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Which band is the best lyrically in your opinion?


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Noel Gallagher in both his solo work and time in Oasis is my favourite lyricist. Not always the most elaborate or deep stuff, but it's simple and it has a lot of honest truth in it.


"And now my life has turned another corner,

I think it's only best that I should warn ya,

Dream it while you can,

Maybe some day I'll make you understand."

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Good question! Personally don't like lyrics that are too cryptic or trying to be too poetic, or lyrics that are too simple. Coldplay's lyrics have gone back and forth between the two I think, though they're generally pretty good.


My personal favourite would have to be The Killers- I just love singing along to pretty much any of their albums!

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Noel Gallagher in both his solo work and time in Oasis is my favourite lyricist. Not always the most elaborate or deep stuff, but it's simple and it has a lot of honest truth in it.


"And now my life has turned another corner,

I think it's only best that I should warn ya,

Dream it while you can,

Maybe some day I'll make you understand."




Same impression here. Followed straight by everything Richard Ashcroft has done.

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I'd go with Lou Reed (Solo and with the Velvet Underground). He can basically write about anything, and he's a poet and writer. I can only think of The HAARP Machine as of now as another band that has interesting and provacative lyrics.

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i thought about this all day but i seriously can't think of anything


edit: no okay maybe wilco on their sadder songs


And many of their lyrics are based on or by Arlo Guthrie, who is Brilliant.


If we can pick a solo act, I have to Take Leonard Cohen but for a band probably Radiohead or the Smiths.

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