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Ghost Story


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It would be amazing if this song was just an instrumental full of strident guitars and maybe some pianos surrounded by REAL ghost sounds (electronic voice phenomenons)


I'm all for this. Maybe something Cemeteries of Londonish if there are lyrics? Something that tells a story within the song.

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I'm all for this. Maybe something Cemeteries of Londonish if there are lyrics? Something that tells a story within the song.


Hell yeah. I'm thinking about a mix of Cemeteries of London, 42 and Chinese Sleep Chant. All reminiscent of the Viva era but then the violent ghost sounds screaming everywhere, creating a scary atmosphere.

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Easily the best song from this album. Holy shit it's so amazing! I'm so thankful that they made this but also a little bitter that the rest of the album didn't sound like this.


I'm actually in shock over this song, it's absolutely perfect. EVERYBODY GO LISTEN TO IT NOW.

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Easily the best song from this album. Holy shit it's so amazing! I'm so thankful that they made this but also a little bitter that the rest of the album didn't sound like this.


I'm actually in shock over this song, it's absolutely perfect. EVERYBODY GO LISTEN TO IT NOW.


I am very happy this song exist haha

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I actually really like the album and I love the sound they've created but this song has actually made me angry at the album for sounding the way it does when it could have sounded like this haha


Haha I totally get you mean... Maybe next time? O_O Until then we have this awesome chill album !

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I can see the slight relation to AROBTTH but as for whisper, I don't see the relation personally. I don't think you should try and compare every song to a previous album or song. the whole point of a new album is a different sound in my opinion.

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I can see the slight relation to AROBTTH but as for whisper, I don't see the relation personally. I don't think you should try and compare every song to a previous album or song. the whole point of a new album is a different sound in my opinion.


I'm not comparing every song... it reminds me, what can I do? :thinking:

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Yeah it's alright I wasn't necessarily talking about you, just people in general. But yeah I look for what makes it unique from everything else I guess. Everyone has the right to think whatever they want though, so if it brings you joy to think about songs like that don't worry what I think, that's just my opinion :)

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Yeah it's alright I wasn't necessarily talking about you, just people in general. But yeah I look for what makes it unique from everything else I guess. Everyone has the right to think whatever they want though, so if it brings you joy to think about songs like that don't worry what I think, that's just my opinion :)


Cool mate, I'm just relating it cause I enjoy A Whisper a lot :)

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