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Is there a God?


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I created this thread to stimulate a discussion about a controversial issue. Not to hurt anyone's feelings. That was your doing.


Coldplay has nothing to do with what I believe. Hey, this is on Coldplaying.com. But if I mention a quote by Chris Martin, I'm suddenly stupid. Thanks. And you seem to have made this thread mainly to make fun of people who believe in God (or at least judging from some of your comments).


You're trying to use reasoning to make an argument.


If Joel Osteen goes on his televangelist show to bash gay people and poor people, he wouldn't be very credible if he quoted Chris Martin. He would quote some prick like Leviticus or Judas or something.


If you're making a point, and you use evidence to back it up, it needs to be credible to stand.



Aside from that... It annoys lounge users when Coldplay is the topic of discussion here. The rest of the gigantic forum is available for fangirling, salivating at naked Berryman pictures, and speculating about what Car Kids means. Not the lounge. I'm not making fun of you for believing in the Christian manifestation of god. I'm making fun of you for using Coldplay to make a misguided point about heaven and hell.

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I created this thread to stimulate a discussion about a controversial issue. Not to hurt anyone's feelings. That was your doing.




You're trying to use reasoning to make an argument.


If Joel Osteen goes on his televangelist show to bash gay people and poor people, he wouldn't be very credible if he quoted Chris Martin. He would quote some prick like Leviticus or Judas or something.


If you're making a point, and you use evidence to back it up, it needs to be credible to stand.



Aside from that... It annoys lounge users when Coldplay is the topic of discussion here. The rest of the gigantic forum is available for fangirling, salivating at naked Berryman pictures, and speculating about what Car Kids means. Not the lounge. I'm not making fun of you for believing in the Christian manifestation of god. I'm making fun of you for using Coldplay to make a misguided point about heaven and hell.

I WASN'T TRYING TO MAKE ANY POINTS! I just liked that quote and I put it up. It had nothing to do with trying to prove a point. Really. I could put up quotes about Tim Rice-Oxley (pianist and songwriter of Keane) saying that he doesn't believe in God or that he doesn't think there's any life after death. Just because I love Keane and am really inspired by Tim Rice-Oxley (perhaps even more than Chris Martin) , doesn't mean I'm gonna believe everything he believes. I just simply wanted to put up a quote. Seriously!

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The way you edited still sorta sounds like your implying that she is going to hell, but said in a different way.. "I just want you to go to heaven" because "I think you are going to hell"


I almost wrote a whole paragraph about me and religion and evertime i do that it never makes sense, a friend of mine told me about Deism and I´m really interested since its the way I´ve seen christianity other than following what my parents told me, you should obey your parents but its good to research things for yourself. Maybe my mom was just taught that homosexuality is some kind of plague and I don´t need to follow that.


I love everybody :heart: :daisy:

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Hahaha! I just realised what you said! Leviticus is a book of the bible, not a man.


Woah there cowpoke. Why jump on me like that? Yikes.


First, nothing the Levites ever said is worth quoting because they're a bunch of bigoted assholes. You know that Leviticus says not just that two men shouldn't sleep together, but that we mustn't blend wool and linen. And we can't sit in a chair after a woman with a period sat in it. It's bullshit. Hence why it shouldn't be in the Bible, hence why the Bible is full of crap, hence why Christianity bullies people.


Second, Leviticus refers to a collective group of people called the Levites. That book represents the Levite teaching, and what it says is Leviticus. Therefore, if it's a Leviticus quote, it's a Levite. A Levite is a person whose words they belong to.


Chillax, bro.


For being an all-loving, god-fearing Christian, you sure are eager for blood here.


And I don't think Judas has many things to say that would be worth quoting. haha!


That was the joke. Thank you for making it lame.

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Jeez, chill people.


Reading this really made me feel like I wasn't alone. I've prayed and wished and hoped for things that don't come, but when I've needed a sign, I've got it. And often, you brush off those experiences, but reading this, and after something that happened to me yesterday, you've opened my eyes to something. So thanks :)


You're welcome :)

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And you seem to have made this thread mainly to make fun of people who believe in God (or at least judging from some of your comments).
Well, I can remember that he himself believes in God. I don't think he wants to make fun of his 'own people' - so to say.


This is just a delicate topic I guess.


Deism? I think I feel for Dee-ism. Dee is our Goddess. Bless you all. :kiss:

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I believe a god exists. I even voted yes.


But I also think organized religion is a big, stinky turd in the punchbowl. Take for example this girl telling us we're going to hell instead of celebrating cognitive diversity. Organized religion is an excuse to turn a blind eye to how the world works. Instead, it victimizes and excludes people. It gets in the way of what god is. It epitomizes irony.

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You're not sorry, because it's still up. So.


But it's not like you need to apologize anyway. I tend to repeat myself. So much for a constructive conversation.


I really just want that girl to apologize for telling us we're going to hell, instead of blaming us for 'misunderstanding'. That pissed me off.

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'that girl' is just open about her vision of the world. About what, according to her, the truth is. Absolute truth. Wanting her to apologize for that, is like wanting me to apologize for saying that you are a mammal living in a dying solar system. For her this religion and the idea of other people not living according to it going to hell is the truth. I hope you are not pissed off at her, but at the religion. She can't help it that she's convinced that people that don't worship God in the right way will go to hell. Or that the bible is to be taken literally.


Since we don't think we will end up there, why feel bad about it?

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Okay, I'm sorry that I caused such a comotion. I know I'm not perfect and I make mistakes. Sometimes things may be better left unsaid in certain places or at certain times. I will say I never said that you where going to hell, because only God knows that, so I can't begin to judge anyone. I'm sorry that so many people got upset at what I was saying.


Oh, and Brent, I knew you were joking about quoting Judas, that's mainly why I found that funny. I was just imagining him quoting Judas. haha!


God bless you all.

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Said I'd leave this thread, but it's turned very sour

I think past page 5

The lesson about respecting others that I was trying to teach turned into a long streak of annoying, monotonous comments

And past page 6, it turned into blatant rudeness and attack no matter what she posted

no offense to anyone who posted, I'm not attacking any individual post


but I think she gets it already

And I don't really see anything wrong with the Coldplay quote ?


I hope this didn't start cos of me :uhoh: I just want people to respect me the way I respect others.


I hope some day people will really believe "love others as you love yourself", and not just repetitively recite it just cos it's in some book

and I mean that for anyone, theist or atheist or whatever's in between.


If you feel right or superior about your views right now and you were secretly eager to share them when you saw this thread, then I think you're part of the problem.


I'd recommend this thread being locked, unless someone can change the direction


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Okay, I read this verse and though it has nothing to do with whether or no God exists, it was part of the reason I decided to apologise.


"Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see God" Hebrews 12:14


Sorry for causing a commotion, even if it wasn't my intention, I did cause quite a uproar. Haha!

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What I will say, is that Christians will never know the way of God. You just have to have faith. Religion is, to some degree, unexplainable.


I get what you mean. But my mind can't believe something that doesn't have concrete evidence to back it up. If that makes any sense. Lol. Off to school now...I go.

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I get what you mean. But my mind can't believe something that doesn't have concrete evidence to back it up. If that makes any sense. Lol. Off to school now...I go.


A lot of people can't, but I think it might be the Western society we live in. I've spoken to African people who say they're more religious at home. Which is odd!

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This is really a good topic to discuss and it is always contentious. 'Is there God' is topic many people have different answers to. I, for one believe that we should first of all know what love really is before we can ask the question 'Is there God'. All I can say here is that 'God is Love'.

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