cant really do it for Coldplay songs , I all like or love them but top 5 I like least


- Chinese sleep chant

- Paradise (the chorus)

- Every Teardrop (Coldplay doesn't need to cover melodies, they're best at making wonderfull ones themselves)

- POC ( without rihanna and played accoustic it would be one of my favorites)

Up in Flames (like it , could have been better, too repetitive)


I listen to all of them, but these are the only ones from the guys that i think could have been better , or better replaced by other ones :rolleyes:

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^ I'm sure most people knows that by now. :P

Parachutes: To be honest, I love every single song on Parachutes.

AROBTTH: Again, I love every single song, but I'd say The Scientist is the weakest.

X&Y: Twisted Logic

VLVODAAHF: Chinese sleep chant (I guess it counts as a song)


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^ I'm sure most people knows that by now. :P

Parachutes: To be honest, I love every single song on Parachutes.

AROBTTH: Again, I love every single song, but I'd say The Scientist is the weakest.

X&Y: Twisted Logic

VLVODAAHF: Chinese sleep chant (I guess it counts as a song)



Chinese Sleep Chant is my favourite from VLV :P

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Awww, c'mon there must be a song you don't like as much as the others... not even POC? :P

Yeah, even if you think everything Coldplay does is perfect, since Rihanna does something in Princess of China, it could be a little less perfect than the others.

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Hmm, I only dislike one song and that is 'Princess of China'..


But anyway here is the rest that I usually skip, due to the song that's after it:


Parachutes: Sparks

A Rush Of Blood To The Head: A Whisper

X&Y: Twisted Logic

Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends: Chinese Sleep Chant

Mylo Xyloto: Princess Of China

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"High Speed" because it's the most boring song with the least meaning on Parachutes. "Warning Sign" because it sounds pretty damn generic. "The Hardest Part" just does not have a place on what would be a solid album without it. "Yes" and "42" are just awful. Seriously awful. Worst lyrics ever. I seriously don't understand the appeal of "42"--"those who are dead are not dead, they're just living in my head"? Really? And can I pick the whole of Mylo Xyloto with the exception of "Us Against the World"?

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