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Least favourite song from each album?


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Excuse me, you're entitled to whatever thought and opinion you want to have, but it's not a crime neither is it shocking or offensive to not like something Coldplay did. It doesn't make you less of a fan if you don't like a song or a set of songs. Besides, if you're no longer a diehard fan or not a fan anymore, it also not criminal.


I'm not taking a dig at you, but this is the second or third time you hint at ideas like this and I thought I'd like to share with you an alternative view. You don't have to agree with me, surely :thumbsup:

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Excuse me, you're entitled to whatever thought and opinion you want to have, but it's not a crime neither is it shocking or offensive to not like something Coldplay did. It doesn't make you less of a fan if you don't like a song or a set of songs. Besides, if you're no longer a diehard fan or not a fan anymore, it also not criminal.


I'm not taking a dig at you, but this is the second or third time you hint at ideas like this and I thought I'd like to share with you an alternative view. You don't have to agree with me, surely :thumbsup:


I was just shocked, to me :O means shocked :)

Sorry if I offend people :confused:

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After a year of "officially" being a fan, I'm gonna try.


Parachutes: High Speed

AROBTTH: :bomb: damn this is hard....A Whisper is probably the song that I listened to the less of this album, but it doesn't mean I don't like it, actually I really enjoy it! I guess that for this album it really depends on my mood...Sometimes I feel I've listened to IMP too much and I can't bear it for a day, sometimes Daylight is my least favourite and sometimes I find it awesome...

X&Y: Twisted Logic (or X&Y, sometimes)

VLVorDAAHF: I. really. can't. choose. :bomb: I guess it's the same as for AROBTTH, it really depends on my mood, and changes a lot.

MX: :thinking: PoC, perhaps, although I do enjoy it. The louder you listen to MX, the better it gets. UiF would be my other least favourite, but I still enjoy it. Sometimes I can't stand Paradise.

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I don't realy have a less favourite on this album. If i had to choose one, I'll choose Sparks. For me the song is too slowly for its during.


A Rush Of Blood To The Head

A Whisper, definitely. No reason for it, I just don't love the song, they had to put 1:36 or One I Love here.



Square One, I love the song but it's my least favourite from X&Y.


Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends

Reign of Love. In my opinion the song doesn't fit between Lovers in Japan and Yes. The song would fit perfectly on the Prospekt's March EP. between Rainy Day and Lost+.


Mylo Xyloto

Up In Flames, Princess of China. Up in Flames would be a great song without the electronic beat. Princess of China has just one reason why it is wretched. Rihanna.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I really didn't dislike an album track off the first two albums so the choices off those are simply 'least liked'


Parachutes: We Never Change

A Rush Of Blood To The Head: A Whisper

X&Y: Twisted Logic


Mylo Xyloto: Princess Of China


i think in all there are maybe 3/4 songs i could see myself skipping, if i ever did such a terrible thing

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Parachutes: High Speed, I love to play it but sometimes i skip it when listening to the album


AROBTTH: A Whisper, but it's a great song, is just the "least fucking awesome"


X&Y: Twisted Logic, It doesn't fit in a love-based album


VLVODAAHF: Yes, but like A Whisper is just the "least fucking awesome"


MX: PoC and M.M.I.X, one simply suck, the other is just extremly boring.



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